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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 15:30:21 优秀作文



Dear Sir or Madam, I, the undersigned, am a senior from the Department of Laws and Politics, and writing this letter for the purpose of applying for the admission into your esteemed university. (your recently advertised position for a staff member.)I am confident that I am qualified for it. First and foremost, enclosed with this letter is my resume, which further details my previous academic qualification and work experience. Apart from that, not only do my qualification and experience make me a perfect candidate, but my cheerful personality is well suited to studying in your prestigious university. (working as a staff in your esteemed company.) Words fail me when I try to express my heartfelt gratitude to the help you render me. Your prompt and favorable attention to my application would be highly appreciated.

Yours Sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear Xiao Wang, Words fail me when I am to express my astonishment on hearing that you plan to give up the entrance examinations for master, and I am writing this letter in the hope that you can hold up your spirit to take the test and eventually get a sound score. I hope you can follow my advice. In my perspective, there are a number of approaches to realize your dream, of which the most effective one is to try this reference book enclosed with this parcel. It, from which I have benefited a lot, is composed by several esteemed professors from prestigious universities. It is, I am confident, bound to help. I have confidence that you can achieve your life goal and live up to the public expectation. Be there anything I can help, please contact me at your earlier convenience.

Your Sincerely

Li Ming

Dear Xiao Wang,

Words fail me when I am to express my sorrow on hearing that an earthquake hit your hometown, Sichuan Province. And I am somewhat relieved to know that your family is safe and sound, and deeply moved to learn that you are helping other victims at the time being.

Although I'm sending you my sympathy, I feel you ought not to be unduly distressed at the tragedy. In the next day or so you will receive a little package from me, which is filled with medicines in common use. I hope it would be helpful.

I do hope you can step out of the shadow and march towards a new life! Should there be anything I can help, please let me known at once.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


1.I just can’t tell you how sorry I was to learn of /that?

2.We are shocked and saddened beyond words by news that ?

3.I feel I simply must write this letter and tell you how much you are in my heart and mind.

4.I am certainly relieved to learn that ?

5.We are all hoping for your quick return to well-balanced life.

6.Please do not feel too much distressed for ?

7.Please let me know of any assistant we can render you.


1. 倡议书、建议信中常用表达:

I’m writing to appeal to …for …, given that …has become a serious issue.

I’m writing the letter to call on …, since some of you may know that …..

It is obligatory that ….

Hopefully you will join in the action and extend warm help to those needy persons. Feel free to contact us when you have come to a decision.

It’s love that sets the world going.

Your kindness/ attention/ effort/ generousness/ donation/ participation well be highly valued.

2. 感谢信常用表达

We are writing to thank you for the wonderful time we had …

We are writing to express my appreciation for all that you did for me during …

We are indebted to you for …

We are grateful to you for …

It was very (more than) kind / generous / considerate of you to …

Nothing could convey my gratitude to you for …

Thank you again for your generosity / hospitality …

3. 邀请函常用表达

It is with the greatest pleasure tha(转载于:www.Zw2.cN 爱 作 文 网)t I write to cordially invite you to attend (the meeting/ seminar / party)…

It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to visit …

Will you and give the pleasure of dinning with us at …?

(本句为接受邀请)I am delighted to accept your kind invitation to …and am looking forward to that …(活动) with great pleasure…

4. 请求信常用表达

I’m writing to request you to make an investigation on the matter….

I would be grateful if you could grant the request for …

Would you mind if I ….?(这句提出要求的口气客气的不得了)

Will you be kind enough to give me ….

5. 询问信常用表达

I’m writing to obtain the relevant information concerning the courses you offer.

I’m writing to ask if you could grant me a favor.

I would be very grateful if you could send me copies of the course outline.

I wonder if it is too late to apply to this position.

Would you please be kind enough to send me an application form and other materials necessary for my application so that I can begin the application procedure?

I would be really indebted to you if you did me the favor. I am looking forward to your reply.

6. 投诉信常用表达

I’m writing to bring your attention to …

I’m writing to complain about …

I’m writing to protest against …

I’m writing to express my indignation at …

I think it’s high time that you 注意虚拟语气时态)…

We know that you are not generally careless, but we would like your assurance that this will not happen again.

I must warn you that unless you do something about the situation I will be forced to take legal action.

To be frank, I am not prepared to put up with the situation anymore.

Hope you can address the problem soon.

Hopefully you will take steps to rectify this situation soon.

Your serious consideration into my complaint will be very much appreciated.

7. 申请信常用表达


I am writing to apply for the post of …

In reply to your advertisement in … I beg to apply for the post of …in your company. Immediately I saw your advertisement in the Sunday Evening for … I felt it was just the kind of post for which I have the qualification and for which I have looking for.

The kind of work in which your company is engaged particular interests me…

I have the necessary qualifications and experiences needed for the position of …advertised in the paper…

I shall bring with me the full details of my testimonials as you request…

I hope I may be granted an interview, when I can explain my qualification more fully. I should be pleased to attend for an interview at your convenience, when I could give your further details concerning myself.

It seems to me that this experience, together with my education, has given me ideal preparation to assume the role of …in such a firm as yours.




succeed, achieve success, spare no efforts/pains to do (不遗余力去做某事), make great effort, be persistent with sth./ do with full persistence(坚持不懈地做某事), fear to lose(害怕失败), try every means to stay on top (尽一切努力取得成功),motive(动机),ambition(抱负),prominent (杰出的),rank the top(名列前茅),versatile(多才多艺的),individual self-realization(自我实现), stand up to/ withstand challenges and difficulties(经得住挑战与困难)


economy, finance, commerce/commercial, economic globalization(经济全球化), sustainable development(可持续发展),unfair competition(不正当竞争),promote sales(促销), fake and inferior product(假冒伪劣产品), crack down on fake commodities (打假), boom(繁荣),purchasing power(购买力),management (管理), fierce competition(激烈竞争), after-sale service (售后服务), bread –and – butter issue(生计问题), enterprise image(企业形象),retail (零售), credit crisis(信用危机), stabilize prices (稳定物价), brand effect(品牌效应),popular pastime (流行的消遣方式)


culture and civilization(文化和文明), great and profound (博大精深的),diversity(多样性),integration and interaction(融合交汇),crash(碰撞), original (原创原始的),minority (少数民族),revealing(有启发的),charming(极具魅力的),splendid(壮丽辉煌的),erotic(色情的), talk show(谈话节目),English fever(英语热)


environment- friendly(生态型的,环保的),conserve natural habitats(保护生存环境),pollute/contaminate(污染), natural resources(自然资源),energy conservation and environmental protection (节能环保),biodiversity (生物多样性), extinction(灭绝),threat of global warming(全球变暖的威胁), promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth(促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变), bring about harmony of economic returns and contribution to society and

environmental protection (实现经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的统一), impact on the quality of the water and the air(对水质和空气质量的影响), curb environmental pollution/ bring the pollution under control

(治理环境污染),develop renewable resources (开发可再生资源),a low-carbon economy (低碳经济),environmental awareness(环境意识)


science and technology(科学技术),web-addiction(沉迷网络), computer crime(电脑犯罪), e-commerce(电子商务), virtual life (虚拟生活),information era(信息时代),cyber romance(网恋),surf the Internet(网上冲浪)


job market (就业市场), resume(简历),job hunter/seeker(求职者), employment pressure(就业压力),employer(招聘方), employee(应聘者), applicant(申请人), position available/ vacant position(空缺职位), candidate(人选), competent(能胜任的), be qualified for(合格的), proficiency(熟练程度),college expansion of eollment, (大学扩招),contradiction between supply and demand(供求关系矛盾), not in line with speciality(与专业不符), job arrangement and benefit(工作待遇和福利), promotion (晋升), gender-biased(性别歧视的), appearance-biased(相貌歧视的)


innovative learning(创新学习), higher education(高等教育), drop-out(辍学), fake certificate/diploma(假毕业证/文凭),the craze for graduate school(考研热),cultivate(培养), poverty-stricken students(贫困学生),faculty(全体教员),further one’s study (深造),quality education(素质教育),teacher-centered,(以教师为中心) student-centered, (以学生为中心),campus digitalization(校园数字化),foster abilities(培养能力),relieve the burden on students(减轻学生负担),be occupied with so much schoolwork(忙于功课),college, university, students union(学生会), undergraduate association(研究生会), extracurricular(课余的),develop personal specialities(发展个人特长), place emphasis on(以…为重心),comprehensive(全面的,广泛的),practical capability(实际能力),duck-stuffing(填鸭式), diploma craze(文凭热),demanding(要求高的),rigid(严格的),scholarship(奖学金),potential(潜在的,潜力),educational reform(教学改革), academic(学术的),part-time(兼职的),tutor(做家教)



phenomenon(现象),issue(争议,焦点),enlightening(富有启发的),cause alarm and attention(引起了警惕和重视),corrupt people’s mind (腐化心灵),immoral behaviors(不道德的行为),at the cost of (以…为代价),human relations(人际关系),set good example for(为…树立榜样),dedicate(做贡献), take action (采取行动),ensure implementing activities(确保执行), impose punishment on them(施加处罚),aggravate the seriousness of…(使之恶化),commit crime(犯罪),vulnerable(易诱惑的,易受影响的),criteria of evaluation(衡量标准),be supposed to(应该)


strong-minded(坚强的),industrious(勤奋的), harmonious(和谐的), cooperative (合作的),self-centered(以自我为中心的),promising(有前途的),dynamic(有生气的),responsible(有责任心的), influential(有影响力的), profound(渊博精深的),devoted(忠实的,投入的),generous(慷慨的),critical(吹毛求疵),warm-hearted(热心的),gratitude(n. 感激),awkward(尴尬的),hospitality(n. 热情好客),appreciate(v. 感激,感谢),apologize(v. 道歉),enthusiastic(热情的)


土纸在此谈谈作文的复习方法。很多辅导老师和辅导书,都推荐搞模板作文,这也是一个捷径。但是捷径总有弊端,如果一个人用 一种独一无二的模板,那么您的作文应该是会得到高分的,但是真的可能吗?既然是模板,在百万考生中,使用的何止几十个人,相似的句型,相似的用词,相似的 用意,都给判卷老师带来“烦恼”,那么老师肯定在给成绩的时候,起评分就会较低,因此,建议各位网友在写作时,模板句型不宜超过2-3句。有朋友会问, “不用模板,怎么写那么多字啊?”这个其实也不难。


第一点,尝试着对名词的同义替换,比如picture,通篇都用picture,有些老套,不如换成cartoon,drawing等等词汇,在不同的位 置用不同的词,但是意思没有变。还比如,人们,people,persons,folk等等。大家要找一些相关的资料,这个很多,不一定是考研的,四六级 也ok。

第二点,尝试着会用as the old saying goes,“一句谚语”等套用短语或者连词之类的。大家应该尝试着学会几种。比如,one, another;some, others等等表达观点。当然针对以一个句型,还可以背一些谚语,或者临场发挥也ok,你自己说一句,放在那里,也不是不可以,总之要灵活一些,要积攒 一些句型。

第三点,语法的或用。要尝试着使用,强调,双重否定,感叹,疑问,插入语,从句,倒装,排比等多种语法现象。以强调为例,do not +vt/vi,本身就是一种否定的强调,对于do not +v= fail to +v,感叹句也可以用,多么……的卡通,建议这个形容词,一定要用别人想不到的,并且比较通俗的说法,比如印象深刻的,尽量不要用大家都能够使用的词汇, 要有点难度。插入语,比如表达想法。The 主语,I think,谓语……等等,将I think或者i believe等插入主谓之间或者放置在句子末尾等等都可以使用。


【具体谈谈技巧】 (选读)



1,建议文中,要有多种语法现象,不能简单地只有简单句和定语状语从句。要明确一点的是,即使您的语法不是很过关,也不要紧,只要您能够会用套话就可以 啦,呵呵~建议文中有感叹句,反问句,强调据,倒装句,状语从句,排比句,和强调结构。比如:看图作文,what a *** picture!

反问句,在论述现象的段尾加上一句,can?t we improve the situattion?

在用于否定句的时候,可以将don?t写为do not,当然,不能每处都这样用,否则就没有意义了。

倒装,only in this way或者only by doing this

排比,make sth adj,adj and adj,用三个相近的形容词。




b,同义词组,比如a number of n等于 n.+in growning number(不太确定啦!) 3,对于意思的表达要尽量的简单,否则是给自己带来难度。也就是说谈一些大家都明白的道理,而不要过分的谈一些逻辑很清晰的话,我所说就是大道理,比如老 人不被儿女赡养,这些儿女就得不到社会和朋友的尊重,是非常简单描述的,而不要说其他难于表述的话。

总之,我是在抛砖引玉,希望各位多谈一些这样的话题和经典的套句,哪怕是增加字数也好,还有就是我们并不推荐那些对作文写作有较好把握的网友写这种模版 作文,所以这个帖子只是针对部分网友。但是即使您不认可,我相信您也会从其中找出适合自己的增加字数的好句子,呵呵~~



无论大作文还是小作文,一般采取3-4段,总字数除以10或者12、13,一般是需要写的所有句子总数。对于重点写作的第二段(3段制)或者第三段(4段 制),需要写的句子自然要多一些。对于第一段,建议不超过2句,最多不要超过三句,如果一句话那就更好了。例如,大作文,看图,第一段可以是一个感叹 句,what a ◎◎picture!





建议作文中,多利用语法现象体现英语写作的文采。一般来讲,语法是与句子结合使用的。 对于长句式,多采用从句,这里可以利用虚拟语气,形式主语,倒装等。

对于短句式,建议使用强调句,双重否定居,插入语等。对于强调句,土纸强烈推荐一种强调句,对于实意动词做谓语的句子,如果想要强调,表达强烈的主观意 愿,肯定句使用do +V动词,否定居采用do +not+V动词,进行这种助动词强调。

插入语,一般比较常用的是,主语 +,+ I think + ,+谓语等。

建议句子中利用不同的简单句,尤其建议使用疑问句,这个要多多练习,其实也不难使用。疑问句可以在一段之末,作为起承转合之用,下一段利用一个回答,起到 承接。

其实语法现象很多,只要善于使用从句(建议状语从句一次,定语从句不超过三次,条件从句至少一次,主语从句一次,宾语从句至少一次,表语从句等等尽量都使 用),强调句型(比较典型的很多,可以查一查语法书,多练习就可以熟练掌握),简单排比句,疑问句,插入语,同位语,感叹句,形式主语,被动语态等等,就 可以将一篇内容不甚丰富的文章,让人读起来有些意思。

4,强化对于同意词汇的不同词替换。比如人民,工作等等。这些都是有很多英文词汇来表达的,因此在文中如果多次出现这些词汇,那么您一定要在第二次提到的 时候,有意识地用其他词汇替换,在不影响意思的同时,又能够为文章添加色彩。





(1)感叹句,看图作文第一段就用一个感叹句,比如,what a interesting picture!


(2)必须用否定句,要用don?t型,do not(强调型),或者用fail to do,这些替换会给你的作文增色。

(3)必须用到倒装句,尤其是,only in this way 谓语 主语 ……这个句型超级经典,一


(4)必须用插入语,比如,主语+,+i think +,其他部分。


(5 )可以选择用反问句,Can?t we improve the situation?用在提出问题那段的末尾! 在下一段的开头用,The answer is definite。进行承上启下,然后提出解决的方案,就是The mostway ,i think ,is to do sth……



英语,可以说是很多考研人头痛的科目,其不像数学的复习次数越多,成绩相对越好,而英语的分数,很可能您考很多遍,分数仍原地踏步,甚至是倒退,基于以上 因素,土纸在此发起关于作文复习的帖子,目的在于加强考研英语作文写作经验,新得,复习方法和模版等交流。

最后,对于作为这部分,还应该对同一篇作文自己应该多写几遍,以三遍为例,第一遍模仿样文,第二遍,适当地做一些上面的小技巧变换,第三遍,您要完全换一 种说法,无论在举例上,还是描述原因上都换一种新的说话。至于,应用文写作,您主要要了解常见的应用文写作都用哪些句式,简单地讲,会说客套话。难度不及 大作文,因此,如果能够把以上的小技巧用于应用文里,也是满有彩的。不过,需要注意的是,小作文如果是那种比较严肃的,如批评信或者公告之类的,可别太花 哨了。希望以上的内容对大家有用。
