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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 18:32:58 小学作文


ploaded by walter scofield
Isn"t it strange the way things can change
The life that you lead turned on its head
Suddenly someone means more than you felt before
Her house and its yard turns into home
I"m sorry but i meant to say
many things along the way
so this ones for you
Have i told you i ache
Have i told you i ache
Have i told you i ache for you?
Have i told you i ache
Have i told you i ache/and i hope its not too late
Have i told you i ache/Can i hold you and ache for you?
The time that it took writing words for my book
seems to have broken in half
The gate that i shut last time i got hurt
seems to have opened itself
Oh the world its spinning now its trying to catch me up
and tell me to appreciate the here and now
I"m sorry but i meant to say
many things along the way
so this ones for you
Have i told you i ache
Have i told you i ache
Have i told you i ache for you?
Have i told you i ache
Have i told you i ache/and i hope its not too late
Have i told you i ache/Can i hold you and ache for you?



How to Deal with Sub-health

With the modernization of the world, people’s standard of living has improved a lot. Then there appears a state of sub-health among people which poses a new threat to them.

There are some tpical symptoms for people who are in a state of sub-health. First of all, those who suffer from it often have a headache or backache. Secondly, they feel like having a rest frequently. What upsets us most is that, the situation spreading countrywide. As a result, more and more workers in big cities are harassed by it, with a percentage of 75 in Beijing, 72 in Shanghai and 70 in Guangzhou respectively.

Then how can we sovle this problem effectibely? Experts suggest that the best way to keep ourselves thealthy is to do exercises. It is also very important that people should form a good living habit, for example, getting up early and going to sleep early. Only doing so can we keep us healthy.

拥有私家车(Ownership of Private Cars)

as we can learn from the graph, the ownership of private cars varies from year to year. in the year of 1990, there are only two cars among 100 families, but in the year of 1995, it is 10, and it goes up dramatically to 30 in 2000. generally speaking, it involves an upward trend.

there are three reasons for the change. to begin with, people’s income has been improved, more and more families can afford cars;

in addition to it, the price of cars has been brought down sharply;

last but not the least, various measures to stimulate consumption taken by our government can’t be ignored. all these factors result in the rapid change in the ownership of private cars.

to sum up, with the further development of our economy, there is no doubt that more and more families will have their own cars.

六“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.”

四 You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the importance of learning basic skills.

珍惜水资源 文凭

A) accumulate I) households B) circling J) recession

C) communities K) reported D) competition L) reviewed E) domestic M) serves F) financially N) surrounding G) formally O) survive H) gather

26. curious 27. figuring things out

28. independent 29. interacting with

30. abstract 31. mystery

32. appropriately 33. trying it out

34. refining 35. concepts



Over the past couple of years, a variety of talent shows have emerged on TV channels across the nation, from Super Girls to Happy Boys and so forth. This type of entertainment program is intensely popular, especially among young adults and has produced profound impacts on their studies and life.

There are a couple of reasons behind the tide. To start with, young folks need role models to learn from. So many of them are crazy for contestants participating in these programs. This gives rise to the increasing emergence of these shows because TV networks naturally need to cater to young audiences. Plus, thanks to economic and political reforms carried out by the government, this crop of young generation have more freedom and desire to express and showcase themselves. Therefore, a growing number of young people desire to get involved in these shows.

This is a divisive topic. On my personal level, the talent show is a superb means of relaxing and amusing and can hugely relieve our strains. As college students, however, we could not afford to indulge in them and should be aware of the utmost importance of studies.






Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The most unforgettable Person I ever Know. You should write at least 120 words and base your

composition on the outline below:1、我生活中最难忘的人是,2、为什么他(或她)令我难以忘怀,3、结论。

In my life I have met a great many people who are really worth recalling. But perhaps the most unforgettable person I ever know is my English teacher.

What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities. First and foremost, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer—an awakening of a passion for learning. He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of English language and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploring something deeper in this field.

Furthermore, I was attracted by his lively wit. I remember that we students always anticipated his class with great eagerness because his lecture were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke chuckles or loud laughs.

Although it is nearly two years since I attended his last class, he is the talk of our old classmates, and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart.


Young People Should Have Ideals

What are you going to do when you grow up? When I was a child, people often asked me this question about the ideal. Undoubtedly, every individual, especially a young person, should have an ideal. Hardly can we find any great people we know ideal when they were young.

An ideal is a vital importance to one's growth and success. On the one hand, an ideal is the target of one's life. Once you decide what your ideal is, you know where to go, and which way to take. Otherwise, you might become puzzled in many things in your life. On the other hand, an ideal is like the engine of vehicles. Only when we have our own ideals, can we find the origin of energy and enthusiasm in life, and become active and perseverant. Whatever your ideal is, careful plan and preparation is vital to its realization. Of course, the path from where you are to where you want to get is not always smooth and straight. Therefore, an optimistic, positive mind is indispensable in the process of your persevering your ideal.

In a word, only if you have an ideal, you will have the chance of realizing it.

节约能源(Save the Energy Resources)

another round of energy crisis is knocking at the door. in 2004, world oil consumption reached a new record, causing oil price in the international market to skyrocket amazingly.

as for china, it was reported that many traditional mineral cities in northeastern china had run into predicament, with their economy collapsed and workers unemployed, only because coal had been mined out.

fossil energy resources, including coal, oil and gas, are unlike sunlight, water power and wind power which are generated consistently. they’re not practically reproductive during human history. once consumed, they’re gone forever.

if they were to be exhausted before we could find sufficient reproductive resources to replace them with, we’d have to live in entire blackout again like our ancestors have done thousands of years ago. that’s of course not what anyone would want to see.

due to technical limitations, people still have to utilize these resources now.

as a result, we must economize them most cleverly. new techniques should be developed and applied to reduce energy cost in industry and daily life. alternative energy should be employed wherever possible. eradicate any practice that wastes energy.

humans have overcome so many crises in history, and we’re sure to win this time also.



How to Deal with Sub-health

With the modernization of the world, people’s standard of living has improved a lot. Then there appears a state of sub-health among people which poses a new threat to them.

There are some tpical symptoms for people who are in a state of sub-health. First of all, those who suffer from it often have a headache or backache. Secondly, they feel like having a rest

frequently. What upsets us most is that, the situation spreading countrywide. As a result, more and more workers in big cities are harassed by it, with a percentage of 75 in Beijing, 72 in Shanghai and 70 in Guangzhou respectively.

Then how can we sovle this problem effectibely? Experts suggest that the best way to keep ourselves thealthy is to do exercises. It is also very important that people should form a good living habit, for example, getting up early and going to sleep early. Only doing so can we keep us healthy.


The two pie charts given above reflect the changes of employment of university graduates. From 1992 to 2002, the proportion of graduates going to graduate school and joint-venture

remained unchanged at 25%. The proportion of graduates who intended to join state-owned firms increased markedly from 50% to 20%. However, the percentage of graduates with intention of entering private firm increased dramatically from 20% to 50%.

We learn from the pie charts that more graduates tend to choose private firms while less of them would like to work for state-owned firms after graduation. What might account for this

phenomenon? Possible reasons can be listed as follows: for one thing, quite a few graduates come to know that, compared with state-owned firms, private firms can provide them with higher

salaries. Moreover, private firms are famous for scientific management and fair competition, they seem to enjoy more experience and opportunities. Last but not least, some graduates hold that private firms surpass state-owned firms in working conditions, career promotion and personal relationships.

Graduates do have rights to choose their ideal firms. However, they should also bear in mind that what kind of firms will not determine how successful they will be. It is their abilities, attitudes and diligence that determine how long they can go. (211 words)






The bar chart given above reflects that the number of readers choosing paper book or

electronic books experienced some changes during the past four years. The number of paper book readers decreased slowly from 10 million in 2010 to 8 million in 2013. However, during the same period, the number of electronic book readers increased steadily from 8 million to 12 million. We learn from the bar chart that people in mounting numbers would like to choose electronic books while less people like paper books. What might account for this phenomenon? Reasons can

be listed as follows: for one thing, with the widespread availability of electronic devices such as smartphones,tablet PC and Electronic Reader,it is much easier for electronic books to be applied and popularized. Secondly, compared with paper books, electronic books are characterized by convenience in terms of carrying and saving spaces. Furthermore, the costs of purchasing and downloading electronic books are lower that of paper books, which enables readers to save a great deal of money. Last but not least, electronic books sometimes stand for high fashion and efficiency.

Whether electronic books will totally replace paper books one day still seems to be uncertain. However, no matter what kind of books will vanish, the habit of reading books should not be eliminated. (218 words)






1. 近年来,整容现象屡见不鲜

2. 出现这一现象的原?因

3. 我对这一现象的看法和建议


On Cosmetic Surgeries

In recent years, there have appeared more and more artificial beauties around us. Not only those actresses but also many ordinary women are crazy about cosmetic surgeries. They fail to resist the temptation of becoming more beautiful by changing some parts of their bodies within a few hours’ surgery.

What are responsible for the prevalence of cosmetic surgeries? Firstly, thanks to the

development of shaping techniques, the chances of successful surgeries have increased greatly, which makes more people begin to believe and accept cosmetic surgeries. Secondly, with the



My mother is a senior high school English teacher. Under standably, she wanted her daughter to pick up English early to give her an edge to later study, which I did not understand at the age of eight. I was so obsessed with fun and games that I hated to stay peacefully with all those strange phonetic symbols and odd words. I wondered what pleasure Mother seemed to have found in teaching me A,B, C. Wasn't teaching at school tire some enough for her? I went on strike, refusing to spell a single word no matter how tender or severe Mother tried to be with me. For the first time in my life, Mother beat me, imprinting on my mind. The physical pain was gone long, long ago. But I have finally come to understand how it pained my mother to beat me for my obstinacy and disobedience, and I ache at her pain.



Li Ying ’S Hobby

Li Ying likes English very much. She works hard at it. She reads English every morning. She likes speaking English. She often listens to the radio. She watches TV only on Saturday evening. Does she like dancing? No, she doesn’t. But she likes drawing and singing. Her parents love her. And all the teachers and her friends like her, too. She says her hobbies make her happy.




小朋友们写这种“叙事写人”作文时,可以从两个角度下手:一是具体地描绘;二是和上面小朋友一样,粗线条地勾画,二者各有所长,另处在行文中使用一些问句,使用一些转述的话,可以使作文更有灵气,避免了平铺直叙的缺点。比如上文的“Does she

like dancing? No, she doesn’t.”和“she says her hobbies make her happy.”就是十分不错的句


Don’t be against the traffic rules

I go to school from Monday to Friday .I go to school by bike at 7:30 in the morning .I must cross two busy roads .If the traffic light is red or yellow,I know I can’t cross the road ,so I


If the light turns green, I know it means “Go”, and then I walk across the road .I always ride on the right side of the road .I am never

against the traffic rules.






I Love My Family

Here is a photo lf my family. These are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother,

my brother and I.

My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital far away. He goes to work by subway. My mother is a teacher. She works in a school near my home. She goes to work by bike. After work, they like reading books. Who is the tall boy? He is my brother. He is five years older than me. He is a singer. He’s now in Beijing. He goes there by


I love my family.


一个平凡的题材,一篇生动的作文。这样的命题,我们可能面对几次,甚至几十次了。但这位小朋友的笔端很是灵巧,了了数言,让一个幸福的家庭跃然纸上,很值得我们去思考,我们能做到吗? 小朋友的这篇作文除了语言优美之外,在结构上也有闪光之处。先总说,将自己的家人逐个介绍一遍,后分说,把家人的工作、上班方式,爱好一一细说。最后以一句话进行概括,起到点题的作用。我们在写类似的作文的时候是不是也可以借鉴呢?

How to get to the science museum

We are going to the science museum tomorrow. There is an old thing show in the Museum. Do you know how we can get to the science museum? The science museum is next to the People’s Park. It’s isn’t far from our school. So we can go there on foot .Walk straight to the west from our school, next turn left at the post office

and walk for about 5 minutes, then turn right at traffic lights. You can find the People’s Park on the right . Walk straight, and you’ll see the

science museum.






Planting Trees

It’s spring. It’s time to plant trees.
