帮我找出错误的语法Child and old man how often need in the sum.孩子和老人需要经常晒太阳。

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 03:10:05

帮我找出错误的语法Child and old man how often need in the sum.孩子和老人需要经常晒太阳。
Child and old man how often need in the sum.孩子和老人需要经常晒太阳。

帮我找出错误的语法Child and old man how often need in the sum.孩子和老人需要经常晒太阳。
常常how often 应是usually



The children and the elderly need sunshine very often.

帮我找出错误的语法Child and old man how often need in the sum.孩子和老人需要经常晒太阳。 帮我找出错误的地方 汉译英,找错误.三句话,拒绝软件帝麻烦帮我翻译以下三句话,不要软件的.并帮我找出语法上的错误.i think we needn't to continue to chat and keep touch.i can't understand that are there any reasons can be your excuses t 帮我看看有没有什么语法的错误可好 For example,it's easy for a child to wake up and know where they are.这里的a child表示孩子们,帮我说说这一类的语法,为什么单数可以表示复数? 改错 it is both the office and the library找出错误 麻烦帮我改一下! 请帮我找出下面的语法和表述错误,XXX always using our XX,but when I confirmed the customer's new order ,someone told that XX has been discontinued,It is being improved and will be continued at November,Nearly two or three months we can n 帮我找出这篇文章的错误语法..并修改下吧谢谢Sand,sun,sea islands,those are the beauty of zhuhai.Zhuhai as a special economic zone,economic is prosperity,it`s clean and tidy,every year there are many people come to zhuhai.Macau,also SAT语法题,找出句子中错误的成分! SAT语法题,如图所示,找出句子中错误的成分! SAT语法题,找出句子中错误的成分如图所示 on the weekend,my friends and l are go to Zhongshan Park.接上面(we get there at ten o' clock in the morning.we come back at 4'o clock in afternoon.we cost 50 yuan.帮我看一下有没有语法上的错误! 帮我看看我这篇英语作文有没有语法上的错误 帮我检查下这篇英语作文有没有语法上的错误,谢了 我是韩国人~帮我看一下这几个句子里面有没有语法上的错误~ At 9 o'clock ,my teacher came to my home and began the class.有语法上的错误吗? 帮我找一下语法和拼写错误吧 谢谢! 找出文章的错误文法或单词!>< 有没有人可以帮帮我把以下文章 找出错误的文法或单词 (帮我改正确)>< (不是要翻译喔)以下Mr.singular was a man of habit.He liked things to be same each and every day.This way he k