英语翻译如题,求Bonnie Pink的ring a bell 的翻译!请不要用翻译器,好的话我会再加分的!《Ring A Bell》作词:BONNIE PINK作曲:BONNIE PINKReaching up for no man's landTo take a breath and take a chanceI walk a thousand nigh

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 10:53:12

英语翻译如题,求Bonnie Pink的ring a bell 的翻译!请不要用翻译器,好的话我会再加分的!《Ring A Bell》作词:BONNIE PINK作曲:BONNIE PINKReaching up for no man's landTo take a breath and take a chanceI walk a thousand nigh
如题,求Bonnie Pink的ring a bell 的翻译!请不要用翻译器,好的话我会再加分的!
《Ring A Bell》
Reaching up for no man's land
To take a breath and take a chance
I walk a thousand nights to change the world
Where to go?When to stop?
Who to trust?What to say?
Found them all,just need someone to share
It's now in the dusk every day to carry on
Ain't so strong,I ain't so strong to go
Living in life as it's not the way to live
I wish you could hear me say that I miss you
Why were we there back to back?
Why were we there face to face?
I must be the light when you're in the dark
If you lose me somewhere,and your tears are in the air
I will ring a bell until you feel me by your side
Looking up into the sky,looking for the reason
Why I'm here,and why you can't be here
Who's to hate?Who's to blame?
Who's to hurt?Who's to love?
Who decides?Why we can't we be the same?
Try to believe walking down the lonesome road
Ain't so far,I ain't so far from you
Staying the way you are meant solitude
I wish you were here and shook off my fear
Why were we there back to back?
Why were we there face to face?
I must be the light when you're in the dark
If I lose you somewhere,and I'm still hanging in there
I will ring a bell until you feel me by your side
What has been in the mix too long?
There's the peace when you're at war
Heads or tails,You and I
Light and dark,Ups and downs
What has been in the middle?
What's there to divide us?
If you're hurt,
cry and say can't you see your my other half
Why were we there back to back?
Why were we there face to face?
I must be the light when you're in the dark
If you lose me somewhere,and your tears are in the air
I will ring a bell until you feel me by your side

英语翻译如题,求Bonnie Pink的ring a bell 的翻译!请不要用翻译器,好的话我会再加分的!《Ring A Bell》作词:BONNIE PINK作曲:BONNIE PINKReaching up for no man's landTo take a breath and take a chanceI walk a thousand nigh
Reaching up for no man's land 到及一个无人的地方,
To take a breath and take a chance 为了重新呼吸,为了重拾机会
I walk a thousand nights to change the world 在无数个晚上我到处奔波只为改变世界
Where to go?When to stop?将要去何方?将何时结束?
Who to trust?What to say?要相信何人?要诉说什么?
Found them all,just need someone to share 知道了所有,只需有人和我分享
It's now in the dusk every day to carry on 每天在昏暗中度过
Ain't so strong,I ain't so strong to go不坚强,我不够坚强去继续
Living in life as it's not the way to live 过着与期望相悖的生活
I wish you could hear me say that I miss you 我企盼你能听见我说我想你
Why were we there back to back?为什么我们彼此要背对着背?
Why were we there face to face?为什么我们彼此要相对?
I must be the light when you're in the dark 我一定是你在黑暗中的明灯
If you lose me somewhere,and your tears are in the air 如果你在某处失去了我,眼泪在空气中湿润了
I will ring a bell until you feel me by your side我会一直在你耳边摇铃,直到你能感觉到我在你身边
Looking up into the sky,looking for the reason 仰望苍穹,在寻找一个理由
Why I'm here,and why you can't be here 为什么我在这里,为什么你却不在这里
Who's to hate?Who's to blame?该恨谁?该责备谁?
Who's to hurt?Who's to love?伤害了谁?又该爱谁?
Who decides?Why we can't we be the same?谁来掌控?为什么我们不能在一起?
Try to believe walking down the lonesome road 尝试着相信正走着的那条寂寞归路
Ain't so far,I ain't so far from you 我离你并不很远
Staying the way you are meant solitude 继续你的方式意味着孤独
I wish you were here and shook off my fear 我企盼你在身边赶走我的恐惧
Why were we there back to back?为什么我们彼此要背对着背?
Why were we there face to face?为什么我们彼此要相对?
I must be the light when you're in the dark我一定是你在黑暗中的明灯
If I lose you somewhere,and I'm still hanging in there 如果我在某处失去了你,那我会一直在原地等着你
I will ring a bell until you feel me by your side我会一直在你耳边摇铃,直到你能感觉到我在你身边
What has been in the mix too long?是什么在混乱中逗留如此的久
There's the peace when you're at war 战争的尽头就是和平
Heads or tails,You and I头和尾,你和我
Light and dark,Ups and downs 光明与黑暗,上和下
What has been in the middle?什么在这其中?
What's there to divide us?什么让我们分离?
If you're hurt,如果你伤心,
cry and say can't you see your my other half 哭吧并且说为什么你看不到我的另一半
Why were we there back to back?为什么我们彼此要背对着背?
Why were we there face to face?为什么我们彼此要相对?
I must be the light when you're in the dark 我将是你在黑暗中的明灯
If you lose me somewhere,and your tears are in the air如果你在某处失去了我,眼泪在空气中湿润了
I will ring a bell until you feel me by your side我会一直在你耳边摇铃,直到你能感觉到我在你身边





都是自己翻译的。很多都是意译。 QQ290829329
Reaching up for no man's land 来到一个无人岛,
To take a breath and take a chance 就是为了远离尘嚣和挑战自我。
I walk a thousand nights to change the ...


都是自己翻译的。很多都是意译。 QQ290829329
Reaching up for no man's land 来到一个无人岛,
To take a breath and take a chance 就是为了远离尘嚣和挑战自我。
I walk a thousand nights to change the world 走过无数个夜晚也只是为了能改变这个世界
Where to go? When to stop? 去哪呢?什么时候才能止步呢?
Who to trust? What to say? 谁还能信任? 怎么去说呢?
Found them all, just need someone to share 只是需要一个人能和我分享这一切,
It's now in the dusk every day to carry on 每一天的黄昏正是鼓励自己坚持下去的最佳时期。
Ain't so strong, I ain't so strong to go 不够坚强,我根本不能坚持做到我想做的事情。
Living in life as it's not the way to live 为了活着而活着根本就不是生命的意义。
I wish you could hear me say that I miss you 我想你,我真的好像亲口对你说出。
Why were we there back to back? 为什么我们到这还是背靠背?
Why were we there face to face? 为什么我们到这还是面对面?
I must be the light when you're in the dark 让你被黑暗所包围,我就必须要守卫着你。
If you lose me somewhere, and your tears are in the air 如果你把我遗忘在某处,你一定会后悔到悲痛欲绝,
I will ring a bell until you feel me by your side 我一定会阴魂不散直到让你感觉到我一直在你的左右。(我翻译的有点恐怖哈~不过就是这个意思。)
Looking up into the sky, looking for the reason 抬头望着蓝蓝的天空,寻找原因的所在。
Why I'm here, and why you can't be here 为什么我还在这?但是为什么你就不能在这?
Who's to hate? Who's to blame? 谁会去憎恨? 谁会去大声责备?
Who's to hurt? Who's to love? 谁会去伤害? 谁会去爱?
Who decides? Why we can't we be the same? 谁会去下决心? 为什么我们就不能在一起?
Try to believe walking down the lonesome road 试着在无人的街道上散步的感觉吧。
Ain't so far, I ain't so far from you 不能很远,我根本不能离开你太远。
Staying the way you are meant solitude 保留你这种坏坏并且很酷的感觉吧。
I wish you were here and shook off my fear 我想让你留下并且赶走我内心的恐惧,
Why were we there back to back? 为什么我们到这还是背靠背?
Why were we there face to face? 为什么我们到这还是面对面?
I must be the light when you're in the dark 让你被黑暗所包围,我就必须要守卫着你。
If I lose you somewhere, and I'm still hanging in there 如果你把我遗忘在某处,你一定会后悔到悲痛欲绝,
I will ring a bell until you feel me by your side 我一定会阴魂不散直到让你感觉到我一直在你的左右。
What has been in the mix too long? 我们已经交往的够久了?
There's the peace when you're at war 当你想发火的时候,我已经道歉了。(这句是意译,字面翻译是,当你想发起战争的时候,这已经和平了。)
Heads or tails, You and I 正面还是反面? 你和我?
Light and dark, Ups and downs 对的还是错的? 对面还是逃避?
What has been in the middle? 已经在中间了?
What's there to divide us? 去哪才能分开我们?
If you're hurt,cry and say can't you see your my other half 当你受了重伤,一定会哭着并且大叫着不要让我另一半看见。
Why were we there back to back? 为什么我们到这还是背靠背?
Why were we there face to face? 为什么我们到这还是面对面?
I must be the light when you're in the dark 让你被黑暗所包围,我就必须要守卫着你。
If you lose me somewhere, and your tears are in the air 如果你把我遗忘在某处,你一定会后悔到悲痛欲绝,
I will ring a bell until you feel me by your side 我一定会阴魂不散直到让你感觉到我一直在你的左右。
