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篇一:小学三年级作文《可 爱 的 海 豚》

可 爱 的 海 豚

安县七一实小三、三班 李梓菡 指导教师 刘春容










海豚的外形十分灵巧,身子像月牙的形状显的十分可爱。要是经过严格训练的海豚,可以表演各种节目,如顶球、投篮、钻火圈等各种杂技。但有人说:“ 海豚为什么叫、为什么 囧人和为什么特别聪明哩?”原来呀 它们是在向同伴发出信号。这些从口中发出的叫声各不相同,有的是向同伴自我简绍,有的是告诉同伴发现食物啦,有的则向同伴穷的。那为什么海豚要急哦人和为什么特别聪明哩?因为海豚生性活泼、不怕人。同时它们又很顽皮,看见浮在水上的东西,喜欢去听话玩,直到团伙上岸才肯罢休。那为什么特别聪明哩?原来海豚的大脑非常发达是动物是是发达的大脑之一。它们的大脑分为两部分,中间完全分开,其中一部分工作、一部分几充分休息。所以,它们终生可以不睡觉。









我曾多次见到海豚,几次是在海洋馆。还有一次是在大海 里。都给我留下了很深的印象。海洋馆的海豚训练有素。它们在训兽员的指挥下在游泳 池里高高跃起,用细长的嘴巴顶一下皮球,随后落入水里,就像一尾尾落入碧波的仙子,妩媚而灵动。之后再表演钻圈圈,它们先在水里摆动灵活的身躯来到圈子的下前方,在纵身一跃,灵巧的


而海里的海豚是自由自在不受拘束的,在海里随心所欲的畅游。但在这么多游客的目光下还是免不了有些害羞的。它们常常“吝啬”的露出鳍,随后又潜入深海,神出鬼没的。就像一个个顽皮的小精灵,留给我们的是无尽想象 的天空。还有时它们双双出现,像默契的情侣一般,在海里摆动尾巴游来游去,又在海面时隐时现。

我想,我就是那海洋馆里的海豚吧。为了生存而不断练习,为了掌声而努力表演。我羡慕大海里的海豚,我渴望 像它们一样得到快乐 和自由。


The secret of Taiji

According to the survey, about 60% children who go to Sea aquarium want to see the excellent performance of dolphin. However, you will never know that how these beautiful dolphins come to the sea aquarium

There is a little town called Taiji in Japan, which is notorious for it really big secret—slaughter of dolphins and whales.

When you first s(来自:WWw.zW2.CN 爱作文网)et foot in the little town, you will find it is so bizarre, because if you do not know what is going on over here, you will think this is a town that loved dolphins and whales. However, there is just the place where hundreds of thousands of dolphins have died.

About 2300 dolphins are killed here for meat. Every year, the local fishermen will sail the ship to catch dolphins. As we all know that dolphins are self-aware, just like humans are self-aware. And the dolphins are very sensitive to the sound. The fishermen make the use of this nature put dolphins into a certain area. Then they will choose the good dolphins then sell them to the sea aquarium of all over the world. Unfortunately, the left of dolphins will face the fate of dying. The fishermen killed every dolphin they cached even the baby dolphin cannot survive. If you are just around there when they are killing the dolphins, you even could hear poor and terrible shouting clearly.

Another strange appearance of Taiji is you could see the signs like “keep out”, “danger” everywhere at there. That is a cover of what is really going on here. The fishermen of here try to take advantage of these signs to make tourists keep away from the slaughter place so their secret will never be known by the people. That is a really foolish method.

The most important reason why so many dolphins were slaughter here is that many of fishermen were blind by interest. The dolphin could make profit. It is said that a dolphin in the right spot can make a million dollars a year and died ones could sell 600 dollars.

Image how lovely an animal dolphin is, how could we kill them and make them become a dish of our meals. It is too cruel. We must try to do something about it, to stop it. Let us give dolphins a beautiful and peaceful ocean.
