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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 10:33:05 小学作文


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1.一开始,这个洞大吗?__________________ 为什么兄弟俩都不修补? ______________

2.由于都不修补它们窝的破洞,最终兄弟俩怎样了? ___________________________________










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______________________________________________________________________________________ 好前程中小学各科培优联系人:王老师15072404258






1. “语法结构多样 ”

1)“长短句错落有致,句式丰富多样”给阅卷老师新鲜感。简单,并列,复合句交替使用。 e.g. I have to study harder, or I shall not catch up with my classmates.

The football match had to be delayed, for it was raining heavily. 2)巧用非谓语动词,简洁明快”名词性从句,定语从句状语从句转非谓语。 e.g. If we are united, we stand; if we are divided, we fail.

3) 主被动交替:

Today, we use computers not only in our work but also in our everyday life as well. 4) 肯否交替I will try my best not to let them down

5) 巧用插入语in my opinion; I think; in fact等:

e.g. Measures, therefore, should be taken to deal with the problem.

6) 陈述不如倒装妙,四种形式需记牢。

In no case/By no means/Under no circumstances will I give up learning. In the center of our school lies our library, which is between the garden and the teaching building.(倒装后主语还可续加从句,呈现更多亮点。)

Only in this way/by taking regular exercise can we keep healthy.

So interesting is the film that we wanted to see it a second time.

Much as he enjoys it, he doesn’t want to be addicted to it. ★温馨提示:阅卷老师最喜欢的高级语法有it句型,分词,倒装,从句,独立主格和强调等。

2. “词汇丰富 ”

1)词性多样性如: benefit sb a lot /be of great benefit /benefit a lot from/ be beneficial to

2) 高级词汇使用如: make sense ,cope with, make a difference, traditionally, individually ★温馨提示:准确使用高中阶段的词汇即可,生僻词、长词并非高级词汇,不会得高分。

3)同义词使用,避俗套。more and more people→an increasing number of people; attractive→appealing, inviting, fascinating


realize the importance of →be aware of the importance of English study美文加工厂




句子是否完整通顺;过渡自然合理与否。四誊要完美:书写勿过重过淡,不利扫描,字号忌忽大忽小,字形占格子三分之二为佳;分段最好三段至少两段,首行缩进3个字符。 话题储备,诵读经典

话题一 事实现象

Recently, there is a fierece debate in our school on whether …

We cannot deny / There is no denying/ No one could have failed to notice the fact that more and more primary and middle school students are wearing glasses.

话题二 看法与态度

When it comes to this problem, different people hold /have different views on it.

It is universally acknowledged that hard work can lead to success while laziness often results in failure. I personally think we should pay more attention to the safety of school children.

话题三 烦恼与好恶

He seems not to be able to fit in well with others and often feels left out, which worries his parents a lot.

In order to make myself understood , I have made up my mind to study English hard.

She does very well in English, and is good at communicating with others.

Not only does she do well in English, but she is also good at communicating with others. Nothing can interest/delight him so much as travelling.

话题四 建议

You may/ might as well tell him the truth.

I don’t think it any good complaining about it.

It would be beneficial if you could read English evey day. It would be wise of you to have a face-to-face talk with him.

话题五 询问 请求 邀请 希望

I’m looking forward to your immediate response.

We would feel much honored if you could come.

We’d be much appreciate it if you could spare some time to look into it.

话题六 申请

I am writing to apply for the position mentioned in your advertisement/I’m writing in response to your advertisement for the position . And I feel that I’m qualified for the position you have advertised./ I think I’m just the right person for it.

I would appreciate it if you could consider my application and grant me a personal interview.

Any favorable consideration of my application would be appreciated. I’m looking forward to your early response.

话题七 原因

There are many factors contributing to /resulting in /leading to/accounting for the phenomenon mentioned above.

Obesity often results from lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet. The answer to the question lies in the fact that rivers are being seriously polluted.

话题八 好处 优点 坏处 缺点

It has more disadvantages than advantages.

Computer will bring you great benefit if you can use it to your advantage.

Bad websites with harmful information poison teenagers’s health mentally and physically.

It has a bad influence/effect/impact on the health of your people./It brings more harm than good to…

话题九 重要性 方便 可能性

It is convenient for students here to have access to computers.

In common with cell phones, computer is playing an increasingly important role in our life and work.

It is not other’s help but your actual hard work that counts./What really counts is your actual efforts, rather than other’s help.

First and foremost, it is essential that we should set a practical goal. It is a vital problem that should be properly dealt with as soon as possible.

话题十 变化

Great changes have taken place in our country in recent years.

In recent years people’s style of life has changed a lot.

Recent years have witnessed a great changes in people’s style of life.

The computer has brought about many changes in our work and life. I get my English dramatically improved, especailly my oral skills.

话题十一 数量话题

About fifty percent of parents take a contradictory attitude toward education for all-round development.

Two-thirds of the students approve of the new teaching method, thinking that it can really excite their interest in study. The number of students who have been admitted to university is twice as large as that of last year. 话题十二 对比 转折

The Internet does little harm to you if you use it to your advantage; on the contrary, it can bring you easy access to any information you need and broaden your horizons.

The majority of people prefer watching TV to going to the cenema.

Rather than go to the cinema, most people would watch TV./Most people would rather watch TV than go to the cinema.

While I admit that living in the school can bring about some problems, I personally think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Rome was not built in one day. Similarly, only with continuous hard work can you achieve success.

话题十三 假想 举例 引用

Supposing that there is no pure water, what shall we drink?

Just as the saying goes, success favors the prepared mind./ As a popular saying goes, “Every coin has two sides.”

Many great men have risen from poverty ---Lincoln, for example/instance. The world will be a more harmonious one if everyone cares more for others.

话题十四 措施

People should take effective measures/steps as soon as possible to make sure that such a thing will never happen again.

Effective measures should be taken as soon as possible to make sure that such a thing will never happen again.

Faced with such severe problems, we should make every possible effort to improve the present situation.

Facing such severe problems, it is urgent for(来自:WWw.zW2.CN 爱作文网) us to do what we can to improve the present situation.

话题十五 感谢

Thank you so much for your timely aid and support. I appreciate it more than I can say.

On behalf of all the students in this school, I’d like to express our sincere appreciation for so many books you’ve brought to us.

I am writing to express my thanks for your nice presents you sent us, as well as for what all you’ve done for the children in the quake-striken area.

话题十六 道歉 遗憾 同情

I am so sorry to have put you to so much trouble.

I’ve got to apologize for the trouble I’ve brought to you.

I regret that I shall not be able to go to your birthday party this evening.

I owe you an apology for leaving without saying goodbye to you that day.

It was a pity that you were not together with us celebrating our National day.

话题十七 祝愿 祝贺

Congratulations on your remarkable achievements!

May you have a nice trip/journey!/Wish you success in your career and joy in your life. I’m happy to learn that you won the first prize in the competition.

话题十八 鼓励 赞美 欣赏

Nothing is impossible if you set your mind on it. You can accomplish anything if you believe in it.

话题十九 结论

From what has been said above, we can safely draw a conclusion that attitude determines everything.

话题二十 学校生活

Nothing in the world can delight him so much as working out maths problems.

Don’t hesitate to turn to me if you have any difficulty with your studies.

I’m determined to gain more knowledge and broaden my horizons by reading widely so as to live up to the expectation of my parents.

话题二十一 天气与自然

Faced with the unexpected natural disaster, people were not defeated; instead, they were filled with courage and confidence, and showed great bravery.

Now that we are aware that natural disasters have a lot to do with humans’ activities, we should stop doing what is harmful to nature.

话题二十二 健康 运动 饮食

Bad habits such as smoking and drinking, which do great harm to your health, should be given up. Regular exercise can not only build your body but also help develop your character. Only by eating in a healthy way and exercising regularly can you keep healthy.

话题二十三 语言和文化

Some traditional cultures are in danger of being lost, which worries many people.

The Spring Festival is a traditional festival of China, during which time family members will get together happily and hold a variety of celebrations, enjoying the pleasure of reunion.

































现在的家乡环境就已经非常美丽 ,十年后的家乡将是更加的美丽。



十年后的高楼大厦至少都有100层楼,四周全是由花木组成的小区,地坪花园、阳台花园、楼顶花园,到处开满了五颜六色的菊花、杜鹃花、玫瑰花、月季花、兰花……形成了一块块五彩缤纷的大地毯。在大楼中间的空间,还架设着一座座各种形状的天桥,方便了小区人们的来往交流。在天桥上还有一座座天桥,那上面摆放着各种各样的花,形成了一道道五光十色的彩虹…… 十年后的家乡环境美吧!真希望十年后早点到来。
