Why do people say "curiosity killed the cat"?为什么说“好奇害死猫”呢?它出自哪里?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:20:08

Why do people say "curiosity killed the cat"?为什么说“好奇害死猫”呢?它出自哪里?
Why do people say "curiosity killed the cat"?为什么说“好奇害死猫”呢?它出自哪里?

Why do people say "curiosity killed the cat"?为什么说“好奇害死猫”呢?它出自哪里?
好奇心害死猫,整句话出自1912年尤金·奥尼尔所写的剧本.原因是猫喜欢用鼻子到处嗅.对人就是形容总爱问不应该问的问题,惹麻烦,比如爱丽丝梦游仙境.为什么不用狗呢?这是源于莎士比亚时代的一句谚语:care kills a cat,这里的care是说像猫一样的过度谨慎,多疑,忧心忡忡,最终让人折寿.到1909年,猫和好奇第一次联系起来在欧亨利的小说‘Schools and Schools’中“‘Curiosity can do more things than killa cat,’后来被尤金·奥尼尔用上,才成了今天我们常说的这句话.还有一个版本:量子物理学的一个经典的悖论问题,薛定谔的猫的问题.主要是对量子不可测理论所做出的一种猜测.大概意思是说如果某件东西不存在任何观测者那这东西就会塌缩到量子状态;把一只猫放在一个密闭的铅盒里,同时里面放上一瓶毒气,有50%的可能毒气会散发,那么在密闭铅盒的时候相对于猫就不存在观测者了,如果我们不再打开铅盒,那么猫就会塌缩成量子状态,成为半死半活的猫,但是我们一旦打开铅盒观测,猫就会被迫出现死于不死的状态,也就是说猫有50%的可能被我们的好奇心杀死了.英国.英文俗语说:「好奇心会杀死猫〈Curiosity killed the cat〉」,猫的好奇心真的很重,有养过的就知道,猫常常会离开小窝秘密地四处探险,而且猫碰到你正在做什麼事的时候,它会神神秘秘地在一旁观察你,也总是想要去触碰或探究新奇的事物,反而有时候会让它们掉到水里淹死、从高处摔死、甚至被车撞死...这句话真正的意思是「别太好奇,否则会惹祸上身」.

Can you tell me where the saying "Curiosity killed the cat." comes from?
For those of you have wondered, why did curiosity kill the cat but not the dog, rabbit, mouse or orangutan? Here's ...


Can you tell me where the saying "Curiosity killed the cat." comes from?
For those of you have wondered, why did curiosity kill the cat but not the dog, rabbit, mouse or orangutan? Here's the answer. The saying originally was "care kills a cat," and began in the 16th century. "Care" was a warning that worry is bad for your health and can lead to an early grave; the phrase was a recognition that cats seem to be very cautious and careful. Over time, the word "care" evolved into "curiosity". So there you have it. Be curious no more.
