We all hope to live in a word_people from all countries are respected is tolerated.为什么选which呢?这是我们期中考试的卷子。而且答案就是which没错!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 20:16:44

We all hope to live in a word_people from all countries are respected is tolerated.为什么选which呢?这是我们期中考试的卷子。而且答案就是which没错!
We all hope to live in a word_people from all countries are respected is tolerated.

We all hope to live in a word_people from all countries are respected is tolerated.为什么选which呢?这是我们期中考试的卷子。而且答案就是which没错!
We all hope to live in a world where people from all countries are respected and tolerated.
所以答案应该是where或者in which,引导的是一个表示地点的定语从句,因为world是一个表示地点的词语,所以后面要用where或者in which来引导.


你原来的句子有些错误吧,应该是We all hope to live in a world_people from all countries are respected and tolerated.是吧?
which 这个定语从句是修饰world的.为什么用which不用别的我也说不好,不是老师,不太会解释,语感吧。...


你原来的句子有些错误吧,应该是We all hope to live in a world_people from all countries are respected and tolerated.是吧?
which 这个定语从句是修饰world的.为什么用which不用别的我也说不好,不是老师,不太会解释,语感吧。


我怎么没有分析出来:1、is tolerated 是谁的系表结构啊!!
2、word 是不是应该是world啊!!

状语从句。which代前面的 live in a word

We Chinese people all hope to live in a p__ world 3.we all hope to live in a () world.A.more good B.more better C.most best D.better E.bes3.we all hope to live in a () world.A.more good B.more better C.most best D.better E.best4.the manager made tom a better offer ()A.than Wilfred B.than Wilfred's C hope we are all that lucky hope we are all that lucky。To make each day count! we are all going to live反意疑问句 We're all going to live.You should trust me.(改为祈使句)We're all going to live._____ _____. We all hope to live in a word_people from all countries are respected is tolerated.为什么选which呢?这是我们期中考试的卷子。而且答案就是which没错! we hope all children can live in a world free of violence 为什么free 后边用OF 能用from We all wish her to go to university next year.可以用hope代替wish吗? We hope people have warm houses to( ).A.live B.living C.live at D.live in;说明为什么这样选? We all do not want to live up to our love of people,的翻译, 这个连词成句怎么写?pass all hope to exam we the We are all his comeing.A.looking forword B.look forword to C .hope D.wish We all hope you (come)to our farewell party this Friday. We all hope people can go to another plante (will come true). We hope ___all of the wild animals live happily in the wildA seeing Bwill see C to see Dsee Only by taking good care of it every day can we hope to live in harmony with nature.意思是什么? We all hope ____come to the party.A.he B.We all hope ____come to the party.A.he B.him C.her.D.them这里,hope后是从句吗,我选择哪一个 we will give away all the money we get to hope project.为什么用we get to而不用to get to