他比以前细心了.He is ______ ______ then before.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 21:31:34

他比以前细心了.He is ______ ______ then before.
他比以前细心了.He is ______ ______ then before.

他比以前细心了.He is ______ ______ then before.
He is ( more careful ) than before.

他比以前细心了.He is ______ ______ then before. 他比以前更细心了.You are __ __ than before He is more careful than 不对的话,我想说“他比我更加细心”应该怎么说? 英语翻译据说他登山时伤着了左脚.He is _____ ______ ______ ______his left injured. 英语翻译1.中国的人口比日本的人口要多得多.China's population is much ____ _____ ______ of Japan.2.我们城市的空气比以前差多了.The air in our city is ____ ______ ______ it was before.3.海伦工作比玛丽认真得多.He He is cute.______ ______ ______ ______(他很可爱,有着一张圆脸) 他生病住院了 翻译He was ______ ____ ______ 他此刻正在睡觉.用英语怎么说he is sleep ______ ______ ______. 他不如我擅长运动.用英语怎么说He is not ______ ______ ______sports ______ me. 他对足球非常狂热 He is _____ ______ football. 他总是愿意尽全力 He is always ______ ______try______ _____ 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子.每词一空.3Q1.大卫比他的哥哥更细心.David is ______ _______ _______ his brother.2.据说,比尔·盖茨是世界上最富有的人.It's said that Bill Gates is ______ _____ man in the world.3.你为 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子.每词一空.3Q1.大卫比他的哥哥更细心.David is ______ _______ _______ his brother.2.据说,比尔·盖茨是世界上最富有的人.It's said that Bill Gates is ______ _____ man in the world.3.你为 用英语翻译 他比以前友好多了 现在他比以前健康了.(翻译英文) 根据汉语提示,在每个空白处填写一个适当的单词或缩略词1.早上,他的卧室充满了阳光.His bedroom is ______ ______ ______ in the morning.2.他只做了不到10个练习.He did ______ ______ ten _____.3.他在那场事故中 英语翻译:他挥挥手然后离开了.He ______ ______ ______and leaves. _____,he ______.He______ ______ it in tomorrow.不,不必了.他可以明天交它.