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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 01:27:45 英语作文


大作文:Write about it


Men Are Different from Women in Many Ways

Traditionally, men and women were seen as opposite poles of a magnet. Men were strong, women were weak; men were the breadwinners, women were the homemakers; men were rational, women were emotional. In accordance with these beliefs, men fi lled the leadership positions in society, as well as the majority of positions that required courage, clear-thinking and intellect. Women took on the nurturing, caring or supportive jobs such as nurse, teacher, assistant. However, modern society has greatly challenged these perceived differences between men and women.

These days gender roles are becoming less clear. Women are moving into the male-dominated occupations and proving that they can be equally successful in these fields. Moreover, some men are taking on the homemaker role and finding that it suits them. In some cultures, for example the Naxi culture of southwestern China, women have always been the head of the household and responsible for both work and finance.

So, are men and women really all that different? From the changing perspectives toward this question, it would seem that socialization plays a large role in defining masculinity and femininity in any given time period and in any given culture. In other words, perhaps men and women are not that different after all.


Importance of Culture in Business

Culture plays an important role in business. In different cultures there are different ideas about when meetings should be scheduled, how much notice should be given, where people should be seated and how the negotiations should proceed. During the negotiations there are also vast cultural differences in what is considered appropriate language, communication style and body language. For example, some cultures value eye contact, others do not. Some cultures use “yes” as an acknowledgement of what the person has said, others use “yes” only for agreement. Social conventions of greeting, dressing, eating and entertaining also vary considerably amongst cultures and these are important to learn since a lot of business takes place while having dinner or enjoying drinks together. If a businessman attempts a cross-cultural business partnership without an adequate awareness of his associate’s culture, he is likely to encounter misunderstanding and may even cause offence. This will damage and may even end the business relationship. Therefore, cultural differences must be carefully handled when a business man is doing business with people from different countries.

Unit 3

Fighting Against Piracy

Nowadays the problem of piracy has become increasingly serious. Not only is there a serious lack of knowledge amongst the general public about piracy issues, but there is also an attitude of indifference.

These days piracy is strongly evident in the commercial world in the wide availability of illegal softwares and DVDs, the inclusion of copyrighted pictures, web graphics, video clips and magazine portions in business presentations and the photocopying of books and articles for distribution without the author’s permission.

The negative consequences of piracy are two-fold. Firstly, the copyright owners are likely to suffer significant financial losses. Secondly, the copyright owner loses recognition, if the source of the material is unacknowledged.

Therefore it is important for all citizens to become educated about piracy issues, to follow copyright laws in their own lives, and to encourage their colleagues and friends to do the same.

Unit 4

The Importance of Learning Spoken English

In today’s modern world, learning spoken Eng


lish has many advantages. English is fast becoming the international language of many fields, including politics, business and education. Not only is English used between native speakers and non-native speakers, but it is also used increasingly as a common language in interactions between non-native speakers.

Having a good grasp of spoken English helps you to improve your chances of employment. These days, there are many foreign companies operating in China, and many Chinese-owned companies have trade links with foreign partners. These companies require speakers of English with sufficient language skills to ensure smooth business transactions.

Spoken English also provides the chances for you to communicate socially with people from many other countries. It gives you a window into other cultures, and other perspectives of the world. It also gives you access to foreign films, TV programs, music and news.

Therefore, spoken English is an important and fundamental tool in today’s global village.

Unit 5

Business Ethics

Creating and sustaining an ethical corporation isn’t as difficult as you might think; it’s actually easier than some of the day-to-day business challenges you face. The keys to running an ethical company are accountability, honesty, and information transparency.

Corporations aren’t ethical or evil in and of themselves –– but people can be. So ethics must focus on you and the people you work with. Most people want to do the right thing, but organizational structure does not guarantee they will do the right thing, without meaning to or even knowing it. Structuring an ethical corporation makes the goal easier to achieve.

The challenge could not be more urgent. A substantial majority of people in China are dissatisfied with the social behavior of our corporations, say several recent news reports. Poor treatment of workers at home and abroad, products that don’t perform as advertised, fake commodities, poor customer service, environmental pollution, to mention a few.

Responsible behavior is important to your business success, but let’s not forget that you’re in business –– you’re not out to solve the world’s problems. So how do you balance the two? What does it mean to be ethical in business?

It simply requires that you follow your best moral instincts, even in areas that don’t appear to involve moral issues, such as cost-benefit analyses. But while good ethics often equates to good business, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes being truly ethical means giving up something you want in exchange for doing the right thing. That’s why we worry about ethics in the first place –– if it didn’t cost us anything, everyone would be ethical all the time.

Unit 6

Sports and Psychological Health

Sports and Psychological Health Sports do much good to our health. They can be of especially great value to our psychological health. People who are involved in athletics feel more self-sufficient and confident in their abilities. They often feel they are in control of their own actions. Sports offer people an opportunity to feel more competent, self-reliant and able to achieve their goals. Sports demand not only physical skill and strength but also courage, enthusiasm, discipline and usually teamwork. For people, what is learned on the playground often has a deep effect on their character. If each of them learns to work for his team and not for himself on the football field, he is more likely to find it natural to work for the good of his country instead of only for his own benefit.

Unit 5

20, March 2012



Dear Mr Andi,

I was most upset on receiving your letter of [Date] detailing the offensive behavior of one of our employees toward you.

I can assure you such conduct is not, and never will be, tolerated in this company. After a full investigation, disciplinary action has been taken against this employee. I can only offer my full apology and assurance that it will not happen again. We place great importance on the relationship between the customers and our company and I hope this incident will not weaken that valued relationship. Again, my sincere apology.

Yours sincerely,

Chen Yi

Office Manager

篇二:英语写作My favorite book

My favorite book

My favorite book is Jane Eyre, created by Charlotte Bronte and punished in 1847 in England. It mainly describes a romantic and wandering love story between Jane and Mr. Rochester. Though she lives at the bottom of society and has gone through many difficulties, Jane never gives up rebelling injustices and pursuing liberty and love. Jane, this kind-hearted, independent and thoughtful girl, greatly inspires me. Besides, it uses rich and profound lyrical brushwork and delicate psychological description to show a complicate love experience, reflecting that love should be based on respect and understanding out of prejudice.

篇三:高考英语作文例文 Film or book

高考英语作文例文 Film or book, which do you prefer?

当前不少文学作品被改编成电影。有人选择看电影,有人则喜欢读原著。请你以“Film or book, which do you prefer?”为题,按照下列要点写一篇英语短文:

1、 看电影:省时、有趣、易懂

2、 读原著:细节更多、语言优美

3、 我的看法及理由:文章题目和开头已给出(不计入词数)。

2、参考词汇: original work 或 book in the original (原著)

每个同学需要把范文写在作文本子后面,(中文说明是帮助你们理解用的,在确保理解的基础上可以不摘抄)并细细体会它的写作过程和逻辑推理,上次的中文只有43本,这是及其不应该的,看看你们自己的英语分数,是不是已经很满足这个样子,怎样做,大家自己?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyurenzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">人记宄?/p>

Film or book, which do you prefer?

The reason is that it takes less time to understand the whole story.(原因是因为省时)Besides,(此外) the film is usually more interesting, and it is easier to follow. (电影通常情况下更有趣、更易懂。)

Some others have just the opposite opinion.(过渡句有些人正好持有相反的观点。) They think that they can get more detailed information from the original.(可以从原著中获得更多细节)Meanwhile, (与此同时)the language in the book is possibly more lively and beautiful.(语言更加生动、优美) Personally, (对我个人来说)I agree with the second view. Actually I have more reasons for it. (事实上我有更多的理由。)I think I can stay at home, reading quietly in a situation of my own. And what's more,(再者,) I am able to better understand the author's ideas. In a word, (总之)to read the original work is better than to see the film based on it.(看原著比看电影要好。)

(homework: finish this passage about little tigers. You can find all the expressions in your English books. You can do it!) Little Tigers—

the band that isn’t

In China, there was a band______________(组成方式不同) from other usual bands. It was called the Little Tigers and ______________(以电视节目表演的形式开始出现。) The TV organizers _______________(计划找) three young people ______________(又能唱又能主持 host). They _____________(在报上登了一则广告) to find three singers who were good enough. Soon, ______ (他们的表演) were welcomed by the audience. Boys ________(模仿他们的舞蹈). While girls ________________(为了更好地了解他们而成立了俱乐部). In Asia, they __________________________the Beatles(甚至比披头士更要受欢迎)and _________________(售出的专辑更多). To our regret, the band ________________(他们在1991年解散了).
