把这几句话翻译成英文,急需 ,谢谢了(别用机器翻译)事实上我也有一条狗,它非常的懒.如果你叫它的名字,它根本就不会搭理你,但是如果你对它说:“来,吃肉肉了”它就会立马跑过来.我经

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 17:53:34

把这几句话翻译成英文,急需 ,谢谢了(别用机器翻译)事实上我也有一条狗,它非常的懒.如果你叫它的名字,它根本就不会搭理你,但是如果你对它说:“来,吃肉肉了”它就会立马跑过来.我经
把这几句话翻译成英文,急需 ,谢谢了(别用机器翻译)

把这几句话翻译成英文,急需 ,谢谢了(别用机器翻译)事实上我也有一条狗,它非常的懒.如果你叫它的名字,它根本就不会搭理你,但是如果你对它说:“来,吃肉肉了”它就会立马跑过来.我经
actucally i have a dog,he(it)'s really lazy,he never pay attention to anyone,but if you say "come,eat meat." to him,he will came to you immediately.i always trick him with it,he believe everytime,i think i'm a bad guy.

Actually I have a dog, too. He's very lazy. If you call him by his name, he won't even look at you. But if you say, 'come and have some meat', he would instantly run up to you. I always play this trick on him, and he got fooled every time. I think I'm really a bad guy.

Actually, I have a dog too. It's so fucking lazy. If you call its name, it doesn't give you a fucking damn. But if you say "come and have some meat", it will run all the way to you instantly. I always play this trick on it, and it believes me each time. I guess I'm really a jerk.