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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 21:27:35 体裁作文


As the mid-term exam has just finished, one topic you may be interested in. That’s cheating in exam. First at all ,I’ll ask Mr. Yan for a promise that what I’ll talk about has nothing to do with my grade, may I?

Ok. Then I want to ask all of you a question. Please put up your hand if you never cheat in a exam from your first test to now, whether the exam is formal or informal ,important or just a text in class, and whether the participator number is large or small. Please put up your hand and I just want to show my respect to you for I have done something like cheating and I feel much sorry for that. Mr. Yan, we just have a deal.

All right, let’s come to the topic. Why we cheat? It’s not a simple question. Maybe we can say that it’s because we want to get a good grade and satisfied our amour-proper. However, it’s not the whole thing. Have you ever encounter such situation. When the paper returns to you, the teacher ask ”stand up if you do wrong in this question.” And then ,the teacher will come to you ,and say”how many times have I explained the point? Have you ever listen carefully to me? Have you brought your ears to class? Do you want to go to university? Do you want to ruined your future?” and what do you feel when the result comes out and you surprisely find that one group all get a nearly 100 score, at the same time you only get a 80. What’s worse,the grouper admit to you that they have cheated. What’s more worse , the headmaster get the grade and ask you to his office. Yes, you will say it’s nothing .honest is more important. However, in that case,I have ever made a mistake.

Then come to the way how to cheat. look at others?low. transmit a silp of paper?low.bring a textbook secrectly?low. when the paper is going to hand up, ask other’s answer by noise?rather better.what’s I will introduce todey? A way I think it’s of high quality.

First, choose a partner who you can rely on. And remember,he or she must have a good grade.

Second, sign up a time. For instance, if the exam last 3 hours, the time may be in a and a half hours

Third,choose a place. Of course,the washroom.

Then we begin.When the time comes, your friend will go to WC carrying a paper which is wriiten the answer. Your friend will go into the room where the teacher can’t follow with and put the paper there. Ten min later, you come to the same room and get the answer. If your friend is male and you are a female. Don’t worry.use QQ to discuss the problem when you two are in WC at the same time.you may not believe this,but it really works in some rather informal exam.

Of course, I’m here not to suguest you to cheat in an exam. What I want to say indeed? As a matter of fact,the last way’s user is one of my best friend in a way, maybe my best friend. She have succeed in all the exam in twelve grades expect the fairest exam in the world-college entrance examination. Maybe you will say the method is uealistic,but it really works. She get good grade and don’t know her real standard all the time.every time, she and boyfriend cheat,and all of us know that.her boyfriend set massage to her about the answer of --------

She just do the-----------.every time she will recount her grade,but the exam not only text your knowledge but also your mentality.In the final exam in high school, she don’t get good grade and become one of the five peiole who can’t go to 985 or 211.what she ever know is that she always rank 10 in class, but in the end ,she is nearly tailender.she was very depressed when the score come out .however ,I don’t know how to comfort her. Eventually, I don’t tell her that she deserve that for she is still my best friend. Yes ,I know I did something wrong ,but some words just can’t be spoken out.

I can never forget her ecpression until now.my headmaster has ever said if you have 100 exam and you only cheat in one , others will simply think that all of your score is not real.and your effort to other 99 grade means nothing.indeed,when someone cheat and get a better grade,at same time ,you miss the opportunity to get prize or sth .it;s unfair.however, maybe what we should do is to overdo his grade even he cheat.it’s much better. Your effort will be admitted sooner or later. If you cheat ,you will never know which level you really get. And when the result really turn up, you may get involved in much depression and no one will sympathy you from botton of heart. you will be really lonely then.


















大家好!(鞠躬)今天我为演讲的题目是《美丽的家乡洪河农场》。 在广袤的三江平原,有这样一块富饶而美丽的地方,这里芳草青青,碧野万顷;这里物华天宝,人杰地灵,这就是——洪河农场。




“十一五”期间的洪河农场呈现出一派生机盎然的发展图景。农场着眼于大发展、快发展、调结构、保民生,全面推进了经济社会和谐发展。 旧城区改造工程,使原本破旧不堪的楼房熠熠生辉;楼宇广场上空回荡着悦耳的动听的琴声、爽朗的笑声。茶余饭后,人们悠闲地漫步在公园内,哼着小曲,前呼后应,伛偻提携,其乐融融。场区绿化工程不仅美化了环境,更净化了我们每个人的内心。

“十二五”期间的农场将以崭新的面貌昂首挺胸地迈向新的征程!那就是:充分发挥水田资源优势, 打造水稻产业基地; 充分发挥抚前铁路专用线、红卫—鸭绿河南北大通道公路优势和即将修建通往区域位置优势,打造百万吨加工、仓储、物流基地;充分发挥 生态、

文化优势,打造现代化大农业观光旅游基地。到2015年,各项主要经济指标要比2010年翻一番以上。宏伟的蓝图,绚丽的愿景。站在新的发展焦点上,我们勤劳智慧,敢于创新的洪河人用自己的双手托起了经济增长的脊梁;“抓城、强工、带农”如火如荼。在那不到3万平方公里的场区里已经初步建成绿荫掩映,楼影憧憧,林在城中栽,城在林中建,人在画中走的生态园林精品小城镇 。当我们走在洪河广袤无垠的大地上时,欣赏的是天高云淡,碧波荡漾;待到稻米飘香时,收获的是那正在丰盈的中华大粮仓??

这里虽没有大都市的车水马龙、喧嚣繁华,没有过山车、游乐场,可我就爱这片土地, 这,就是洪河农场,我可爱的家乡。他高速发展的经济,不断进步的社会文明,勤劳朴实的乡里亲人,和谐发展的经济氛围让我依恋,让我向往。我将用心灵承载老一辈北大荒人的无私、无畏、顽强、拼搏,以诚信的人生品德、务实的工作作风,创新的不竭智慧,卓越的工作业绩,让我的家乡——洪河农场更加富有,更加和谐,更加美丽,让这颗绿色米都最璀璨的明珠更加闪闪发亮! 美丽的家乡,我深深地为你而自豪。我们是生长在党旗辉映下、新中国繁荣盛世的青少年,祖国和家乡人民对我们充满了期盼。亲爱的同学们,家乡的建设需要你我,祖国的繁荣需要你我,东方巨龙的腾飞需要你我,让我们吹响时代的号角,携手并肩,在中国的宏伟蓝图上,画上我们最绚烂的一笔!我们有理由相信;家乡的明天会更美好!祖国的明天会更辉煌!

昨天,家乡的人民唱着在希望的田野上挥舞着的镰刀 、锄头,今天,家乡的人民在这片热土上创新、改革、开拓,创造着自然和谐而又宁静的家园!






