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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 03:37:57 英语作文



在目前,有很多人选择在家工作。然而任何事件都有两面性,在家工作也不例外。 首先看看在家工作的好处,

1 在家办公,工作环境可以完全由你布置。可以根据自己的喜好来摆放办公设施,甚至是房间的装修、壁纸的选择都由你来决定。 2在家办公意味着不用浪费时间在去办公室的路上,只要完成了工作,你可以立即和家人在一起。


1 通常来讲,租用的办公室一般会在(邻近)商业办公区,而你住的地方一般是在生活区。在商业办公区,没有有小孩在踢足球、狗叫、小孩哭闹和各种生活区常听到的、影响工作的声音。而家里则不一样,比如:有人来串门,以及家人的打扰。另外,在家办公很容易让人变得拖拖拉拉,因为你很容易就可能从房间走出来,看看电视连续剧,然后就过了一个下午。再比如说你感觉有点累了,你可能就躺着睡着了。类似的情况让你慢慢变得懒惰、拖延。


Pros and cons of working from home

At present, there are lots of people who choose to work at home. However, everything has two sides, working at home is no exception.

Have a look at the benefits of working at home,

1 the home office working environment, can decorate completely by you. Can be placed according to their preferences office facilities, and even the decoration of the room, wallpaper of choice is up to you to decide. 2 the home office means that we don't waste time on the way to the office, just finished the work, you can immediately and family together.

3 working at home is one of the biggest benefits of low cost. If you work at home, all costs will be minimized.

Then, we have a look less work at home, there are some specific:

1 generally speaking, leased office will in general (adjacent) Business District, and the place you live in is generally in the living area. In the business district, no influential work often heard playing football, barking dogs, children crying and various living area child, voice. And the home is not the same, such as: someone comes to the door, and family. In addition, it is easy to become tardy to work at home, because you are very easy to be walked out of the room, have a look the television series, and then spent the afternoon. Say you feel a little tired, you may lay asleep. A similar situation let you slowly become lazy, delay.

This is my work at home for good and bad simple analysis.

篇二:女人应该在外工作还是在家 英语作文

Should women stay at home or go out to work? Give examples to illustrate it.

It is a controversial topic in our country that women should stay at home or go out to work. Different people hold quite different points of view. In my opinion,career and family are not in opposition to each other. Rather, they can enhance each other so that the life can become better and better. It’s not a choice between right and wrong, but one between ideal and practical.

Take Wang Fang for example,she is a famous designer in the field of interior designing. And she has her own business. She owns many branch companies and works as the manager,enjoying a high reputation. At the same time,she has a happy family.She takes good care of her children and in her spare time and they grew up healthily. And usually she together with her whole family are going out on vacation,during which they will share more mutual memories.She is no doubt a successful woman in terms of family and career.

Times have changed and women play an important part in modern society. Now many women are going into professions, such as medicine, law and engineering. They comprise a large part of the workers in businesses and factories. In addition, they are working up to important positions which used to be held mainly by men. There are even some businesses which are run completely be the female. Clearly, women are making outstanding contributions to the progress of modern society.

From what we can see above,women are encouraged to go out to work. Since both men and women are equally important in human activities, they should be on an equal footing. And at the same time,they can also have a happy family.They can spend their free time accompanying their family,which will create more entertainment.


In the future, students may have the choice of studying at home by using technology such as or or of studying at traditional schools. Which would you prefer? Use reasons and specific details to explain your choice.





Within several decades, the rapid developing technology enables almost every family to get access to the internet at home. Educational television programs were introduced to families for their convenience and vividness. It seems natural that people would gradually switch from traditional schools to internet based or television based education. However, this never happened. Why? Because traditional schools possess many essential qualities for more effective education which can hardly be replicated by internet and television. For the better-being of the students, I prefer traditional schools as the ideal mean for education.

At first glance, internet and television seem to provide much more flexibility on time for the students. The fact is that this flexibility might just inhibit the process of effective learning. At such young ages, self-control is quite limited in students. Even at schools, students often disobey the rules and disregard the schedules. It is not difficult to conceive that most students, at home, would indulge in the freedom and never follow the schedule, if they have ever bothered to make one. While at school, from morning to evening, s(转 载于:wWw.zW2.cn 爱作文 网)tudents are constantly under supervision of teachers who play an active role in transmitting knowledge, thus students are more likely to absorb information in a school environment.

Second, traditional schools are far more interactive in teaching than internet and television. No matter how vividly today's technology imitates the interactive environment, internet and television are still too rigid and uealistic. For instance, in traditional classrooms, when listening to a lecture, students can directly ask questions if they don't follow and immediately receive feedback. Teachers would also be able to observe the students’ behavior in order to adjust the pace and content. Meanwhile, on the internet, students can hardly have the opportunity to raise questions which they might just forget eventually because of procrastination.

From the very first day in kindergarten, children are forced to socialize with other kids. Years of schooling will help students make friends, learn to cooperate and deal with people they do not like. Such a learning process is a necessity for their future working and living. We have learnt that students who were home schooled, often turned out to be lacking of social skills and friends, let alone studying via cold computers and televisions.

In summary, even though computer and television provide us with an alternative way of studying, the status of traditional schools cannot be replaced. Students will surely benefit more from traditional schools both academically and psychologically.
