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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 21:20:07 优秀作文




[雅思题目]Some reports have discovered the incidence of violence for young women is increasing. Give possible reasons and recommendations to the situation.


[雅思作文写作范文]It is reported that the proportion of young female criminal unfolds a steady increasing trend, and women crime, especially the young female's delinquency has become a serious social problem indeed. Young women, as the most peaceable parts of human, are always regarded as the last aim by the police office. Why they go astray is mainly due to the two following reasons: one is their own character peculiarity, the other is from social pressure.

As far as the former, for one thing, the female is sensitive to the trifles and sentimental to the reins and loves. Sensitivity often puts them to the edge unnecessarily and forms extreme ideas, which frequently leads to direct criminal. Frangibility of sensibility makes them so depressed and despaired that they have a high probability to do the illegal behavior when they slip down in loves.

As for the latter reason, the social pressure comes of traditionally sexual discrimination and survival competition. It(来自:WWw.zW2.CN 爱作文网) is no denying the fact that the contemporary including the women are confronted with the more severe competition than their ancestors were, and in addition to this point, females still have to struggle with the deep-booted discrimination.

When young women make their debut in the society, all kinds of crises, trouble and pressure lay them into flat, which compels them to avenge and relieve their feeling with lawless methods in unassisted situation. Ponderance of young female criminal reveals long-term negligence to the female's inner and outer circumstance. It is almost impossible to change female's nature, so the society should take more care of women, especially for the young women. For example, some psychological courses and the methods of solving problem are effective measures to adjust the mood of women. In the meantime, prejudice to women should be out of the social stage and fair, equal and friendly atmosphere should be set up, which can help women to take part in the formal and rational contention. Additionally, the society should approbate the female's indispensable position of community and encourage them to show their special aptitude and intelligence.

Undisputablely, the rising criminal rate of young women has relation to both females themselves and irrational social phenomena. Care and equity are the best way to solve this increasing problem, after all, they are less aggressive.



Introduction (44 words)

It is well known that a museum is a building to display a collection of artistic,historical,cultural or military objects. ndoubtedly museums can have a variety of purposes in the city; I think two roles the museums play can illustrate they areworth visiting.

Body1 (89 words)

Visiting museums is informative. (topic sentence) Once I visited a military museum的in Beijing,China, soon I learned that an ancient warrior might have outfought his enemies in combat if he had had great strength while a modern soldier should be armedwith sophisticated weapons.Therefore present soldiers should spend far much time on的studying modern technology instead of building up muscles. Likewise, If you visit other museums, you will have a better perception on a certain field, because you 的can witness some genuine objects which cannot be seen on books.

Body2 ( 65words)

In addition, a museum can function to cultivate one's sense of patriotism.(topic sentence) In china, schools often organize trips to some historical museums. When the students 的learn that many years ago, a number of countries invaded China robbing treasure and killing Chinese civilians, promptly they will establish a strong sense to defend the nation, revealing that only a strong motherland can give them pride and safety. Body3 ( 74words)

Now we talk about how to fund a museum. A museum can never be considered as a financial burden to society. I suggest that the Government should invest a small amount of money on advertisements for the museums in the city. For example, ads of the museums should be forwarded on the travel brochures or maps of the city. Consequently tourists come and admission tickets are collected. Both reputation and funds are earned. Conclusion (23 words) In brief, museums should play a role as an instructive means of the city and incomes from admission can keep them running properly.







Excel in something = have advantage in something

1.图表描述:The graph shows/illustrates/displays …

2.表程度:Fell dramatically/significantly/astonishingly/considerably/steadily to approximately 100 and 200 respectively; noticeable decrease

Slightly/marginally more women than men …

3.表上升:The graph showed an upward trend/ something soars to…;雅思写作词汇 Increase/ rise/ grow/ go up/ improve/ climb/ boom/ leap

4.表下降:decrease/fall/drop/dip/go down/decline/reduce

Exceed/overtake/outnumber – e.g. Men with postgraduate diplomas clearly outnumbered their female counterparts.

5.数值相同:Coal as a source for only 25 units of electricity in 1980, which was matched by natural gas 数值不方便时可用括号表述。

6.讨论类:An intermediary position between both solutions is the perfect way to …

Can be a vehicle (=solution/way/method etc.) for reinvigorating (振兴) …

From a pragmatic point …

Foresee certain cases of exemptions

Make = yield (产出成果、效果、收益etc.)

7.提出自己观点:While I admit that…/I am convinced that…

8.其他:Beyond our wildest expectations

Inevitable = inescapable

Underground railway systems = subway networks

Genetic factors & environment / nature & nurture



组合图是雅思小作文里常考的题型之一,其写作非常值得我们深入研究。现专供一组合图(组合图+饼图或pie chart + line chart)写作范例和各位“雅友”一起分享,期望对大家的组合图写作带去一些启发和帮助。


* 饼图和曲线图各自展示了什么数据在哪个时间点或段的变化特征?

* 在饼图中,数据总值为多少?它由几部分组成?每一部分各代表什么?各自所占百分比又是多少?百分比从大到小如何排列的?谁最大?谁最小?

* 曲线图有何特征?根据特征,曲线可以分成几段来描述?起点值、终点值、峰值、谷值多少?各自对应的时间点又是什么?









You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

* The chart and graph below give information about sales and share prices for Coca-Cola.

* Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.


The pie chart shows the worldwide distribution of sales of Coca-Cola in the year 2000 and the graph shows the change in share prices between 1996 and 2001.

In the year 2000, Coca-Cola sold a total of 17.1 billion cases of their fizzy drink product worldwide. The largest consumer was North America, where 30.4 per cent of the total volume was purchased. The second largest consumer was Latin America. Europe and Asia purchased 20.5 and 16.4 per cent of the total volume respectively, while Africa and the Middle East remained fairly small consumers at 7 per cent of the total volume of sales.

Since 1996, share prices for Coca-Cola have fluctuated. In that year, shares were valued at approximately $35. Between 1996 and 1997, however, prices rose significantly to $70 per share. They dipped a little in mid-1997 and then peaked at $80 per share in mid-98. From then until 2000 their value fell consistently but there was a slight rise in mid-2000.
