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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 03:54:44 英语作文


我最喜欢的水果(My Favorite Fruit)

Of the fruits of the year I give my vote to the orange. In the first place it is a perennial--if not in actual fact, at least in the greengrocer’s shop. On the days when dessert is a name given to a handful of chocolates and a little preserved ginger, when macédoine de fruits is the title bestowed on some raisins and two prunes, then the orange, however sour, comes nobly to the rescue; and on those other days of plenty when cherries and strawberries and kiwi-fruits riot together upon the table, the orange, sweeter than ever, is still there to hold its own. Bread and rice, beef and mutton, eggs and milk, are not more necessary to an ordered existence than the orange.

It is well that the commonest fruit should be also the best. Of the virtues of the orange I have not room fully to speak. It has properties of health giving, as it cures influenza and establishes the complexion. It is clean, for whoever handles it on its way to your table but handles its outer

covering, its top coat, which is left in the hall. It is round, and forms an excellent substitute with the young for a tiny football. The pips can be flicked at your enemies, and quite a small piece of peel makes a slide for an old gentleman. But all this would count nothing had not the orange such delightful qualities of taste. I dare not let myself go upon this subject. I am a slave to its sweetness.Yet with the orange we go live year in and year out. That speaks well for the orange. The fact is that there is honesty about the orange which appeals to all of us. If it is going to be bad--for the best of us are bad sometimes--it begins to be bad from the outside, not from the inside. How many a pear which presents a blooming face to the world is rotten at the core. How many an

innocent-looking apple, is harboring a worm in the bud. But the orange has no secret faults. Its outside is a mirror of its inside, and if you are quick you can tell the shopman so before he slips it into the bag.




表层次:to begin with, to start with, in the first place, in the second

place, furthermore, what’s more, last but not least, equally important to, in addition, besides

表转折:by/in contrast, despite the fact that, on the contrary, in spite

of , on the other hand, at the same time, otherwise, instead 表因果:therefore, due to, owing to, thanks to, as a consequence, as a

result, in this way,

on that account (由于那个缘故)

表举例:for example, for instance, for one thing that is to illustrate, 表解释:as a matter of fact, frankly speaking, namely, in other words

一、 解决问题的优点和缺点:

In recent years, we are faced with a problem --------A, which is becoming more and more serious . First, ---------.Second, ----------. Last but not least, ---------.

Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, ---------. For another, ------------. Finally, --------.

As far as I am concerned, I hold the view that---------解决问题的方法 . Consequently, I?m confident that a bright future is awaiting us

because -----------带来的好处.

二、 说明利弊:

1. 说明事物的现状;2. 事物本身的优点和缺点; 3. 你对事物的看法.

Nowadays many people prefer A because it plays a significant role in our daily life. In general,

Its advantages can be seen as follows. Firstly, --------A的优点之一. Besides,-------- A的优点之二. What?s more, --------A的优点之三.

However, every coin has its two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that ----------A的缺点之

一. In addition, ---------A的缺点之二. To make matters worse, ----------A的缺点之三.

Through the above analysis, I think that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I?d like to hold my view that---------我的看法.

From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in. Only in this way can we -------对前景的预测.

三、 议论文

1. 不同观点的说明

There is a widespread concern over the issue that -------作文题目. But it is well known that the

opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. A majority of people think that -------观点之一. In their views there are two factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, -------原因之一. Furthermore / in the second place, -------原因之二 . So it goes without saying that --------观点之一.

People , however, differ from their opinion on this matter. Some people hold the idea that ------. From their point of view, on the one hand, -------观点之二. On the other hand, -------原因之一. Therefore, there is no doubt that -------原因之二.

In conclusion, I firmly support the view that --------原因之一或原因之

二. It is not only because --------, but also because----------. The more we ---------, the more ---------.

2. 利弊型议论文

Currently, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that) --------作文题目. Actually, there are both advantages and disadvantages in -------题目议论. Generally speaking, it is widely believed that there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly, --------优点之一. Secondly, ---------优点之二. And finally, --------优点之三.

Just as a popular saying goes, “every coin has its two sides”, ---------讨论议题 is no exception. And in other word, it still has negative aspects. To begin with, --------缺点之一. In addition, -------缺点之二. What?s more, --------缺点之三.

To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of --------讨论议题into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the ---------讨论议题.

3. 答题型议论文

At present, there is a widespread concern over the issue that ------作文题目. It is really an important concern to every one of us. As a result, we should spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem.

As is known to all, there are many steps which can be taken to solve this problem. First of all, -------途径一. Additionally, another way contributing to success in solving the problem is -------途径二. What?s more, we can also -------途径三.

Above all, to solve the problem of --------作文题目, we should find many various ways. But as far as I am concerned, I would prefer to settle the problem is this way, that is to say, --------方法. 四、 图表作文的结构



第一步:对表格或图表进行叙述 常用句型为 : As the pie chart

shows, / As can be seen from the pie chart, 第二步:对表格或图表进行成因的分析

主题句+ 原因1 + 原因2 + 原因3。主题句为:There are

several factors contributing to _______. 原因1________.

The second reason is that _______原因2. Furthermore, 原因

3__________. All these result in _________.


主题句+ 建议或个人观点+ 前景的预测或愿望

However, ________ is faced with some problems. With

_______, the influence of which is not only discouraging us ,

but also challenging us. As for us, my principle is to pay due

attention to_______, but not just to ________.


The chart gives us an overall picture of the ________(图表主题). The first thing we notice is that ______(图表最大特点). This means that as ________(进一步说明).

We can see from the statistics given that ________(图表细节一).

After v—ing (细节中的第

一个变化), the ________ V—ed + 幅度 + 时间. The figures also tell us that ________ (图表细节二). (数据位置, 如 In the column), we can see that _______ accounts for _________


水果类( fruits ) :


tomato 菠萝

pineapple 西瓜

watermelon 香蕉 banana 柚子

shaddock ( pomelo )橙子 orange 苹果 apple 柠檬 lemon 樱桃

cherry 桃子 peach 梨pear 枣

Chinese date


pitted date )椰子 coconut草莓

strawberry 树莓

raspberry 蓝莓

blueberry 黑莓

blackberry 葡 萄

grape 甘 蔗

sugar cane 芒 果

mango 木瓜

pawpaw 或 者

papaya 杏子

apricot 油 桃

nectarine 柿子

persimmon 石榴 pomegranate 榴莲

jackfruit 槟榔果

areca nut

(西班牙产苦橙) bitter orange 猕猴桃kiwi fruit or

Chinese gooseberry 金橘 cumquat 蟠桃flat peach 荔枝

litchi 青梅

greengage 山楂果haw 水蜜桃

honey peach 香瓜, 甜瓜

musk melon 李子 plum 杨梅

waxberry red


longan 沙 果crab apple杨 桃

starfruit 枇 杷

loquat 柑 橘

tangerine 莲雾



肉、蔬菜类( livestock 家畜) :南瓜


pumpkin cushaw 甜玉米

Sweet corn 牛肉 beef 猪肉 pork

mutton 羔羊肉 lamb 鸡肉 chicken 生菜莴苣 lettuce 白菜

Chinese cabbage (

celery cabbage )

(甘蓝) 卷心菜

cabbage 萝 卜

radish 胡 萝 卜

carrot 韭 菜 leek 木耳

agarics 豌 豆pea


potato 黄

cucumber 苦瓜

balsam pear 秋葵okra 洋葱

onion 芹菜

celery 芹菜杆

celery sticks 地瓜

sweet potato 蘑菇

mushroom 橄榄olive 菠菜 spinach 冬瓜(

Chinese )

wax gourd 莲藕lotus root 紫菜laver

cole rape 茄子

eggplant 香菜

caraway 枇杷 loquat 青椒

green pepper 四季豆


garden bean 银耳

silvery fungi 腱子肉 tendon 肘子

pork joint 茴香 fennel (茴香 油

fennel oil 药用)鲤鱼 carp 咸猪肉 bacon 金针蘑

needle mushroom 扁豆

lentil 槟榔

areca 牛 蒡 great burdock 水萝卜

summer radish 竹笋

bamboo shoot 艾蒿 Chinese mugwort 绿豆

mung bean 毛豆

green soy bean 瘦肉

lean meat 肥肉 speck 黄花菜

day lily (

day lily bud )豆 芽菜

bean sprout 丝瓜

towel gourd (


洗澡的,不是食用的 )

海鲜类( sea food ) :虾仁

Peeled Prawns 龙虾

lobster 小龙虾

crayfish (退缩者)蟹crab 蟹足 crab claws 小虾(虾 米)

shrimp 对虾、大虾


(烤)鱿鱼( toast ) squid 海参

sea cucumber

scallop 鲍鱼

sea-ear abalone 小贝肉 cockles 牡蛎 oyster 鱼鳞 scale 海蜇 jellyfish 鳖海龟 turtle 蚬蛤clam 鲅鱼

culter 鲳鱼

butterfish 虾籽

shrimp egg 鲢鱼

银鲤鱼 chub silver carp 黄花鱼

yellow croaker

调料类( seasonings ) :醋

vinegar 酱油soy 盐salt 加碘盐

iodized salt 糖

sugar 白糖

refined sugar 酱

soy sauce 沙 拉

salad 辣椒hot ( red ) pepper 胡椒( black ) pepper 花椒 wild pepper Chinese prickly ash powder 色拉油 salad oil 调料

fixing sauce seasoning 砂糖

granulated sugar 红糖

brown sugar 冰糖

Rock Sugar 芝麻

Sesame 芝麻酱

Sesame paste 芝麻油

Sesame oil 咖喱粉 curry 番茄酱 (汁)

ketchup redeye 辣根

(转 载 于:wWW.zw2.Cn 爱作文网)horseradish

shallot (

Spring onions )姜

ginger 蒜

garlic 料 酒

cooking wine 蚝油

oyster sauce 枸杞 (枇杷 ,


medlar 八角 aniseed 酵母粉 yeast barm Yellow pepper 黄椒肉桂

cinnamon (

在美国十分受欢迎,很多事物都有肉桂料 ) 黄油

butter 香草精

vanilla extract( 甜点必备 ) 面粉flour 洋葱


主食类( staple food ) :


sandwich 米饭 rice 粥

congee ( rice soup )汤soup 饺子

dumpling 面条

noodle 比萨 饼pizza 方便面

instant noodle 香肠

sausage 面包

bread 黄油

(白塔油) butter 茶叶蛋Tea eggs 油菜rape 饼干


咸菜(泡菜)pickle 馒头

steamed bread

饼(蛋糕) cake 汉堡

hamburger 火腿 ham 奶酪

cheese 馄饨皮

wonton skin
