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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 01:29:21 小学作文



  yesterday my mother and i went to the east lake about 40 kilometreseast of the city. i had a good time there.   we left home at seven o'clock in the morning, and it took us about an hour to drive there. then we got to the lake. oh, how large the lake was!there were many green trees and red flowers around it. we got on a small boat and rowed it. the sky was clear and the breeze touched our faces softly. i sang while rowing the boat.after we had lunch in a small restaurant, we returned home. i really hope to go there next spring!

初中一年级英语作文:我的一次北京之旅(My trip to Beijing)


My trip to Beijing

During the May Day holiday, I went to Beijing with my parents(在五一假期间,我和我的父母去了北京).We had a good trip there(我们在那里有一个很好的旅行).

On the first day, we went to the Great Wall(在





1. 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。

2. 文章的开头和结尾已经为你写好(所给句子不计入5个句子之中)。




高考 College Entrance ExaminationKs5u

We have decided to go for an outing to Baiyun Mountain this weekend. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I hope all the students can take part in the activity.

One possible version:

know, we Senior 3 students are so busy preparing for the coming College Entrance Examination that we are faced with great pressure and have little time to do something else. In order to keep a balance between work and leisure / rest, we think it's a good idea for us to get close to nature on the weekend to breathe the fresh air and enjoy the sunshine. By doing that, not only can we enjoy the beautiful scenery but we can also relax ourselves. Meanwhile, we can ease our pressure and make our study more efficient. Those who want to take part in the outing are expected to meet at the school gate at 8:00 this Sunday morning.


② 庐山郊游通知

[题 材]







[范 文]

An Outing to Lushan

An Announcement

Class, please be quiet. I am glad to tell you that we have decided to have an outing to Lushan next Saturday, May 4th. The expense is about five yuan. Those who wish to go should put down the names on this piece of paper and give the money to me. We will go by school bus which is to start after breakfast at 8:00 a. m. and come back to school at 3:00 p.m.. Remember to bring your lunch with you.

We’ll have a contest of climbing the hill and take photos there. All the students are welcome. That’s all. Thank you.


Class 2 of Senior Grade 3



美国教授American professor

有关教育的报告a report on education

作笔记to take notes

讨论to have a discussion


An American professor, Dr Black will visit our school this Wednesday afternoon. He will give us a report on the education in America. Everyone is supposed to be in Room 105, the big classroom exactly at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday. Please bring your notebooks with you and take notes while listening to the lecture, so that we can have a discussion about it after it is over.




节目programme (或program)

欢迎to be welcomed

表演 to perform

Fellow students, attention, please.I have some good news to tell you. We’re going to have an English evening, in our classroom at 7:30 on Saturday evening. The programme inclides songs, recitations, storytelling and short plays. Everyone in our clas must take part in it and students form other classed are also welcome. Everone who takes part in the party should perform once.

That’s all. Thank you.

[题 材]



2、中国有许多世界名茶。用不同的方法加工茶,可生产出红茶(black tea),绿茶,花茶(scented tea)保健茶(tea)等;

3、饮茶已成为我们生活的一部分。饮茶可以使人保持大脑清醒,解除疲劳。茶里的营养成分 (nutritious elements)以及微量元素(trace elements)可以使人健康。

[范 文]


Tea drinking originated① in ancient China and has spread all over the world. China grows several kinds of the world famous tea. By using different ways to treat and process② tea, the Chinese can produce black tea, green tea, scented tea, medical tea and the like. Tea drinking has become part of our life. In China, there are tea houses③ where people talk to one another, tell stories and play chess while drinking tea, People drink tea to refresh the mind and get rid of tiredness. Tea has nutritious elements and trace elements, which can make people healthy.

Tea drinking will become more and more popular.

[注 释]

① originated v. 起源

② process v. 加工

③ tea houses 茶馆

初中一年级英语作文:一次去旅行香港的旅行(A trip to Hong Kong)

初中一年级英语作文:A trip to Hong Kong Last summer,I went to Hong Kong with my parents(上个暑假,我和我的父母去了香港).First,we visited the Hong Kong Disneyland(首先,我们去了香港迪士尼乐园).It’s an interesting place(它是个有趣的地方).We saw the superstar Mickey Mouse and his friends(我们看见了超级巨星米老鼠和他的朋友们).We also did a lot of shopping there(我们也在那里买了很多东西). I was happy to get a lot of tings and we couldn’t find the thing in China(我很高兴买了许多我们不能在中国买到的东西).Our trip to Hong Kong was colourful(我们的香港之行是丰富多彩的).We fell a little bit tired,but we were happy(我们感到有一点点累,但我们很开心).
