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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 01:16:43 英语作文



A. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How to Be Creative by commenting on this remark by a creative expert, “If you are not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.” You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

B. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Benefits for Volunteering You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

C. Directions: “Card slave” refers to people who can only pay the minimum balance on their credit card debt every month. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Card Slave following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

1. 目前出现许多年轻人变成“卡奴”现象

2. 出现这一现象的原因

3. 我对这一现象的看法和建议

D. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How to Get Along with Your Roommates? You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


1 “多渠道”(multichannel)购物的概念正在为越来越多的消费者所接受,它是指顾客可以


2 中国位于亚洲大陆东部、太平洋西岸,并为东中国海、朝鲜湾、黄海和南中国海所环绕。


3 中美两国可以互为利益相关者(mutual stakeholders),在全球经济中展开合作。一些令

人鼓舞的迹象表明,这一切正开始成为现实。两国已经启动战略经济对话,中国已与美国、印度、日本和韩国合作组建了一个高层能源组织(a high-level energy group)。很多问题有待于探讨。

4 中国文化中,红色通常意味着好运和快乐。在中国的春节和其他节日里到处



1. In Unit 5, you are exposed to 5 factors of narrating an event. Read the story and check your understanding by

deciding whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false in the brackets.

Watching the Orang Utangs

Two years ago, I decided to go for a week to Sarawak, which is in Malaysian Kalimantan. At my hotel reception desk, I noticed

brochures about excursions you could do in the area. So, the next day, I’d booked myself on a tour to the Orang Utang Rehabilitation Camp.

My guide met me at 8.30 the next morning. He was a local tribesman and had a great knowledge about the wildlife in the area. He explained to me that the Rehabilitation Camp was set up to train the orang utangs, whose mothers had been killed by hunters, to live in the wild again. They were set free in the area around the camp and in case they had difficulty finding food for themselves, the camp rangers would put food out for them at the same time every morning. When we got to the camp, we saw a ranger come with a barrow of fruit and put it out on a platform in the jungle. My guide told me to look up at the tree tops and wait patiently, which I did. Suddenly, I noticed the trees in the distanc


e bending, and gradually I could see a huge red-haired orang utang slowly swinging through the trees on his way

towards us. It was a thrilling sight. To be so close to such a large and gentle-looking wild animal was very exciting.

This orang utang slowly swung his way down to the platform, swooped up some bananas in his long fingers and

swung back to the tree tops.

After a little while, a mother orang utang appeared with her baby. She left the baby in the tree tops and slowly and

gracefully swung down to the platform and took the fruit back up to him.

Eventually, several of these great apes appeared. Some of them were very shy and quickly grabbed the fruit and left, but others were as curious about us as we were about them, and they hung from all four limbs between two trees and watched us.

It was a thrilling experience that I will never forget.

1). Question(1):The writer begins the story by telling the reader what makes him go on a tour to the Orang Utang

Rehabilitation Camp. The orang utangs are in danger because their mothers have been killed by hunters. The camp was set up in order to train them to live in the wild again.

A. T

B. F

2). Question(2):All the details described in the text are relevant. They make the reader understand the current

status of the orang utangs in Malaysian Kalimantan.

A. T

B. F

3). Question(3):The story is not told in natural time order.

A. T

B. F 4). Question(4):The story gives a vivid description of the life of orang utangs: where they live in, what they

look like and how they move and get the food.

A. T

B. F

5). Question(5):The exciting experience is told in the third person.

A. T

B. F


Read the following sentences carefully. Then fill in the blanks numbered 6-15 with appropriate transitions given in

the box below. You can use each of the transitions only once.

(1). Animals can communicate by means of cries. 6____________, dogs may bark at intruders, cats hiss at rivals, lambs

bleat for the attention of their mothers.

(2). The number of signals that an animal can make is very limited. The tit can be taken as 7____________.

(3). How wealthy a nation is is not necessarily a clue to how much power it has in the United Nations. Germany is 8____________ of this.

(4). There are similarities between Italy and Greece. 9____________, both the Italians and Greeks are friendly,

gregarious people. 10____________, the antiquities of both countries are fascinating: Rome’s Coliseum and Athens’ Parthenon are two of the world’s great sights.

(5). The demand has increased. 11____________, the prices are getting higher.

(6). The pollution in the city is getting worse. 12____________, the local government is doing nothing to stop it.

(7). He passed the test 13____________ hard work.

(8). Making scrambled eggs is very easy. First, break four eggs into a bowl. 14____________ add salt and pepper and beat with a fork until they are well-mixed. 15____________, add one-third cup of milk and beat again…

1). Question(6)

A. Then

B. a good example

C. For one thing

D. a case in point

E. due to

F. However

G. For example H. After that I. As a result J. Besides

2). Question(7)

A. Then

B. a good example

C. For one thing

D. a case in point E. due to F. However G. For example H. After that I. As a result J. Besides

3). Question(8)

A. Then

B. a good example

C. For one thing

D. a case in point E. due to F. However G. For example

H. After that I. As a result J. Besides

4). Question(9)

A. Then

B. a good example

C. For one thing

D. a case in point E. due to F. However

G. For example H. After that I. As a result J. Besides

5). Question(10)

A. Then

B. a good example

C. For one thing

D. a case in point E. due to F. However G. For example H. After that

I. As a result J. Besides

6). Question(11)

A. Then

B. a good example

C. For one thing

D. a case in point E. due to F. However G. For example H. After that I. As a result J. Besides

7). Question(12)

A. Then

B. a good example

C. For one thing

D. a case in point E. due to F. However G. For example H. After that I. As a result




刚刚试着用英文写文章的朋友一定想知道自己的英文写作水平,其实利用Word 2002的“拼写和语法”功能就可以帮你为自己的文章打分。





图2 “可读性统计信息”对话框

可读性分数是根据每个单词平均字节数和每个句子的平均单词数进行评定的,它包括两种可读性分数:Flesch Reading Ease 分数和Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level 分数。其中前者按百分制评定文本的得分,分数越高的文档越容易理解。具备一定英语写作水平的人其分数应能达到70分以上。而后者则按美国中小学年级水平评定文本的得分。分数越高表示作者的英语写作水平越高,当然对读者的英语阅读水平要求也就越高。一般的英文文档的分数大约可达 6.0级至8.0级(注:共12级)。




注: “年级分数”(Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level),即按美国中小学年级水平(总共12级)来评定文章得分. “可读性统计信息”中的Flesch Reading Ease,即文章的可读性。Flesch Reading Ease是根据美国Rudolf Flesch博士的统计方法计算的,计算根据是句子的字数和句子中含的音节数等,数值在0和100之间,数目越大,文章越容易读。当然,这一可读性信息只反映文章本身难度的一个方面,与难度相关的还有文章内容的熟悉程度以及题目的深表层理解等。
