作业帮 > 英语作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 04:18:22 英语作文




1.开头:This is a picture about…/ In the picture we can see…/ From the picture it can be seen that…/ Let’s look at the picture… 2.结尾段:It is not right that…/ If they do like that…/ We can draw a conclusion that…/ The story tells us that …/ It teaches us a lesson…

3.承接词汇及句型:in my opinion / in our daily life / nowadays / As the proverb says …/ I’m sure… / meanwhile / however / at the same time / but / so / as a result / Do you think so?...

4.另外,漫画作文在揭示实质后往往会有精彩的谚语,格言,成语等出现,给文章添彩不少。如:No pains, no gains. / All work and no play makes Jake a dull boy. / Dripping water wears through rock./ Constant effort brings success.(滴水能穿石,功到自然成)/Use “one stone” to kill “two birds”(一石击双鸟) 例文:


(一)内容要点: 1. 描述文字说明:

1) 学生被迫上很多补习班 2) 无兴趣可言 2. 议论文字说明:

1) 太多的补习班是浪费时间 2) 学习要有兴趣

3) 家长不要强迫孩子参加补习 4) 表达希望

(二)One possible version:

Looking at this picture,you will understand better too tired to learn these lessons well with no interest.

They might do better when they show interest in what they are learning.


He has to … besides his school classes. Life is …. … have become …. He is …

In my opinion, … for many students. They might …when they … what they ar

e learning. Please don’t …what they…, and when learning is fun, surely …



1. One day / the other day / a couple of days ago / while he was…,he.. 2. It was snowing /raining heavily on Monday /Sunday morning …when … 3. The picture sets me thinking deeply… 4. From the picture,we can see …. 5. It is really an unforgettable day … 6. As is shown / indicated in the picture, …

7. After seeing the picture ,I was greatly shocked by …

8. This is a funny and instructive picture. In the picture, a young man … 9. We can learn from the picture that … 10. The picture shows that…

11. This sight reminds me of something in my daily life….


假设你是下图的李华。请根据图画所提供的信息,写一篇英语作文,描述昨天晚上邻居看足球赛影响你学习的情况,并描写你随后与邻居交涉的过程(如:你向邻居提出要求,对方向你表示歉意等。) 注意:1. 词数:80—120

2. 可以编写对话或其它叙述方式描写你与邻居的交涉过程

One possible version:

Last night I was preparing for the coming examination when the noise from my neighbor interrupted me. The noise went on and on. said to him: “Excuse me, would you please turn down the TV? I’m preparing tomorrow’s examination.” Having heard these words, his face went red. Then he said, “Ok, I’ll turn it down. Li Hua,the football was very wonderful. I was too excited to control myself. I won’t do that again. Good luck in your coming examination. ” After that, I got down to my study.



1、 开门见山,点明主题。 ② A,which accounts for…%,ranks the first;next in line is B with…%,followed by

C,making up…%;finally D,at…%. A排在第一,占……%,紧接着是B,占……%,跟着是C,占……%,最后是D,占……%。 归纳总结或发表评论

2、 呈现数据,分析原因。 3、 归纳总结或发表评论。 常用素材: 1、 常用词汇


table 表格 chart 图表figure 图形;数字graph 曲线图 describle 描述 tell 告诉 show 表明 represent 描绘;表现indicate 指示;揭示

分析数据间的主要差异及趋势: 表上升或增加:rise;increase;go up

表下降或减少:decrease,fall;reduce;decline;drop;go down

表示趋势:sharply 急剧地;quickly 迅速地;rapidly 快速地;dramatically 戏剧般的,显著地;slowly 缓慢地;gradually 逐渐地

表示对比或比较:compared…to/with…;in contrast to;the same as;similar to; different from;differences between;while;but;on the contrary;however;as…as…; among;more than 2、 常用句式 开门见山,点明主题

① Last week,we made/did/carried out a survey on…上周,我们对…进行了调查。 ② The chart describes/tells/shows…图表显示… ③ As is shown in the chart,…如图表所示,…

④ According to the figures given by the graph,…根据曲线图所给的数字,… ⑤ It can be concluded from the graph that…从曲线图可以得出结论…. ⑥ We can see from the table that…我们可以从表格中看出… 呈现数据,分析原因

① It is obvious from the chart/graph that…rank the first/hightest,while…turn out to

be the lowest.图表中清楚显示…是排在第一位/最高的,而…..结果最低。

① In a word,…. 一句话,……

② Personally/In my opinion/As far as I’m concerned/From my point of view…依


③ We can draw the conclusion that...我们可以得出这样的结论……

例文: Students Use of Computers







Student Use of Computers

提纲: 1. 上图所示为某校大学生平均每周使用计算机的时间: 1990年(2 hours),

1995年 (4 hours), 2002年 (14 hours),请描述其变化;

2. 请说明发生这些变化的原因(可从计算机的用途、价格或社会发展等方面加


3. 你认为目前大学生在计算机使用中有什么困难或问题。 参考范文

1995, it increased to almost four hours; and in 2005, the number soared to 14 hours per week.

computers provide facilities for us in many aspects of the fast development of the Internet contributes to our increasing demand for computers. We can easily contact we will benefit a lot from computers as long as we use them properly.


私人信件一般由五部分组成:信头(Heading);称谓(Salutation);正文(Body of the letter);结束语(Complimentary Close)和兼称(Mannerly Salutation);签名(Signature) 常用表达

1、 开头语

I’m…,a middle-school student from……我是来自…的一名中学生,名叫……(自我介绍)

Thank you very/so much for your letter/gift.来信/礼物已经收到,甚为感谢。(致谢) Glad to receive your letter of+日期.收到您...(时间)的来信,我非常高兴。 I’m writing to ask about…今写信给你,想了解……(询问)

Sorry to have written back to you so late because…因……迟复为憾(道歉) I’m writing to tell you something about……现写信告诉你有关…… 2、 结尾

I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.望早日来信。 Looking forward to an early reply from you.希望您能早日答复。 Do write to us when you have time .如有时间,务必来信。 Please remember me to….代向…问好。 Good luck to you! 祝你好运!

例文(2012 四川)

假如你是大学一年级新生李华。开学之初,你的英语老师Ms Li希望了解每位同学的英语学习情况,并征求教学建议。请你按以下要点用英语给他写一封信。 1、 对英语学习的认识; 2、 自己目前的英语水平;

3、 自己英语学习存在的主要问题; 4、 对英语教学的两点建议。 注意:

1、 词数100左右; 2、 信的开头和结尾已给出。

参考范文 Dear Ms Li,

I’ As the world is becoming a global village,English is getting more and morereally hope that you can give me good advice on how to memorize new we can make much progress in English with your help. Thank you!

Li Hua



Name:______________ NO_________


I’m Litao. I’m a Chinese boy. I visited London with my parents last week. I went to the street. But I was lost. I didn’t find the King Hotel. I met an old man. I asked him “Where is the King Hotel?” The old man said “Go straight and then turn left at the corner.” I said “Thank you very much.” Then I found the King Hotel.

作文2:昨天下午放学后,学校举行篮球比赛。我们班赢得了比赛。大家虽然很疲劳,但却很兴奋。并且决定在周末开个晚会,我将买一些食物和饮料,Lisa and Tony 将布置教室,Jenny and Ben 将打扫卫生,每个人都会很忙….

There was a basketball match in our school after school yesterday afternoon. Our class won the match. We were very tired. But we were very excited, too. We are going to have a party at the weekend. I wil buy some food and some drink. Lisa and Tony will decorate the classroom. Jenny and Ben will clean it up. Every will be very busy.


Ben and his friend visited Uncle Li’s pet shop last weekend. They were very excited because Uncle Li let them see a lot of new style little animals. They helped Uncle Li feed the little animals. And they helped Uncle Li clean up the pet shop,too. Uncle Li was very happy. He sent them a little animal for everyone. They were all very happy that day.

作文4:3月12日是植树节。我们少先队员每年都有到公园植树。今年也不例外,看这张照片,Ben 正在快速地挖洞;Tony正在慢慢地搬小树苗,我正在认真地种树,Lisa 正在浇水,鸟儿正在快乐地在树枝上歌唱….

March 12th is Tree Planting Day. Our Young Pioneers plant trees in the park every year. We plant trees this year, too. Look at this picture. Ben was digging a hole quickly. Tony was moving the little young trees slowly. I was planting trees seriously. Lisa was watering the trees. The birds were singing happily in the tree.


Yesterday was a busy day. My uncle came back from Canada. My parents waited for him in the airport. I had to look after my little sister at home,sweep the floor,do the dishes and hang up the clothes in the morning. I had to do my homework and practice the piano in the afternoon. Because we will take a test the day after tomorrow. We went shopping with my uncle at night.



Yesterday was Sunday. We didn’t go to school. I rode my bike to the bookstore and bought two books there in the morning. On my way home, I lost my keys. When I got home, my parents weren’t at home. I had to stay outside for half a day. This morning, I missed the bus when I went to school.I was very bad these two days. I hope tomorrow is a better day.


Children’s Day is coming. I’m going to go to school and have a party with my classmates in the morning. I’m going to eat a lot of cotton candy and chicken. I’m going to visit my raltives in the evening. I’m going to play with my cousins. I’m going to get a gift from my aunt. I will have a good time.


I went camping with classmates last weekend. My classmates brought many food. Some brought fruits . Some brought bread. We had a picnic there.We ate a lot of things. And then, we climbed the mountain, sang songs, danced and told stories. We had a good time.


Now it’s the summer vacation. I’m very excited because this summer vacation is very long. I got a good grade in the final test, so my parents will take me to go sightseeing in Tibet. Tibet is very beautiful. There are many beaches but there aren’t mountains. I will have a good time there.


Everyone wants to be healthy. How can we be healthy? We should eat enough vegetables, drink a lot of water and get plenty of exercise. Don’t watch TV or play video games for a long time very often. Don’t eat too much fast food and junk food. If you can do these, you’ll be healthy and strong.

作文11 :假如你是个外国小朋友,你打算暑假跟你的父母参观北京。请你发挥你的想象,把你的观光计划写成一篇不少于60个英语单词的短文。

Hello! Everyone ! My name is Mary. I come from Canada. I’m going to visit Beijing with my parents on summer vacation. We’re going to Beijing by plane. We’re going to stay in a hotel. We’re going to go sightseeing there and we’rd going to visit the Great Wall , the Summmer palace and the Forbidden City. Because I know Beijing is a historical capital and there are many famous and traditional buildings. I think I’ll have a wonderful trip soon.

作文12:假如你的朋友Jim 昨天晚上得了重感冒。你今天早上去探望他。Jim 躺在床上很不开心。他很想参加明天举行的校运会,你安慰他时给他提以下几个建议:看医生,多喝水,多休息。你明天帮他请假。他很感激你。

词汇:参加:take part in校运会:school sports meeting

提建议:give some advice 请假:ask for a leave

My friend Jim got a very bad cold last night. I went to see him this morning. Jim stayed in bed and he was very sad. He wanted to take part in our school sports meeting tomorrow. I gave hime some advice , First, go to see the doctor. Next, drink more water and have a good rest. I will ask for leave for him tomorrow. He thanked me a lot.


Tom is my cousin. He is a good student. He is good at English. But he was upset yesterday, because he wached TV the night before last(转 载于:wWw.zW2.cn 爱作文 网) night. He stayde up late. He got a poor grade yesterday. His teachers and parents were very angry.


My name is Johnny. I come from Canada. My parents work in China. I went to China for a vacation last year. I lived with my parents. I visited the Great Wall of China with my parents . It’s very great! I like the food of China. It’s very tasty. I like the Chinese people. They are very friendly.

作文15: 昨天是星期六,因为妈妈生病,我就很忙。我早上7:30分起床,然后为我的家人煮早餐。早餐之后,我去市场买了鸡肉和蔬菜。9:00我在做家务。11:00我在为我的家人做午餐。下午2:00我开始做作业。5:30做晚餐。晚上和家人一起看电视。

Yesterday was Saturday. I was very busy ,because my mother was ill. I got up at 7:30 in the morning. Then, I cooked breakfast for my family. After breakfast, I bought some chicken and vegetables in the market. I was doing housework at 9:00. I was cooking lunch for my family at 11:00. I began to do my homework at 2:00 in the afrernoon. I was cooking dinner at 5:30 . I watched TV with my family at night.


Yesterday was Saturday. I got up at six in the morning.. Then I brushed my teeth and got dressed. After that, I cleaned my room and swept the floor. I helped my mother cook dinner. I went to sleep at ten.

I got up at 7:00. I ate breakfast at home. It was tasty. I went to my friend’s home. We played computer games. We were happy.


Typhoon Zhenzhu came the day before yesterday. The street was messy. Many trees fell. Many windows broke. The coats were in the tree.

Typhoon Zhenzhu came the day before yesterday. Many trees fell. Many windows broke. A lot of people were in the street. They swept the glass.

作文18: 昨天是我的生日,我的好朋友到我家为我庆祝!请你用6-8个句子描


Yesterday was my birthday. I had a party in my house. My friends came. They gave me gifts. And then, we sang a song and ate the cake. It was yummy! After that, we played games and danced. I was happy yesterday.

Yesterday was my birthday. My good friends went to my home. I bought some candies, apples, chocolate and a cake. We sang songs and danced. We drank juice and ate the cake. We were very happy!



The vacation is coming. I’m going to read some books and take a trip. I will go to Beijing and see the Great Wall of China. I will come back on Sunday. And I’m going to visit relatives with my parents. It will be a nice vacation.

The vacation is coming. I am going to watch TV. I am going to surf the net. I am going to play with friends. I am going to read some books. I am going to see a movie. I am going to do my homework. It will be a happy vacation.



If you have a cold. You should take some medicine and stay in bed. When you

have a fever. You should see the doctor and drink some water. If you have a toothache. You should see the dentist.

作文21: 请你看电视,模仿天气预报员,用6-8个句子为我们介绍未来两天广


Hello. This is the weather report. It will be cool in Guangzhou tomorrow. And there will be rain in Guangzhou the day after tomorrow. It will be sunny in Jiangmen tomorrow. There will be wind in Jiangmen the day after tomorrow.

作文22: 假设你是Vivian。你有一个7岁的小妹妹,她年纪虽小却会自己穿服,


I’m Vivian. My little sister is only seven years old, but she can put on her

clothes, put away her comic books and clean up her bedroom. She’s helpful at home. She always helps Mom sweep the floor and take out the trash. We all like my lovely little sister.


Yesterday was Wednesday. I woke up at 6:00. I went to school by car. I

studied math, English and Chinese at school. And I played with friends in the

afternoon. I was happy.

Yesterday was Sunday. I did my homework. I played games. I watched TV. It was a happy day.


My Summer Vacation

Summer vacation is coming. I’m going to read some books. I’m going to shop for clothes. I’m going to take a trip. I’m going to surf the net. It is a happy vacation.

The summer vacation is coming. I’m going to do my homework. I’m going to

watch TV. I’m going to play with friends. It will be a happy vacation.


The day after tomorrow is my birthday. I’m going to buy a cake. I’m going to

play with friends. My friends are going to my home. We will have a good time.


My Summer Vacation

The summer vacation is coming. I’m going to do my homework. I’m

going to play with friends. I’m going to surf the net. I’m going to take a trip. I’m going to see the Great Wall of China. I’m going to visit relatives. It will be a

wonderful vacation.


My Favorite People




提示:1. 早晨6:20起床,然后大声朗读英语30分钟; 2. 7点吃早饭,然后在家写家庭作业;

3. 午饭后休息一个小时,然后骑自行车去书店; 4. 晚上和父母在家看电视,10点左右上床休息。



吉姆是你的好朋友,他的生活方式很健康,请根据下面的提示写一篇短文,介绍吉姆 是如何保持身体健康的。(词数80左右) 1. 他喜欢体育活动,最喜欢的是足球,他每个星期六下午都要参加学校足球俱乐部的训练;

2. 他喜欢健康的饮食,喜欢吃蔬菜和水果,每天要喝一杯牛奶,喝很多的水,很少吃垃圾食品

3. 周末他通常在完成作业后看看电视,有时和妈妈去购物; 4.每天晚上睡眠时间为8小时。


三.请根据下面表格中的信息,以Katrina’s Healthy Life为题,写一篇短文,介绍一下




提示词语:not feel well ,a bad cold, stay in bed , for two days , can’t go to school , get well soon

要求:1.尽量使用上面所给的词语,使短文意思连贯; 2.词数:80左右。





六.你一定有许多难忘的旅游经历,它们给你留下了许多美好的回忆。请你描述你印象中最深刻的那次旅游。词数80左右。应包括下列内容:1. Where did you go ?2. What did you do ?

3 .How was the weather there ?

4. How were the people and the food there ?5. What do you think of it ?6. Do you want to go again ?


七.假如你叫李明,请根据所给材料,给外国笔友David写一封信,介绍你最喜欢的的篮球明星姚明。 姓名:姚明

生日:1980年12月9日 国籍:中国 身高:2.26米

1998年:入选中国篮球明星队(become a member of China Basketball Star Team ) 2000年:进入中国国家篮球队(National Basketball Team )

2002年:到达美国,成为NBA状元秀(the most valuable player in NBA )


八.根据汉语提示和要求,以“My dream job”为题目写一篇短文。 提示:1. 你想成为一名记者;

2. 你打算给报纸.杂志写文章; 3. 高中毕业后想去北京上大学; 4. 想在一家电台工作并环游世界。



chores , do the dishes , sweep the floor , take out the trash , make the bed , fold the clothes , clean the living room


十. 根据表格内三家电影院的信息,写一篇短文,比较一下三家影院的情况。



way we go to school”为题,写一篇短文,向Richard介绍自己和同学们的到校方式。



Lisa : Hi , Cody . Can you come to our dinner party ? Cody : When is it ?

Lisa : It’s on Saturday , May 28 , at eight o’clock . Cody : Is it in your home ? Lisa : Yes . Can you come ? Cody : Great ! I’d love to .



信感谢 Lisa的邀请,并说明不能去的理由(母亲病了,要照顾她,还要写作业)。 Dear Lisa ,

Thanks for your invitation .




十五 .请你写一篇制作香蕉奶昔的说明书。使用first , next , then , finally等词。 INSTRUCTION

First , _________________________________________________ Next , _________________________________________________ Then , _________________________________________________

Finally , _______________________________________________


十六. 大家一起去野餐,每个人都带了自己喜欢而且是亲手制作的食物,有披萨,汉堡,

三明治,水果沙拉,爆米花。。。你带了什么呢?是怎样做的呢?以My favorite food为题,写一篇短文。


十七 .请以班长的身份写一则通知,告诉大家明天(10月10日)学校将组织大家出去野

营,为期两天,请大家告诉家长,并带上必需的物品:一件厚?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路澄锖退乇傅囊┢返取?/p>



This is your monitor . I have something to tell you .______________________________ 十八 . 假如你叫李明,请写一封信给你的外国笔友John,向他描述学校组织你们在海边

玩的快乐情景。信的内容应包括以下要点: 1. 在海滩上玩的具体内容 2. 在水族馆里看到的景物

3. 购买了纪念品,还吃了海鲜。 Dear John ,

On our last school trip , I ______________________________________________

Write soon .

Li Ming
