base on 和 be based on 的区别,请高手详解

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 21:41:57

base on 和 be based on 的区别,请高手详解
base on 和 be based on 的区别,请高手详解

base on 和 be based on 的区别,请高手详解
base A on B是主动,将A建立于B之上
A be based on B是被动,A被建立与B之上.
e.g.He based his success on hard work.他将成功建立于努力工作之上.
His success was based on hard work.他的成功是(被)建立在努力工作之上的.

base on 表示主动,be based on 表示被动

两者是主被动的差别,sth be base on sth 可直接成句
base on sth 一般在句中担任定语成分

base on 和be based on的区别 为什么be based on 和base on意思一样而不是be base on和base on的意思一样?be base on our opinions should___ factsa,base on based on c.base upon based base on 和 be based on 的区别,请高手详解 base a on b和a be based on b一样不 be base on和based on为什么是his novel is based on a true storythe movie based on a true story be based on 和.be based upon The story he wrote last year ________ his journey to Tibei.A.bases on based on C.based on 请问应该选择哪个?base on 和be based on的区别是什么?应该怎么用? 关于base我看有地方写base on 和 be based on意思是一样的The film was made ___ on a true story.A.based B.basing C.being based be based那这题不就AB都可以选?郁闷.感觉有点发现问题所在了,不过和两位回答者说 base on /be based on 两个词的区别,请给出两个例子 is based on 还是is base on BASE的用法base 在英语书中,是及物动词,那么后面可不可以跟宾语?书中有三个短语:base on 、 be based on 、 on the base of 这三个有什么区别和相通的地方吗.比如:努力是成功的基础Success base his dil Many students believe the choice of theur courses should ( ) their own based on B.base on basing on D.base at base on 和be based onMany students believe the choice of their courses and universities should ( ) their own interest.为什么这里用be based on 而不是 base on 兴趣是被根据的 应该兴趣是被动 大学和课程应该是主动额这里 base on还是be based on base on还是be based on suffer from 还是suffer在句子中是使用suffer /suffer from?believe /believe in的用法什么时候用believe in base on用法The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds___ his arguments in favour of the new be based base onC.which to base onD.on which to base选D,为什么, base 和based 区别在哪? There is not very much experimental data ______ a decision between the two possibilities. On which to base B. which is based on C. To base on which D. to be based on