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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 03:56:10 英语作文


Capital punishment is a traditional punishment. In history, many rulers took the capital punishment as an important tool to deal with those who most seriously opposed their domination. In those days, capital punishment was right and proper. However, its function and existence start becoming questionable after having been applied for thousand years. This essay will argue that capital punishment should not be abolished.

First and foremost, capital punishment indicates the government’s attitude towards crimes. When a criminal’s guilt attains to a certain extend, it will be unacceptable for the whole society on both moral and legal grounds. Then the government should and must sentence the criminal to death. Only in this way can the government proves that they are capable and responsible.

Furthermore, the deterrent effect of other punishments is incomparable with that of capital punishment. Capital punishment is an extremely frightening word for most people. Based on this point, a criminal may stop halfway as soon as he thinks up that death is the most likely outcome of his criminal acts. In addition, the existence of capital punishment brings people the concept that the killers must pay for their crimes. And this concept can leave generations.

Last but not least, the feeling of the victims’ family must be taken into consideration. In many most serious cases, the victims mostly have dead, leaving irreparable injuries on their family. Proved that the capital punishment is abolished, the flagitious criminals are just sent to jail, being alive without worry about foods and

clothing. This is so cruel to the victims’ family that it may induce them to do something crazily, which is bad for both criminals and victims’ family.

In conclusion, capital punishment’s existence in modern civilized society is not occasional, because its powerful function is incomparable. Therefore, capital punishment should be kept to continue playing its important role in stabilizing society.

篇二:死刑应不应该被废除 英语作文。我认为应该被废除

Death penalty should be abolished

The death penalty has been one of the most controversial debates throughout history. But in modern society is a civilized society,more and more country have been abolished the death penalty, In my point of view, death penalty is a violent and brutal act that is against human moral principles and does little good for the country. Therefore, it should be abolished definitely, especially in this highly civilized society.

The death penalty is a kind of punishment method, it has the general features of the punishment, but it is most the severe punishment method. On the one hands, no matter what a person did some bad things, life is the foundation of all rights, almost the rights attached to the life right. Life is precious, if a person dead, he will lose all the things. And with the

development of human society, we have been entering a civil society, so abolished death penalty humanity behavior. On the other hands, this

method not only bring the physical pain to the criminal, but also made them families have some emotion troubles, they will fall into suffering for a long time. We should not curb violence with violence. Maybe we can take some method to educated them to realized how important for themselves to be a good person whether for them, their children or parents. We can let

those people to some hard work for society, and let them to know the value of doing good things, thus atone for themselves crime. Death penalty is cruel, though many people said death penalty is more save money than put

the person in prison, however, the value of life is not in money.

I think with the development of human society and the social civilized degree enhancement, the abolition of the death penalty is inevitable.


Ying Chong Zhen


Death Penalty, people can easy be kill. If the people crime, they will be jail. Sometimes they will be kill. That is death penalty. It means to kill a people if he crime. We should support to keep death penalty because most people won’t do many things if it lead to his death, so many people support the death penalty, And the death penalty is not racist like the other people’s mind.

People fear death more than anything, so people should keep death penalty. ”NOTHING will stop a

criminal more than the fear of the death… life in a prison is less feared”. People scare because he will die, but life in prison, he also have chances to let him get over the jail. So death penalty is a good way to let people die and it cut off any chance to get free. Death is fear in many people’s mind, so there will less and less people will crime.

Many people support the death penalty include me, it also a reason to keep the death penalty.”62% favor the death penalty for people who are guilty of murder while 31% are opposed”. More people support the death penalty, it means more people think death can stop the other people crime. They know kill is the most thing to be fear in everyone’s mind. America is a democracy country, so we need to keep death penalty because there are more than half people support it.

Some people say African-Americans receive the death penalty more often, it is racist, and so they don’t want the death penalty still in America. However, they receive the death penalty because they crime more often than the other people. “The fact that blacks and Hispanics are charge with crime that they could receive the death penalty more often the general population, my simply mean that blacks and Hispanics commit those crime.” The blacks and Hispanics often crimes because they like to crime so they need to receive the death penalty more often.

We should keep the death penalty. Although the black and Hispanics often crimes. Also people will fear the death penalty more than jail. People in the U.S. support the death penalty more than the people abolish it. The law is used to protect the people in the country be safe. If you try to crime, death penalty will let you be fear. We should keep death penalty although nobody will be killed. It is important because it will change (转载于:www.Zw2.cN 爱 作 文 网)people’s mind. I support it because we all want a country to be safe. Let’s support the death penalty, don’t forget we have 62% of the people in the U.S. support it!
