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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 11:20:41 体裁作文


作文复习专题之--- 图表说明文








第一段:开门见山地点明本图表所反映的主题, 即conclusion.







3). 确定主体时态

4). 确定主体人称

2. 列要点

3. 依要点, 拟草纲, 组织成句.

4. 构篇章,扩句成文.

5. 检查润色

6. 书写


1. 常用词汇:

table(表格, 项目表), chart(图表), graph(图表, 曲线图),figure(数据),rate (比列,比率),make asurvey about…(做关于…的调查) ,describe, tell, show, represent, Obviously/Apparently(很明显地),rise,increase(增多,增加),climb,go up, fall,decline(下降),decrease(减少,减低),drop,go down, ….

2. 常用句型:

1).The rate of … is

2).There was a great /slight increase /rise in…

3).The main reason is that ….

4).The rate dropped slightly from 38%in… to 31% in…

5). By comparison with…, it decreased/increased/fell from…to…

6). From Chart 1, / According to Chart 2, /As is shown on Chart 1,

7)Besides/ What’s more/What’s worse.

8)In a word/In short/ Generally speaking /In summary/ As far as I am concerned.


1. 由表1,我们可以看出……

2. 最近的一项关于人们怎样度假的调查表明。

3. 总之,通过对1996年和2005年所有比率的对比,我们可以看出,现在人们越来越关注享受生活。

4. 1996年,12%的人选择到国外度假,但是到了2005年,这个比率翻了一翻。

5. 选择上大学的学生比率由2002年的56.5%上升到2005年的81.2%。

6. 这些变化有两方面的原因。


(2007年广东)上周, 我们以 “谁是你的偶像” 为题, 在2600名学生的中进行了一次调查( survey).

根据以上数据, 写一篇短文, 包括以下内容;

1. 调查时间, 调查问题以及调查对象

2. 男女生在以明星为偶像方面的差异;

3. “父母” 在男女生偶像中的排序差异;

4. 男女生在以伟人为偶像方面的异同;

5. 你的偶像及理由




星期一, 我们开了个班会讨论 “上大学是高中生唯一的出路吗?” 以下图表是讨论结果.


根据以上图表数据, 写一篇短文, 包括以下内容;

1. 增长知识,提高素养(quality), 利于择业

2. 成功的路不只一条.

3. 学费(tuition)高,就业难.

4. 你的观点及原因



A. 电影观众人数呈逐年下降趋势;

B. 电视观众人数越来越多 (原因: 方便、经济、选择范围);

C. 然而还是有人喜欢看电影 (原因: 气氛、娱乐)。

参考词汇: decrease v. 下降 atmosphere n. 氛围entertainment n. 娱乐

film goer /TV watcher 电影/电视观众


90 80


60 50




10 0


Number of People (in thousands)

(a): Number of TV watchers

(b): Number of film goers


1. 下图是你们学校中学生每天各项活动的情况。请你根据此图用英语写一篇短文,介绍你校每天的生


As is shown on Chart,we can know something about our school life .

We usually spend around eight hours on our studies every day. We have to more than eight periods of lessons per day. What’s more, much homework will have to be done daily by students. At the same time, the time for sports is less than one hour, which is just one class period. For the three meals, most of us have only about one hour. And we have 7 hours for sleep, which is obviously not adequate for(足够,适合) young students. We have very little leisure(空闲的)time--- about one hour each day. For other activities like

reading newspapers, taking a walk, doing washing or going shopping, we have just one and a half hours in all.

The truth is that we are busy all day long. We really hope we can have more free time of our own.

2. 下面的图表反映的是你校2002年与2005年学生健康状况的部分数据。请你用英语写一份报告,反


A recent survey shows that the health of the students in our school has been going from bad to worse in the past three years.

The number of nearsighted students has increased from 78.2% in 2002 to 92.5% in 2005, which that of overweight students from 36% to 52.2%. Nearly 10% of students lack sleep because of more homework to do. Besides, over 15% of students become mentally (精神上,智力上)unhealthy.

To improve students’ health, we call for less homework. Only in this way can students get plenty of sleep and meanwhile(同时; 其间) prevent them from being nearsighted. Proper(适当的) diets and exercise should also be paid attention to so that they won’t easily put on weight. With their heavy burdens(负担,重负)removed, students can then keep in normal mental health.


两幅图表,介绍你市高中生的构成情况及毕业去向的选择,并针对两幅图表中的任?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuwozuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">我桓鍪菟从车那榭龇⒈砟阕约旱目捶ā?/p>

Ladies and gentlemen,

I’m Li Hua. Today, I’m greatly honoured to speak here on behalf of my school. I’m going to talk about the high school education of my city.

From chart1, we can see high school students are from different family backgrounds. Besides local students, who make up 91percent, eight percent of the students are the children of non-local workers. There are even 1 percent foreign students.

According to chart 2, the students’ choices after graduation have presented a wider variety. Sixty percent of them intend to go to universities. Thirty percent choose to enter vocational schools, and the rest ten percent plan to go to abroad for further studies.

I think, with the economic development of our city, more foreigners are attracted to set up business here and they are happy to send their children to local school to learn more about China and Chinese culture.

I believe the future of the education in our city is promising(有希望的, 有前途的). That’s all. Thank all.



第一步:开门见山地点明本图表所反映的主题, 即conclusion


(图表/数据):table, chart, graph,figure(数据)… ;

动词:describe,tell, show, represent…


1.The graph/chart/table above shows…

2. From the above graph/chart, it can be seen that...

3.As (正如) is shown in the graph, ...

4. It has been shown from the table that

第二步:分析数据间的主要差异及趋势,然后描写(在描写数据间变化及总趋势特征时,可采用分类式或对比式以支持主题,并阐明必要的理由)。注意层次。 即 facts and reasons 增长/减少的表达:

表示上升的动词: rise,increase,climb,go up , …;

表示上升的名词: rise,increase, …;

表示下降的动词: fall,decline,decrease,drop,go down, …;

表示下降的名词: fall,decline,decrease,drop, …

表示平稳: remain steady/unchanged…

常用句型:( Facts)

1.There was a great /slight increase /rise in…

2.There has been a sudden/slow/rapid fall/drop in…

3.The rate dropped slightly from 38%in…to 31% in…

4. By comparison with…,it decreased/increased/fell from…to…

5. Statistics show a 20% rise/reduction in traffic accidents compared with last year.

6. The population owning mobile phones increased by 10% in 1999.


1.The number /rate has nearly doubled(是...的两倍), as against that of last year.

2.The number is five times as many as that of….(是…的5倍)

=The number is four times more than in…(比...多4倍)

Possible Version:

As can be seen from the graph, great changes in car ownership have taken place in China in the past ten years. The number of private cars increased more than 5 times from nearly 3 million in 1999 to over 15 million in 2009. It’s mainly because the economy of China has developed so rapidly that many Chinese people want to own private cars. Besides, in modern society, many Chinese need a car to do business so as to save time. In my view, as the car ownership constantly increases year by year, a large number of social problems, such as traffic jams, will turn up in nearly every city throughout China.



Study the following pie carefully and rite an essay in which you should

1)describe the pie,

2)interpret its meaning, and

3)suggest counter-measures.

You should write about 160—200 words neatly ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

[参考范文](291 words) 爱滋病的感染途径

As is obviously betrayed in the pie above, the main contagion (接触传染) channels among China’s HIV positive cases are drug injection (43.9%), commercial blood donors (24.1%), and sexual contact (19.8%). The statistics have indicated the reality that we are facing and have profound implication for us in terms of AIDS control and prevention.

The implied meaning of the pie above which demonstrates how victims were usually infected in the year of 2004 is far-reaching. In the first place, the contagion channel of drug injection should be the top on our agenda. The channel of infection ranks first in the pie above currently in our society the availability of drugs are getting easier. If enough attention is not attached to the control of drug injection, China’s HIV positive cases will rocket to an alarming figure, which is bound to threaten the stability of our society.

What’s more, the contagion channels — commercial blood donors and sexual contact — should not be ignored by us. The two channels of infection rank second and third respectively. In fact, blood and sex are part of people’s life so that it is more difficult for us to always watch out. However, constant watching-out has become a must due to the cruel reality which is

revealed in the pie above. Otherwise, everybody in our society will be in danger of being infected with HIV positive.

Counter measures must be taken in order contain the current situation. In the first place, we must offer medical treatment to those who are already infected. In the second place, we must popularize the knowledge of AIDS in our society, especially among young people. Most importantly, the idea of prevention should be the uppermost in our work and life.


Study the fol(来自:www.Zw2.cn 爱 作文 网)lowing chart carefully and write an essay in which you should

1)describe the chart,

2)deduce the purpose of the painter of the chart.

You should write about 160—

200 words neatly ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

[参考范文]2004年不同疾病的死亡率(248 words)

As is apparently betrayed in the chart above, among the leading causes of death among 15 — 59-year-olds worldwide in the year of 2004 are HIV/AIDS, heart failure, tuberculosis and so forth, which cover both external and internal factors. What the chart reveals mirrors a social reality, which is in effect thought-provoking.

The aim of the painter of the chart is to make us have a clear understanding of the leading causes of death so as to improve our life span and the quality of life. In the first place, some diseases such as HIV/AIDS and cancer are still No. 1 enemies since we still have no better way to deal with them. Consequently, we must work hard in this aspect and try our best to find the cure as early as possible. In the second place, psychological stress on us should not be neglected in terms of leading causes of death. Causes such as heart failure and suicide are

closely related with psychological stress.

Therefore, to protect our life, we must first of all attach importance to our state of mind. Last but not least important, some leading causes such as respiratory illness is associated with our environment pollution. Therefore, the improvement of our environment can contribute to the protection of our life. In sum, the chart above reminds us that the leading causes of death result from diseases, psychological stress, and environmental pollution. In order to have a better life, something must be done in the relevant aspects mentioned above.


Study the following chart carefully and write an essay in which you should

1)describe the chart,

2)account for the status revealed, and

3)make a relevant prediction.

You should write about 160—200 words neatly ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

The number of Scientific breakthroughs over the past years in P.R. China (Estimated)

[参考范文](228 words) 从2001-2004年4年当中中国在科学成就上突破表

As is apparently betrayed in the chart above, the number of scientific breakthroughs over the past years in P.R. China has been climbing and rocketed to 120 cases in the year of 2004, which is a shocking news to people both at home and abroad. People may wonder what is behind the great achievement.

The foremost reasons for the tremendous feat which is revealed in the chart above can be

illustrated as follows. To begin with, idea that science and technology are also productivity has contributed to the increase of scientific breakthrough. Over the years, more and more people realize that we are living in an era of knowledge explosion. If we want to survive and develop in the current world, we must keep pace with the development of science and technology. Thus, scientific breakthrough crop up by each passing day. What’s more, the Opening-up and Reform has also brought about the increase of scientific breakthroughs. The Opening-up and Reform has improved the development of China’s economy, which has laid a solid foundation for the increase of scientific breakthroughs. In sum, our new idea and Opening-up and Reform are the preconditions of the tremendous increase of scientific breakthroughs.

As our country develops at a high speed, more scientific breakthroughs will come into our life since we have more solid economic foundation, advanced equipment and facilities, and super talents.


Study the following chart carefully and write an essay to

1) describe the chart,

2) state your attitude toward the event, and

3) suggest counter-measures.

You should write about 160—200 words neatly ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

[参考范文](172 words) 世界恐怖案件调查表

As is apparently betrayed in the chart above, the number of terror attacks over the past four years has been climbing and rocketed to 204 cases in the year of 2004. This is a shocking

figure to everyone and every nation in the world, which has aroused the deep concern of the international community.

In my view, terrorist offences against civilians cannot be justified in any way. Action of the kind is no doubt criminal regardless of their motivation, be it political or personal. The terror attack on children and women like the case in Russia not long ago is never forgivable. In fact, terror attack is a threat to the world peace and stability.

Counter-measures should be taken to fight against terrorism. To begin with, there is a greater and more urgent need for the international community to collaborate now. What’s more, the legislative framework of international co-operation against terrorism should be perfected. Most importantly, the world community should carefully explore terrorism’s breading grounds while probing effective means to counter it.


Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay to

1)describe the picture

2)deduce the reasons for the predictions revealed, and

3)put forward your suggestions.

You should write about 160—200 words neatly ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

[参考范文](256 words) 预测中国人口寿命

As is apparently betrayed in the drawing above, the average life spans of the world population and China’s population will reach fifty years and one hundred years respectively by the year of 2300. And by then the number of people above the age of sixty will account for thirty-eight percent of the total world population. This is a great change in human history, which has made us think deeply.

The foremost reasons for the predictions which are indicated in the drawing above can be illustrated as follows. To begin with, the rapid development of the world economy has
