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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 09:50:17 体裁作文


This is a short sitcom last year our dorm played .i think it is very meaningful........

monkey king....

character : MonkTang MonkeyKing Pigsy

Sha seng

Monk Tang :" ( meditation then open eyes slowly) Centeris years ago.After we going to the west ,I chose to live in human world .Budda Rulai give me living forever .and then I hadn't seen my pupil for thousand years."(go)

Music (monkey king)

(Monkey King come and swing club plyay some tricks..):" haha~~~,after I becoming a theo ,every day was so freedom .The boring life maked me upset .(Roll eyes ) why not go to visit my pigsy brother and play tricks on him ."(go) The Pigsy is sleeping MK slowly come close and suddenly

shout :"wake up!wake up! a beautiful girl is standing in front your door!"

Pigsy suddenly wake up ,look arround :"where! where Mk make a charming pose in a sweet voice :" here~." P (angry) ;"go out ! died monkey!"

MK comfort:"haha~ you are still so fool! How are you recently~"

P :"I never feel so enough everyday , I have a lot food to eat ,enough time to sleep .Sometimes i can stay sometimes with Chang'e.But ,recently I don"t know why I feel a little boring ." Mk:"me too.I have a good idea .we can call Sha Seng and go together to see our master."

P: "Ok,It's s very good idea .we hadn't see each other for almost 2 years .Ok let 's go~~"(go )

Monk Tang is walking and sign~

Two together:" master! surprsing ! how are you !"

MT :" oh really a surprse!.WE hadn't seen each other for thsousand years!"

P :" Why ? it just 2 years."

MT :"My stupid pupil .one day in the heaven means one year in the human world .there are many changes in human world .let me show you arround . "(walk together)

MK see a car :" STOP!!,the evil ! KILL you !!!"(flick the club)

MT:" NONONO~don't do this,it 's called car .all of us use it to travel just like white horse ."

P :" haha.you stipid monkey you are a farmer ~"(laugh)

MK :" died pig .It's none of you business. it looks like you know it."(angry,)

P :" OF course.I always enjoy a bread from a grandpa.there are so many shops.“(complacent)

MT :" oh dear ,it called KFC.it 's a kind of fast food ,you can't eat too much , it ll make you fater ."

(MUsic Sha seng come ,very fashion and sexythen,he throw close to other three,and the three sucks for her charm )SHA SENG:" hello~ everybody."(leer )

three :" how do you become like this/ "

S :" Now ,I am a famous, well-known,talent ,

greateat ,high-paid ,best loved, musician.I have make music for many popular singer such as Micheal jackson ,lady gaga and so on..."(autophilia...)

MT:" Are you the huanxing XILIGE in the fairy?"

SHa seng 's phhone ring :"hello~...

P take on MK's back:" What's this?"

MT take out a phone :"this ia called telephone ..."(MK take away and observe)

MT take out other phone :"We use it to call each other ..."(p take away and observe)

MT take out another :" I like this best~~"(at the same time MK beat the phone ,and P want to eat it)

(then MT stop them immediately):" the human world is more interesting and the food is more delicious ,the changes is more vast .."

MK :" Oh~it 's so amazing .I won't want to go back to the heave any more.i want to stay here an be an actor like Bluce Lee."(make a pose)

P" yes ,me too.There are so many delicious food I can be a gastronome .I can also open a chain shop called KFZ(ken de zhu) and let chang'e make an ad ,so, i can stay with her more time ."(anthomaniac)

S (softly):" Oh my dear, I have a good idea ,we can open a Performing arts company called (together)---FM2313!" (together)sing :" waiting for you ~~~"(POse)

respond to a curtain call




Adaptations of Journey to the West

来源:21英语网 2015-07-30

Domestic animated feature, “The Monkey King: Hero is Back”, has been riding the high tide in ticket sales ever since its release on July 10.国产动画电影《大圣归来》自7月10日上映以来席卷票房。

By July 18, “Monkey King” had raked in 620 million yuan ($99.8 million), snatching the throne of the highest grossing animated film in Chinese cinemas, a title formerly held by "Kung Fu Panda 2".截至7月18日,《大圣归来》的票房达到了6.2亿元人民币,成为中国电影院线中票房最高的动画电影。此前这一票房冠军宝座一直被《功夫熊猫2》占据。 Aside from China`s new star in box office revenue, the epic “Journey to the West” also has gone through many changes throughout history.除了《大圣归来》,《西游记》的故事还有很多改编作品。

“Uproar in Heaven”《大闹天宫》

Produced by Shanghai Art Film Studio from 1961 to 1964 and released by French company Les Films de ma Vie, animated feature “Uproar in Heaven” was one of the first films China exported to the world. As a milestone in China`s animation, “Uproar in Heaven” influenced many audiences in China with its distinctive and positive theme and deep, clear and high-spirited tone of storytelling.《大闹天宫》由上海美术电影制片厂在1961-1964年间制作,由法国Les Films de ma Vie公司发行,是首部中国向世界出口的影片。作为中国动画的里程碑,《大闹天宫》用与众不同、正面积极的主题,以及深入、清晰且活泼的叙事方式,影响了一大批中国观众。

“Journey to the West”《西游记》

When asked what is the most classic representation of the original novel, most viewers in China would name the television series, “Journey to the West”, that was broadcast on China Central Television in 1986.如果被问到哪一部作品才是原著的经典重现,大部分中国观众的反应会是86版央视电视剧《西游记》。

The team created a fantasy-filled mystical world with limited funding and technology, but one that strictly adhered to the storyline of the original novel. In particular, the portrayal of the Monkey King by actor Liu Xiao Ling Tong became an exemplary formula-like classic in the minds of many Chinese viewers. The melody of the theme song, Where the Road Is, echoed with audiences not just in that generation, but in many more to come.在技术和资金都非常有限的条件下,制作团队还是创造出了一个充满幻想的神话世界,同时也紧贴原著小说的故事脉络。特别是孙悟空的扮演者六小龄童,成为了中国观众心中的经典角色。电视剧的主题曲《敢问路在何方》引发了一代又一



A Chinese Odyssey《大话西游》

A Chinese Odyssey is a two-part fantasy comedy released in 1995. Part one was titled A Chinese Odyssey Part One: Pandora`s Box and the second, A Chinese Odyssey Part Two:

Cinderella. It centers on the life of the Monkey King and his pursuit of freedom and love. Aside from segments based on the original novel, the films also use elements of slapstick comedy and martial arts.《大话西游》于1995年分两部发行,分别是《月光宝盒》以及《大圣娶亲》。影片以至尊宝追求自由和爱情为中心。除了部分场景基于原著小说,影片还应用了喜剧以及武术等元素。

Though the original dialogue is in Cantonese, some of the dialogues from the series,

especially those on love, have reached cult classic status among Mandarin-speaking viewers.尽管电影起初为粤语片,但是其中的对白,特别是有关爱情的桥段,依旧占据了普通话影迷心中的经典地位。




俺老孙上回借扇失败,这会让我想个法子来会会那铁扇公主。 “咦,有主意了,让我变成那牛魔王的样子去骗取那芭蕉扇。” “请问有人在吗?我是牛魔王,我回来了,开开门哪” 里面的人听到我的叫声便走了出来,那几个小丫鬟并没有发现我,这下可好了。

铁扇公主不辨真假,把我接了进去。突然,那公主说到俺借扇一事,我突然慌了,这下可怎么回答她呢?我便故意捶胸道:"可惜,可惜,怎么就把那宝贝给了猢狲?怎知那铁扇公主笑道:"大王息怒,给他的是假扇。”我犹豫了一会,便机智地问到:"真扇子你藏在哪儿了?仔细看管好,那猢狲变化多端,小心他再骗了去。那铁扇公主说:"大王放心。"说着将真扇从口中吐出,只有一片杏叶儿大小。我看到了那芭蕉扇,便连忙抓在手中, "原来是这个宝贝,这般小小之物,为何能扇灭八百里火焰?那铁扇公主貌似对我有点怀疑,于是就问道:"你离家两年,怎么连自家的宝贝也忘了?只要念一声口诀,这扇就能长到一丈二尺长短。"我听了后,便心里乐开了花,这公主也真是太愚钝了,居然没有识穿我,还告诉我使用的口诀。这下我就可以去灭火了。我快速地将扇儿噙在口中,便变回了本身。那铁扇公主看见我老孙的样子,便大叫了一声吓了过去。

