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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 15:46:13 高中作文

篇一:认清自己,量力而行 议论文作文


春秋战国时期,赵括把用兵打仗看作儿戏似的,谈起兵法来,就眼空四海(来自:WWw.zW2.CN 爱作文网),目中无人,却不知自己实际上是一个只会纸上谈兵的庸才。长平之战,四十万赵军,就在纸上谈兵的主帅赵括手里全部覆没了。赵括不就是没有认清自己,量力而行吗?这不是历史给我们留下的见证吗?






人,不能改变人生的长度,但能拓宽人生的宽度。于是大多数人都明智的选择后者,暗暗立定自己的鸿鹄之志。然而,这只是一个开端,就像你在荒原里百无聊赖时得了一张通往远方城市的地图,你决定往那儿走,但路需由你自己开辟,前途未知 ――那地方你可能一时半会儿到不了,也可能永远也不能到达。











I thought that as long as you work hard, we will be able to learn English well. In fact, no matter how I tried to learn, my English is still very bad. Within five years, I want to become a pianist. But in the end my dream is unlikely to come true.Don’t I diligence?The answer is clearly no.

To be honest, sometimes other people can do things I really can't do that, so that the person should have self-cognition, work to our strengths, but sometimes people always like to overestimate their own.To think of success of others,they think they will be also successful in the future,finally they failed, so they will think god unfair. Sometimes people are so strange, for example someone is successful, they will be jealous , also want to follow in the footsteps of others . But I think they actually are not necessarily to choose this way ,the result may be better. People sometimes love said this sentence: "weigh yourself ". Means to tell people the person should have self-cognition, don't think yourself are too clever. It tells people to do things according to our strengths and don't too persistent.

In fact, everyone is very important, everyone has their own advantages, just some people look themselves too low, some people look themselves too high.However the most import thing is to identify yourself, and then to do things on our strengths. We have our strengths, do your best. Workers do their own work, farmers cultivate crops, businessman make a good business management.Even if we don’t achieve the initial dream, but I am the best of myself.

People, can't change the length of life, but can broaden the width of the life. So clever person know how to choose the latter, secretly set their own ambitions. However, this is just a beginning, just like when you're located on the waste land have a map to the distant city, future is unknown,where you decide to go, the place you may never arrive ,but you need to make yourself open.Life is such, can't be loaded by the people. People, after all, is the product of the environment, so always is restricted by environment conditions, or its own factors. When your environment doesn't allow you to achieve your belief, or your own condition insufficiency, your dream will temporarily cannot come true, even dream will become a fantasy. With these restrictive factors, like is to let you wear handcuffs to dance. Can you dance well,obviously, the beautiful action will not be able to show.

First of all, you should understand the objective environment conditions, give you a piece of wood, you can not make a gold statue forever, but you can carve it into a wood carving art. Of course, you should know yourself, know your own strength, know how to step in that direction by the environment. In such a strengths, give yourself a clear positioning, to do the best we can.

Andrew Carnegie has a rich and colorful life, because he is a race to the top, strive to

do the most good cost industry. At the age of 12, he was a textile mill worker. Little he was determined to do the best factory worker. He think so, also do, in the end, he became the most excellent factory worker. Later,he became a postman and he wanted how to be the most outstanding American postman, and he succeeded. Andrew Carnegie's life is constantly on the basis of the environment and his own status, strengths.

Do more, do your best, if it can't promise to achieve your ambition, we can try to learn giving up. Don't be too self-centered,we both push car with head down and look up at road, learn to listen and adopt suggestions from others. If you go along with the wrong belief’s road, you will die very miserably.
