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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 09:26:17 体裁作文












A Clockwork Orange: An Anthem of Free Will

As a dark comedy of Stanley Kubrick based on a novel by Anthony Burgess to both critical and popular acclaim as well as to political controversy, it scored Kubrick his biggest box office hit at that point in his career. Maybe it sounds a little bit weird, a clockwork orange, a slang commonly used by old cockneys to describe some queer ones: ‘He is as queer as clockwork orange.’ Served as the title of this film, however, it can be literally understood: applying mechanistic morality (so-called clockwork) to some sweet, juicy, living engine bodies (so-called oranges). The Britain, left in your mind, could be the misty, drippy alleys of London in ‘Jack the Ripper’; the classical, sophisticated architecture in ‘Sherlock Holmes’ or the royal clothing in ‘Downton Abbey’. Unfortunately, these fascinating descriptions find no evidence in A Clockwork Orange. Here is a society filled with violence, force and desire where both the people and the country are all abusers. The film itself makes a mockery of English values and manners, for example, the rundown housing complex where Alex, the main character, lives closely resembles London’s poorly maintained public housing project. Moreover, the young represented by Alex rebelled politically and socially, and allied against what they saw as the hypocrisy and the repression of their elders. They have no particular political or social motivation for their violence and performs, they rape, robe, steal and murder as they want, indulging in

the original desire in the heart of heart. Even though most of the violent images are not of the blood-and-gore variety, the film’s brutality disgusted a lot. When Kubrick combined graceful dances and classical symphony with their atrocities, a freak kind of passion rushes out of mind, which reflects our most primitive impulses. Kubrick’s view of man is as a risen ape rather than Rousseau’s sentimental characterization of him as a fallen angel. Are we human beings’ essence destined to be evil? What if we choose to be a virtuous man spontaneously? And are we endowed with this right of choice by our state?

In this film, the government chose Alex to be the subject of an experimental procedure, Ludovico’s Technique, conducted by government-employed doctors, which attempted to get rid of his violent tendencies by alerting his mind. The therapy forced Alex to abandon violence by medicine in order to transform him into a virtuous man. Every time when his favorite music, Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, (which he often used to accompany his atrocities) rang out, the medicine started to work and it drove him to be sick and fear. This is the new way the country hoped to reestablish the law and order. The first half of the 20 century has found the rise of psychological and scientific methods of changing human behavior, as well as instances where governments used those methods to control criminals and other members of society they regarded as threat. One in Alex’s gang of hoodlums, Dim, was then taken

on by the government as a rogue policeman who used his thuggish brutality to impose law and order. A theme of the governmental abuse of power is coupled with the concept of dehumanization of modern society. It offers another look at the dangers of state power, where the power-hungry individual, Alex, and the power hungry-state seem almost equally threatening.

If the freedom of choice can not be guaranteed, the act of violence might as well be let alone. Alex claimed himself to be cured, in fact, what he formed in the experimental procedure is just negative condition reflex to violence, which gave rise to his committing suicide. The government deprived him of his right of moral choice, he was not truly good because he didn’t choose to be good and the utilization of that right is vital to being a complete human. It occurs to me that the obtainment of law and order that is at the cost of people’s free will is nothing but crime. This enduring topic has been represented in many great works: V for Vendetta, Snow piercer, where the superficial harmony and stability are used to cover totalitarian and tyranny. The illusory utopia which restrains free will is absolutely the root of sins. ‘We don’t carry out our moral commitment by taking up a public stance on these things, but only by choosing to do something about them ourselves.’

Some people view the film as a celebration of youth violence, and the sign that society had grown too permissive with children. In another

words, they view free will as an abuse of desire. No matter morality or desire, it is born with two sides: good and evil, like the classical symphony used in some violent scenes, it can both expresses and channels human impulses. As such, the real sense of law and order comes from the good will in the heart rather than the power of governments. The influence of Catholicism lays the theological foundation for the free will theory, free will goes to ordinary people for the will of God, to drive people live naturally and be a real human. In the virtual reality means, A Clockwork Orange has huge implications. All down the centuries, we have been used to putting national sovereignty first, and then spontaneously, the harmony and stability become undisputed footstone of it. What we are gradually ignoring is the significance of human rights, which works as the symbol of being human and endowed by God. We have the free will to express and act ourselves, and we are minded men in the flesh rather than the dolls with clockwork.


















