Assuming a link-slab of 5% the length of each adjacent deck slab as suggested by Caner and Zia[4],the imposed tensile strain related to imposed deformation by temperature,live load andshrinkage is calculated to be around 1.6%,adopting a factor of saf

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 19:00:23

Assuming a link-slab of 5% the length of each adjacent deck slab as suggested by Caner and Zia[4],the imposed tensile strain related to imposed deformation by temperature,live load andshrinkage is calculated to be around 1.6%,adopting a factor of saf
Assuming a link-slab of 5% the length of each adjacent deck slab as suggested by Caner and Zia
[4],the imposed tensile strain related to imposed deformation by temperature,live load and
shrinkage is calculated to be around 1.6%,adopting a factor of safety of two [5].This implies
that cracking in concrete link-slabs is inevitable since normal concrete has a tensile strain capacity
of 0.01%.Furthermore,cyclic fatigue loading due to traffic movements may be expected to widen
the width of concrete cracks over time [6].

Assuming a link-slab of 5% the length of each adjacent deck slab as suggested by Caner and Zia[4],the imposed tensile strain related to imposed deformation by temperature,live load andshrinkage is calculated to be around 1.6%,adopting a factor of saf
假设如Caner 和 Zia[4]建议的那样,链接桥板为每一相邻桥板长度的5%,那么与因为温度、活荷载及搜索引起的变形相关的施加的拉伸应变,经计算大约为1.6%(采用安全系数2[5]).这意味着,混凝土链接桥板的裂纹是不可避免的,因为通常的混凝土只有0.01%的拉伸应变能力.此外,由于交通流动情况引起的循环疲劳荷载预计可能随着时间的推移会扩大混凝土裂缝的宽度[6].

假设链接板的 5%作为建议的抗癌和齐亚每个相邻甲板板的长度,与相关的强加的拉伸应变施加变形的温度、 活荷载和收缩率计算需要约 1.6%,采用的两种安全的一个因素。这意味着在混凝土链接板开裂是不可避免的因为普通混凝土已拉伸应变能力0.01%。此外,由于交通流动循环疲劳预计可能扩大结束时间混凝土裂缝的宽度。


假设链接板的 5%作为建议的抗癌和齐亚每个相邻甲板板的长度,与相关的强加的拉伸应变施加变形的温度、 活荷载和收缩率计算需要约 1.6%,采用的两种安全的一个因素。这意味着在混凝土链接板开裂是不可避免的因为普通混凝土已拉伸应变能力0.01%。此外,由于交通流动循环疲劳预计可能扩大结束时间混凝土裂缝的宽度。


像Caner和Zia提出的那样去设想一个是周围的deck slab长度5%的link-slab。采用安全系数2计算出这个被施加的拉伸应变大约是1.6%,这个拉伸应变是与温度,活载,收缩有关的。这说明了混凝土link-slabs的裂痕是不可避免的因为混泥土的最大拉伸系数是0.01%.还有,由过往车辆引起循环的疲劳荷载也许随着时间的流逝会扩大混凝土的裂痕。


像Caner和Zia提出的那样去设想一个是周围的deck slab长度5%的link-slab。采用安全系数2计算出这个被施加的拉伸应变大约是1.6%,这个拉伸应变是与温度,活载,收缩有关的。这说明了混凝土link-slabs的裂痕是不可避免的因为混泥土的最大拉伸系数是0.01%.还有,由过往车辆引起循环的疲劳荷载也许随着时间的流逝会扩大混凝土的裂痕。


像Caner和Zia提出的那样去设想一个是周围的deck slab长度5%的link-slab。采用安全系数2计算出这个被施加的拉伸应变大约是1.6%,这个拉伸应变是与温度,活载,收缩有关的。这说明了混凝土link-slabs的裂痕是不可避免的因为混泥土的最大拉伸系数是0.01%.还有,由过往车辆引起循环的疲劳荷载也许随着时间的流逝会扩大混凝土的裂痕。


我查了下,大概知道什么是link-slab 什么deck slab,但我实在不知道中文应该叫什么。Deck slab 就是link slab两边的板。

Assuming a link-slab of 5% the length of each adjacent deck slab as suggested by Caner and Zia[4],the imposed tensile strain related to imposed deformation by temperature,live load andshrinkage is calculated to be around 1.6%,adopting a factor of saf 英语翻译3.3 Design of the ECC-link-slab The design procedure of an ECC link-slab is detailed in Lepech and Li [19].Experimental verification of the performance of ECC link-slab in accordance with this design is described in [5].Here,a synopsis of a link是什么 a;link是什么意思 link Link a .red:link和.red a :link有什么区别? assuming that Before assuming 14.若已建立如图所示的单向链表:则下列选项中能将s所指的结点插入到链表尾部,构成新的单项链表的语句组有——A)s->link=a->link->link ;a->link->link=s;B)a=a->link ; a->link=s ;s->link=NULL;C)s We made our internal decision assuming a share of supply amounting to approx.…100….%. this project is not a myeclipse hibernate project .assuming hibernate 3 cap Assuming you are not a fake profile too.要人工翻译. A chain ib no stronger than a weakness link CSS中的伪类,a:link 怎么还可以这样表示 a.demo:link?a.demo:a.demo? assuming extern returning in-slab heat extraction 什么意思? What she had seen,was a more kempt version of the rugged slab of All-American beef… of the...What she had seen,was a more kempt version of the rugged slab of All-American beef… of the man's man she had come to know and admire.And that just covere