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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/26 05:18:14 优秀作文






类对吸血鬼说: 我爱你。 的时候,这样的爱情早已超越一切,没有世俗的烦恼,也不用什么海誓山盟,只有对方的一个眼神就足以。

这样的爱情唯美,但还是免不了瑕疵 爱德华拥有这样强大的力量,还是不能全力保护贝拉。

你香甜独特的气息是引领我爱你的线索,但我最浓烈的爱意却只能用死之来演绎 。这是一句甜蜜又致命的表白,









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篇三:暮光之城影评 英文

To preface this review, I read all four Twilight books in one weekend (last weekend, actually) when I picked the first one up at the airport, and could not put it down. I zipped through the other three and went to the midnight screening on opening day. To say the least, I was captivated by Twilight (and I'm in my 20s...).

I was anxious to see the movie because, like so many other people, I felt really invested in Bella and Edward's story. Not only that, but I love the vampire premise - it just never gets old, especially when you put a new spin on it, as Meyer did in her books. The events of each book really ran together for me, so in a way, I felt like a non-Twilighter coming into this film. I really didn't care if the movie deviated from the book - in fact, I was kind of hoping it would, since you can't expect a book to translate directly to the screen. I heard a lot of serious Twilight teens complaining about "major things" missing when I left the theater, but I honestly didn't notice any major omissions.

Overall, the film was better than I expected (based on previews, I expected it to be extremely cheesy, low-budget, and awkwardly filmed). It definitely grew on me as it went on, especially Pattinson's performance. His introduction was extremely awkward - not sure if that was Hardwicke's fault or Pattinson's acting. In any case, as soon as he settled into his character, he was absolutely captivating. Stewart plays a great brooder, and she certainly did that here. I loved the scenes with her father; in my opinion, these were some of the gems of the movie.

The romance between Edward and Bella, which was obviously the crux of the film, was fueled by their chemistry, but not much else. Where was the development?! I really wish Hardwicke or the screenwriter or somebody had taken more time to delve into the roots of their relationship. It all just happened way too fast. I feel like this happened because of the James story, which to me was almost completely unnecessary (yeah, I know, it's a big part of the book and obviously needs to be here). But even so, the film would have been a more moving romance, and probably a more poignant, emotional film, if that cheesy, goofy subplot hadn't existed.

Hardwicke dealt exceptionally well with teen angst, which was evident in the high school shots. Unfortunately, she really struggled with the vampire side of things. I have to put most of the blame on the director because the characters were all spot-on, very well-acted and well-cast. I also think a higher budget would have done wonders for this movie, and I'm hoping that becomes a reality for the sequel. The special effects were embarrassingly bad, and nearly ruined the movie.

Overall, I enjoyed "Twilight" for what it was - a romance that probed the timeless dilemma of wanting what you can't have (and despite Meyer's Mormon beliefs, this whole series is basically a metaphor for sex). It makes for an interesting, compelling story, and I expect more from the sequels, because the potential is certainly there.




我喜欢《暮光之城》里的弗克斯小镇,喜欢它发着幽冷的蓝光,喜欢浓密翠绿又带着一丝阴冷的森林,喜欢小镇里面色苍白似雪、高傲冷漠又英俊无比的吸血鬼Edward,喜欢沉默寡言、善良漂亮的长发女孩Bella,喜欢高大威猛又深情重义的狼人Jacob,喜欢无比自制、受人爱戴的Dr. Cullen,喜欢……太多太多的喜欢。


当Edward对Bella说‘I don’t have the strength to stay away from you anymore.’时,我看到了他对她难以割舍且一语难表的深情。

当Bella独自整理着自己的思绪,并肯定‘I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.’时,我看到了她最终打破人鬼界限,接受并维护这段感情的决心与勇气。

当Edward对Bella说‘Is it not enough just to have a long and happy life with me?’时,我看到了他对她的珍惜与转变她的不舍,正是因为爱他才不想转变她,想让她快乐的走完?人?的一生,而不是像他一样永远不敢曝露在阳光下,时刻忍受着对血的渴望与饥渴的煎熬。

当Bella为救Edward远赴意大利, Edward对Bella说‘You are everything to me. You are everything.’当Aro要杀死Edward,Bella不断大喊‘Kill me! Kill me! Not him.’时,我看到了什么是真正的爱情,那是一种超越肉体与生命,混合血与泪的最真挚的情感。


当Bella鼓励Angela勇敢地邀请Erick参加舞会‘Take control, you are a strong, independent woman.’时,我看到了源自Bella自身内部的独立与坚强。她告诉我们要敢于主动追求自己想要的东西,不要受制于世俗的眼光,要我们女生做一个独立自主,敢于争取的人。

此外,让我感触最深的就是Bella与Dr. Cullen的对话。在Dr. Cullen帮助Bella止血时,Bella问‘How do you do it?’ Dr. Cullen 回答说‘Years and years of practice.’‘I know who I want to be. I wanted help people. It brings me happy, even if I am damned regardless.’一个吸血鬼要付出多大的努力才能抑制住自己对鲜血的渴望,要经受住怎样的痛苦与煎熬才能漂亮地完成一场场外科手术?而Dr. Cullen却做到了,只因为在他内心的深处有一种信仰在激励着他,有一个信念在指引着他,有一种精神在支撑着他。我喜欢他不仅仅因为他潇洒英俊的外表,崇高伟大的职业,更因为他坚持自己的信念,知道自己究竟要做一个怎样的?人?。


我感慨于他们之间的爱情,那么的真挚而又那么的艰难。她的味道吸引着他,她的情绪影响着他,但同时她的血液也在诱惑着他。在开始时,我一直以为他以克服了,适应了那种诱惑,可是在第二部里,当Aro问‘How can you stand to be so close to her?’ Edward回答道‘It’s not without difficult.’这时我才知道原来那种渴望一直在困扰着他。他的身体如大理石般坚硬,可是她的身体却如水般柔软,他从不敢过于用动作表达自己对她炙热的情感,因为肉体上的差距不允许他有丝毫的失误,所以在他给她艰难的一吻后必须立刻痛苦的转身,抽身远离,正如Edward所说‘I can’t ever lose control with you.’也许正是因为爱的艰难,所以人们才对它感触颇深吧。


