问下那句话里的there was noting about

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问下那句话里的there was noting about
问下那句话里的there was noting about

问下那句话里的there was noting about

问下那句话里的there was noting about 问下那个there was noting about 在那句话里什么意思啊? 英语翻译he asked his son who was sitting there这句话的翻译到底是"他问儿子是谁坐在那"还是"他问坐在那的儿子" If there were a heavy snow next Sunday,we would not go skating.这句话为什么要用were不用was?was不是过去时么 我是想问a heavy snow貌似是单数 为什么不用was Make possible somethings that others stopped was not!听某段听力,大概是这么个意思:将别人认为不肯能的事情变成可能!万能的百度给更正下,感谢回答问题的GGJJ.刚开始那句话 麻烦英语高手来看下这个简单的句子填什么He was more or less disappointed at__more guests.A.not having B.there not having C.not having been D there not having been. 为什么我那天不在那儿?英文怎么说?应该是why i am not there?还是why i was not there? 英文翻译:上周,那有一座书店.这句话用there is还是there was 本人是英语白痴问下高手There was no possiblity of taking a walk that day.这句话of起什么作用啊?大哥门详细说明 there was not more trouble among the people.这句话错在哪?为什么? in the begining,there was only a very small amount of unfairness in the world but every one added a little,always thinking that it was only small and not very important,and look where we have ended up today.最后的look后面的那句话怎么翻译 英语翻译Not only ...but also在翻译 ( 不但我的右肺受伤了,左肺也受伤了)时句子中but also分开了,那我想问下在这句话中不分开是不是也可以 请分析下这句话的结构To stop there was like clearing the ground without any idea of what was to be built on it. The bus was not there so I__(walk) home.填什么并说明下 GMAT语法高手进Opera originated in Italy but was not confined to Italy any more than the Italians were.谁能语法上解释下than the Italians were.把上边的那句话补全的话是什么样,然后能分析下这句话的语法结构么 there might have been no Lolita at all had I not loved 这句话是什么句型?句型,主干,意思,帮我详细的分析下这句话好吗? could he buy the car?yes,he could.It was cheap enough for him to buy.就是这句话里为什么要用was,不用iscould he buy the car?这句话是问他有没有可能能买得起那辆车,can表可能性时,是不分时间的 It was not cold yesterday.And there was some wind的同义句