作业帮 > 英语作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 10:41:01 英语作文


My Mother felt not good.

When she lied on the bed .I touched her head.

Mother had a favor .

Soon her sick turn better .

I guessed she was have a cold .

Only I and my mother at home .and there had bad thing in my home . She can’t got up and there was only one people can help her . He said me

I think drink a lot of water is good for person .

Father told to me that he is proud of me .

I must looked after her .

I made noodles to her .

Finally my father back home .


1. 我喜欢听音乐。 错:I like listen music. 对:I like listeningto music.2. 我两年没见他了。 错:I didn’t saw him two years. 对:I haven’t seen him for two years. 3. 我三周没回家了。 错:I I have 3 weeks not go home. 对:I haven’t been to home for 3 weeks. 4. 我们和他是好朋友。 错:We with her is friends. 对:We are good friends with her. 5. 这是第一次住校。 错:It’s the first time to live school. 对:It’s my first time to live at school.6. 我很爱我家。 错:I very love my home. I’m very love my home. 对:I love my home very much. 7. 我感到很疼。 错:I feel very pain. 对:I feel very painful.8. 我不知道我该做什么。 错:I don’t know what I do. 对:I don’t know what I should do. 9. 很高兴又一次见到你。 错:I will glad to see you again. 对:I am glad to see you again. 10. 我参加了运动会。 错:I joined the sport meeting. 对:I joined in the sport meeting.

11. 今天我有些沮丧。 错:Today I have a little sad. 对:Today I feel a little sad. 12. 今天下午 错:today afternoon 对:this afternoon 13. 我们是朋友。 错:We are friend. 对:We are friends. 14.我非常想念你。 错:I very miss my home. 对:I miss my home very much. 15. 她喜欢唱歌。

错:She like sing song. 对:She likes singing songs. 16. 我看到一只小猫。 错:I saw a bit cat. 对:I saw a little cat. 17. 我不想见他。 错:I don’t want see him. 对:I don’t want to see him. 18. 我非常喜欢香蕉。 错:I very like bananas. 对:I like bananas very much. 19. 我讨厌他。 错:I hate he. 对:I hate him. 20. 我去第一中学。 错:I go to Middle School 1. 对:I went to NO.1 Middle School. 21.他非常喜欢看电视。 错:He very like watch TV.

对:He likes watching TV very much

22. 今天有点冷。 23. 她工作很努力。

错:She is work very hard. 对:She works very hard.

24. 我的腿很疼。

错:My leg is very hurt.

对:My leg is very painful.

25. 他总是帮助我。 错:He always help me.

对:He always helps me.

26. 我想回家。

错:I want to go to home. I want go to home

对:I want to go home..

27. 我感觉学习英语难。

错:I feel learn English is hard. 对:I feel that learning English is very hard.

28. 我弟弟不在家。

错:My brother is don’t at home. 对:My brother is not at home.

29. 晚饭我没吃(我没吃晚饭)。 错:The supper I didn’t to eat 对:I didn’t have the supper. 37. 我大姐:

my elder sister

38. 我觉得学英语很难。 I feel it is very hard for me to learn English.

39. 我英语学得不好。

My English is not very good. I am not good at English.

错:Today have a little cold.

对:It is a little cold today.

30. 他比我大一岁。

错:She is older one year than me 对:He is one year older than me.


错:I leave home two weeks. 对:I have been away from my home for two weeks.

32. 该回家了。

错:Ishould go to home.

对:It’s time (for me) to go home.

33. 在去学校的路上 on the way to school

34. 我们应该相互帮助。

We should help each other.

35. 我们应该相互学习。 We should learn from each other.

36. 我们取得了一个好成绩。 We got a good mark.

40. 在回家的路上 on the way home on my way home

on the way to my home



点击数:532 次 录入时间:2008-12-10 9:47:00 编辑:三月阳

下面的英语句子都是出自<朗文国际>三册和四册的学生作文, 不是病句就是错句. 让我们用锐利的眼睛, 一起来找茬吧.

1. We have computer class one week a time.

2. Go into my school, you can see many flowers.

3. There have 100 books.

4. I study there very happy.

5. I usually swimming there.

6. I forget said this, our school wall beside has many trees.

7. Several hours after, he was surprised.

8. He had to asked the other one.

9. He thought he speak well.

10. Mr. Li is come from Beijing .

11. He was very hardly. He likes studying Chinese.

12. This film is very good-looking .

13. It is very good to family look.

14. I think we can’t live Internet.

15. People use the net to send the mails has the most people.

16. I have a future dream.

17. It can help me to walk on my life road.

18. I think everything must be change a lot.

19. I just wonder what does my future like and what should I do.

20. But I singing not very well.

21. Tom’s mum didn’t care him.

22. Almost students use the computer not study.

23. Send mail is most of people like to do in the net.

24. When I was very small.

怎么样,找出错误没有啊. 下面我们来看看要怎么改正吧.

1. I have computer class once a week.

英语中表达频率次数时:一次 once, 两次 twice 从三次开始用 three times ...

2. Going into my school, you can see many flowers.

这里使用动名词going做主语, go 这个动作由后面的you 发出.

3. There ar(来自:www.Zw2.cn 爱 作文 网)e 100 books.

表示某个地方有什么,一般使用There be 的存在句型.

4. I study there very happily.

Study 是个动词,表示动作的程度要使用副词,不可以用形容词happy.

5. I usually swim there.


6. I forget said this, our school wall beside has many trees.

这个句子的表达和语法上都有问题. 如果单从中文意思来看,大家都明白他在说什么,但是要是让外教来批改,估计他会无尽的苦恼了.所以我们在不失句子原意的基础上,使用正确的语法.该句子的表达应该为:

By the way, there are many flowers beside our school wall.

7. Several hours later, he was surprised.


8. He had to ask the other one.

“Have to do something” 是固定用法 ,不定式后用动词原形.

9. He thought he spoke well.


10. Mr. Li is from Beijing .


11. He studies very hard.. He likes studying Chinese.

首先要区分hard 和 hardly.虽然两个都可以做副词,但在意思上有很大的区别. He works very hard. 他工作很努力 He hardly works. 他几乎不工作.这个两个表达相差很大. 其次,be 动词后面不能使用副词.

12. This film is very interesting.

这是一个完全中文式的英语句子. good-looking 一般用来形容人物的.

13. It is fit for family to enjoy.


14. I think we can’t live Internet.


I think we can’t rely on Internet.

15. Most people use the net to send the mails.


16. I have a dream about future..

Future 在这里不可以直接修饰dream.

17. It can help me to walk on my life ‘s journey.


18. I think everything keeps on changing.


19. I just wonder what my future likes and what I should do.


20. But I don’t sing very well.


21. Tom’s mum didn’t care about him.

Care 是个不及物的动词,不可以直接加宾语。

22. Almost of the students use the computer not to study.


23. Send mail is most of people like to do in the net.


Most of people like sending mail in the internet.

24. When I was a little child.

Small 用来形容人的体型和物品体积。这里要表达的“小孩子”的意思。

