“经贸合作”翻译成economic and trade cooperation,为什么economic用的是adj.,而trade却用n.,为什么不用economy.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 08:18:59

“经贸合作”翻译成economic and trade cooperation,为什么economic用的是adj.,而trade却用n.,为什么不用economy.
“经贸合作”翻译成economic and trade cooperation,为什么economic用的是adj.,而trade却用n.,为什么不用economy.

“经贸合作”翻译成economic and trade cooperation,为什么economic用的是adj.,而trade却用n.,为什么不用economy.

economic和trade都是用来修饰 cooperation的,名词和动词都可以修饰名词,这是习惯用语,所以就没有用economy





名词可以作定语修饰名词,作定语的 名词往往是说明其中名词的材料、用 途、时间、地点、内容、类别等。

“经贸合作”翻译成economic and trade cooperation, 这是习惯用语.
economic is an adjective,
trade can be an adjective.
In dictionary, Definition of trade:
18.of or pertaining to trade or ...


“经贸合作”翻译成economic and trade cooperation, 这是习惯用语.
economic is an adjective,
trade can be an adjective.
In dictionary, Definition of trade:
18.of or pertaining to trade or commerce.
19.used by, serving, or intended for a particular trade: trade journal.
20.Also, composed of, or serving the members of a trade: a trade club.
People use economic to avoid a second confused meaning of Economy: economy can be used as a synonym for efficiency (效率的代名词). Fuel economy measures how many miles per gallon a vehicle consumes. For this meaning, we use economical instead of economic as the adjective form.
谷歌搜索 "economic and trade" 124,000,000 results
"economy and trade" 684,000 results


在英语中有大量的名词作形容词的现象,比如School Gate中的School,
girl friend中的girl

“经贸合作”翻译成economic and trade cooperation,为什么economic用的是adj.,而trade却用n.,为什么不用economy. 翻译成英文. 平等互利:以平等伙伴关系为基础,政治对话与经贸合作并举,促进共同发展. market economic system 市场经济体制在市场经济体制下 翻译成 in the market economic system 还是 in the market economy 请翻译成中文 不要用机器翻译 谢谢The reluctance to have more children is even more apparent in major Chinese cities that are not immune to an inverse correlation between economic progress and fertility, a paradox that plagues developed 德国有个公司叫GFW- Economic Development Corp,怎么翻译成中文 International Economic Law应该翻译成国际经济法还是国际商法? explain how economic growth is measured是要回答问题 不是翻译成中文 An Interesting Place翻译成中文 an interesting shape翻译成中文 英语翻译make an important decision 翻译成 an invitation letter翻译成中文 An gel翻译成中文是什么意思 lay an egg 为什么翻译成失败 英语翻译Is economic survival the most important issue for young people?这句话翻译成中文是什么? 德国有个公司叫GFW- Economic Development Corp,怎么翻译成中文奇怪百度上都搜不到结果 Economic Trading Co.,Ltd.LTD 后面没有加 缩写 . 英文翻译成中文还算是经济贸易有限公司么? 英语翻译翻译成中文,不要机器,要准确,A green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication is an approach to economic decision-making which will need to be built from the bottom up,responding to national and no man is an island翻译成中文的意思