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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 16:48:54 优秀作文




Example 1:

The graph above show information of employment rates across 6 countries in1995 and 2005.

Summarize the information by choosing and describe the main idea, and makecomparisons where appropriate.


那让我们换个角度来想,如果以一个国家内部的数据特点作为分类标准,看看国家内同年份男性和女性的雇佣率差距,不难发现Australia,Iceland 和

New Zealand同年份的男女雇佣率差距很明显,而在Switzerland, UK 和 USA二者的差距就比较小。就此,这道题第三个重要的信息点就可以被归纳出来了。Example 2:

prices infive different cities between 1990 and 2002 compared with the average houseprices in 1989.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, andmake comparisons where relevant. (剑桥雅思真题7 Test 3 Task 1)

述,也可以把两个时间段的信息进行混合,按照“始终在1989年平均房价之上”、“始终在1989年平均房价之下”和“一开始低于1989年的平均房价但之后高于1989年的均价”的标准进行分类描述。但无论哪种思路,在总结段我们都需要对图中信息做进一步的对比,那么柱子间的差距就又成为需要关注的重点信息了。通过比较差值不难发现,NewYork 和 London的平均房价在这12年里经历了比较明显的变化,而Madrid, Tokyo 和 Frankfurt 的平均房价则变动不大。






The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph shows the trends in consumption of fast foods.

Write a report a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

The chart shows that high income earners consumed considerably more fast foods than the other income groups, spending more than twice as much on hamburgers (43 pence per person per week) than on fish and chips or pizza (both under 20 pence). Average income earners also favored hamburgers, spending 33 pence per person per week, followed by fish and chips at 24 pence, then pizza at 11 pence. Low income earners appear to spend less than other income groups on fast foods, though fish and

chip remains their most popular fast food, followed by hamburgers and then pizza. From the graph we can see that in 1970, fish and chips were twice as popular as burgers, pizza being at that time the least popular fast food. The consumption of hamburgers and pizza has risen steadily over the 20 year period to 1990 while the consumption of fish and chips has been in decline over that same period with a slight increase in popularity since 1985.



The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph shows the trends in consumption of fast foods. 两句话,两个图


The chart shows that high income earners consumed considerably more fast foods than the other income groups, spending more than twice as much on hamburgers (43 pence per person per week) than on fish and chips or pizza (both under 20 pence).

? 说明了高收入人群的两个特点,第一是消耗快餐最多,第二是人群中hamburger,

fish and chips, pizza的特点

? spending more than twice as much on hamburgers than on fish and chip and

chips or pizza 这是一句令人费解的句子,含义应为“消耗的汉堡是薯片或匹萨的两倍多 ”,应用的句型应当为典型的表示倍数关系的句型“n times as…as”,比如 ? This airplane flies two times as fast as that one. 这家飞机的飞行速度是那架


? He has five times as many books as you. 他拥有的书是你的五倍。

? 所以,这句话应当为 spending more than twice as much on hamburger as on

fish and chips or pizza, 其中more than修饰twice, 表示比较句型为 twice as much…as

? 表示倍数比较的句型中还有一个重要的 n times more than, 也表示“是几倍”,而非


? China is 22 times larger than Britain. 中国是英国的22倍。

? fish and chips表示的一组东西“油煎鱼价炸土豆片”,表示的是个不可数的概念 Average income earners also favored hamburgers, spending 33 pence per

person per week, followed by fish and chips at 24 pence, then pizza at 11 pence. ? 说明了中收入人群的三类食品的消耗情况。

? 这句是典型的表示顺序关系的表达, hamburgers, followed by fish and chips,

then pizza, 其表达句型为 A, followed by B, then C,这种表达尤其在饼图中应用尤为广泛

Low income earners appear to spend less than other income groups on fast foods, though fish and chips remains their most popular fast food, followed by hamburgers and then pizza.

? 说明了低收入人群的两个特征,第一是该人群消耗的快餐数量最少,通过though


? 结合上句,来看看如何表达“最喜欢”,Average income earners favored

hamburgers; Fish and chips remains their most popular fast food.


From the graph we can see that in 1970, fish and chips were twice as popular as burgers, pizza being at that time the least popular fast food.

? 说明三类食品的起点(1970)情况,

? N times as…as 句型说明了fish and chips和burgers的关系

? pizza being the least popular fast food at that time 为“独立主格结构”

The consumption of hamburgers and pizza has risen steadily over the 20 year period to 1990 while the consumption of fish and chips has been in decline over that same period with a slight increase in popularity since 1985.

? 用一个表示对照的连词while说明上升趋势的hamburgers和下降趋势的fish and



? 上升 has risen steadily

? 下降 has been in decline

? 表示段时间 over the 20 year period to 1990, over the same period

? with a slight increase in popularity用with 从句补充说明大趋势下的小变化



? N times as+ 形容词或副词原级…as

? N times+ 形容词或副词的比较级…than


表示三种的顺序关系 A, followed by B, then C,这个表达在饼图中很常用


? 表示上升 rise, be in increase

? 表示下降 be in decline, drop



The bar chart shows how much money was spent on fast foods per week in the UK over a span of 20 years from 1970 to 1990 while the graph reveals the trend of fast food consumption over the same period of time.

从柱状图看,各收入阶层在汉堡和鱼煎薯条这两种快餐上的支出相对高于在皮萨上的消费;曲线图反映出汉堡与皮萨的消费呈现上升趋势,鱼煎薯条则呈现出波动趋势。 As we can see from the chart, the weekly expenses of people of different income

levels on hamburgers and fish and chips were relatively higher than that on pizza. The graph indicates that while hamburger and pizza consumption both revealed a general trend of increase, fish and chips showed a trend of fluctuation.


First, the weekly average expenses of high-income people and middle-income people were 42 pence and 33 pence respectively, a lot higher than that of low-income people which was 14 pence. As for fish and chips, high-income people spent relatively less, only 17 pence, but the expenses of middle-income and low-income groups reached 25 pence and 18 pence, much higher than their expenses on pizza which stood at 12 pence and 8 pence respectively. What is worth mentioning is the amount of money spent on pizza by high-income people which showed only 20 pence, 2 pence more than their expense on fish and chips.


Second, starting from averagely 85 grams per week in 1970, people’s consumption of hamburgers gradually grew to 100 grams in 1975 and was then followed by a faster growth, reaching more than 200 grams in around 1983. From then on, the growth gained a stronger momentum, hitting the peak across the board at 550 grams in 1990.


Third, the consumption of pizza revealed a similar trend of growth as that of

hamburgers and could also be clearly cut into three periods, though the growth rate was not that fast. It rose slowly from 40 grams per week in 1970 to 80 grams in 1980 and then grew faster from 80 grams in 1980 to 130 grams in 1985. From 1985, the growth rate was even faster and we see a big increase from 130 grams to 280 grams.


Fourth, the consumption of fish and chips showed three changes in the general trend of fluctuation. From 1970 to 1975, it dropped slowly from the original 300 grams per week in 1970 to 280 grams in 1975. Later on, from 1975 to 1985, it dropped a little bit faster when it fell from 280 grams to 200 grams. From then on, it began to rise gradually and till 1990, it had climbed back to 240 grams.


To sum up, the consumption of the three above mentioned fast foods in Britain

showed certain rises and falls as illustrated in the chart and graph over the designated 20 years.









Account for

Take up

Make up

Contribute to



2.表示“最高级”和 “比较级”

第一/最小 the largest/biggest proportion of

第二 the second/next largest/expensive(+ 形容词的最高级)

第三 followed closely by

最低/最小 the smallest percent of all


即在饼状图中遇到了比例相同或者差不多的饼,如有A B两个比较对象。

A accounts for the same percentage as B 。

The proportion of A is as high as B

A and B contributed equally/evenly to (all )



1. 两根柱且趋势截然相反


The charts below show the main reasons for study among students of different age groups and the amount of support they received from employers。

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below。

You should write at least 150 words。

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task。

The first graph shows that there is a gradual decrease in study for career reasons with age. Nearly 80% of students under 26 years, study for their career. This percentage gradually declines by approximately15% every decade. Only 40% of 40-49yr olds and 18% of over 49yr olds studied for career reasons in late adulthood。

Conversely, the first graph also shows that study stemming from interest increases with age。

There are only 10% of under 26yr olds studying out of interest. The percentage increases slowly till the beginning of the fourth decade, and increases dramatically in late

adulthood. Nearly same number of 40-49yr

olds study for career and interest. However 70% of over 49yr olds study for interest in comparison to 18% studying for career reasons in that age group。



2. 三根以上柱形且多种趋势:


The graph shows Internet Usage in Taiwan by Age Group, 1998-2000.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The graph shows changes in the age profile of Internet users in Taiwan between 1998 and 2000.

The main users of the Internet in Taiwan are young adults between 16 and 30 years old. In 1998, they accounted for more than half of all users. In 1999 the number dropped

slightly to 45%, but even in 2000 they were the biggest group。

The second biggest group of users is aged between 31 and 50. They made up 41% in 1998, falling slightly to 37% in 2000. When combined with the 16-30 age group, over 94% of users in 1998 were between 16 and 50.

However this number is dropping steadily as more children and older users log on. In 1999, the number of children online quadrupled from 2% to 8%, and it continued to

increase in 2000. There were similar increases for older users, rising from 4% in 1998 to 10% in 2000.

In summary, while adults between 16 and 50 still represent the great majority of Internet users in Taiwan, their share is declining as more children and older users join the web。在第一个主体段中,作者先从最长的红色柱形入手,见划线句子。然后在第二个主体段中继续描写蓝色柱形的数据。在句型选择上我们发现2段首句都使用了主系表的简单句,选择的主语也是类似,因此从高分角度来讲,我们可以将第2个主体段首句的主语换成原先的表语,即31岁至50岁年龄组,效果会更好。


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task。

The table below shows the figures for imprisonment in five countries between 1930 and 1980. Write a report for a university, lecturer describing the information shown below. You should write at least 150 words。

The bar graph shows that the figures for imprisonment in the five countries mentioned indicate no overall pattern of increase or decrease. In fact there is considerable fluctuation from country to country。

In Great Britain the numbers in prison have increased steadily from 30 000 in 1930 to 80,000 in 1980. On the other hand in Australia, and particularly in New Zealand the numbers fell

markedly from 1930 to 1940. Since then they have increased gradually, apart from in 1980 when the numbers in prison in New Zealand fell by about 30,000 from the 1970 total. Canada is

the only country in which the numbers in prison have decreased over the period 1930 to 1980, although there have been fluctuations in this trend. The figures for the United States indicate the greatest number of prisoners compared to the other four countries but population size needs to be taken into account in this analysis。

The prison population in the United States increased rapidly from 1970 to 1980 and this must be a worrying trend。




The graph above show information of employment rates across 6 countries in 1995 and 2005.

Summarize the information by choosing and describe the main idea, and make comparisons where appropriate。

The graph shows changes in employment rates in six countries between 1995 and 2005, for men and women. Overall more and more pe


ople of working age are employed, and there have been significant improvements for women, although they leg behind men in entering the workforce。The most obvious trend in the graph is that women have lower employment rates in most of the countries in the graph。

For example, in Australia in 1995, 57 percent of men could find work or retain a job, but only 27 percent of women. The difference was even bigger in New Zealand, with 60 percent of women. Even in Switzerland and Iceland, alightly more men than women were in the job market。

The second biggest trend in the graph is the improvement in employment between 1995 and 2005.

In all countries shown, figures for both men and women improved. The biggest change was in the United Kingdom, from 55 percent of men in 1995 to 73 percent over the ten years period。Furthermore, the increases in employment rates for women were much higher in New Zealand. The percentage of working women jumped from 25 percent to 42 percent, and in the United States from 45 percent to 61 percent over the decade。

In conclusion, all the countries in the graph showed at least a 12 percent increase in employment rates of both men and women over the ten yeares. While men had relatively higher employment rate throughout the period, more and more women appear to be entering


labour market。



The chart shows the number of mobile phones and landlines per 100 people in selected countries. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information given。

The graph shows the number of mobile phones and landlines per 100 users, for selected countries. Overall, most of the countries included in the graph have more mobile phones subscribers than landlines。

Most European countries have high mobile phone use. The biggest users of mobile phones are the Italians, with 88 cell phones per 100 people。

For example, Italy has twice as many mobile phones as landlines, with 88 mobiles per hundred people compared to 45 for landlines. Mobile phone use is low in Canada, with fewer than 40 phones per 100 people. Denmark is also unusual because it has slightly more landlines than mobile phones。

However, in some countries, the number of landlines is higher than the number of mobile phones。

One example is the USA, where the number of mobiles, at 50 per 100 people, is much lower than the number of landlines, at almost 70 per hundred. A similar pattern can be seen in Canada. The highest number of landlines in the graph is in Denmark, with about 90 per 100 people. In contrast, the lowest figures for fixed lines are in Italy and the UK。

In conclusion, it seems that mobile phone use is higher in Europe than in North America。 在这个柱形图中,通过观察,我们也发现了几个趋势:一是大部分国家手机使用数量要多于固定电话使用数量;二是欧洲国家的手机使用量明显多于北美洲国家。见划线的句子。我们在观察图形的时候,若横轴是地点,我们还需注意国家的分类,这点在高分范文中尤其可以成为一个亮点。
