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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 10:26:30 字数作文


Weald or Garden?

Recently, with the issue that Lin Miaoke received some rude comments on weibo arousing wide concern, whether we are supposed to control people’(转 载于:wWw.zW2.cn 爱作文 网)s voice is being discussed.Some people hold the view that the Internet is a weald and we are supposed to be tolerant of everything on it, others argue that criticism is badly needed for it’s a garden. As far as I am concerned, although Internet is being considered to be a “free world”, control over it is necessary. When we are surfing on it, the attitude should be critical.

First of all, there is no real freedom in the world. Everything has its limitations, and Internet is no exception. Our society is not a weald where everything can exist there, but a garden in which weeds are not welcomed. It is for this reason, we have laws. Therefore, terrible things such as very rude remarks, should also be banned on networks.

Furthermore, in recent years, with the rapid development of modern technology, nearly everyone, young adults included, has opened a weibo or reen account and anybody can express themselves through the Internet.Nowadays, there is a number of improper remarks on the Internet. Imagine that if you have a child who is still a babe in arms, will you allow him to watch violent video or receive rude comments? When a kid is online, he or she can easily be lured into something dangerous.

In a word, the networks are affecting millions of people. We should not have tolerant attitude toward everything on the Internet. It needs more criticism.






起床了,我拉开窗帘,站在窗台上透过透明的玻璃向窗外一看,哇!花草树木正静静站在那儿,享受着这场秋雨的洗礼,整个大地仿佛都换上了漂亮的新衣裳。我听着柔美的音乐,和着窗外淅淅沥沥的雨声,这种感觉,真的很美,很妙…… 听雨作文300字





雨渐渐小了,声音也更加柔和,像暖春时节耳边的和风。瓦片也似乎专为雨设计,尽力的演奏着,万物都睁开双眼,贪婪的享受着这一切。雨,渐渐停了,阳光也娇羞的撒了下来。我,却依然沉醉于刚才的那一个美妙的场景。 不知何时,太阳快要沉了。在远远的空中,只有几只青黑的小鸟,划过一道弧线……


有关什么样的人能成为明星的250字英语作文.txt老子忽悠孩子叫教育,孩子忽悠老子叫欺骗,互相忽悠叫代沟。▲ 男人 这花花世界,我要用什么颜色来吸引你。 随着社会的进步和人类的发展,现代人的艺术水平较以往提高了许多,越来越多的年青人梦想着成为明星。然而,什么样的人能够成为明星?以下是我的看法。






With the progress of society and development of the human beings,the modern artistic level is higher than that in the past,more and more young people own a dream to be famous stars.But what kind of people can become famous stars,my opinions are as follows.

First of all is the gift.As we all know,people's gift refers to the features before their growth,which has a lot to do with the netic gene.Generally speaking,it's easier for the people with artistic gifts to become famous stars,although the modern science and technology has been making the gift not that important as before.

Secondly is the early training.Children's growth is affected by their parents,teachers and people around them.With the improvement of people's life level,many non-art families make some artistic training on their next generation,such as singing,dancing,and playing music instruments,ect,which greatly improve their artistic culture and make them become good artistic young successors.

Thirdly is the artists' temperament,mainly including two aspects,namely the cultural connotations,the personal aesthetic,and the fashion taste.To let more people become fond of themselves is the duty for them.And good language

competence,together with the strong infectant power are quite important for artists' success.

At last is the dating capacity.As the saying goes,Two heads are better than one.As an artist,friends' help is necessary.For the artistic career is a systematic engineering with lots of links.If with good interpersonal relationship,one will get more chances.

In all,it's not easy to become famous stars.However,I think that this dream will come true of one is of certain gifts,good lucks,as well as some acquired efforts.
