I think加句子变反义疑问句有什么特点,you呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 11:06:08

I think加句子变反义疑问句有什么特点,you呢?
I think加句子变反义疑问句有什么特点,you呢?

I think加句子变反义疑问句有什么特点,you呢?
如:I don't think it's going to rain,is it?
如:He told us that Mary would go to Beijing,did he?

主句是第一人称 根据从句变
主句其他人称 根据主句变
如果是 i dont think 疑问部分用 肯定

I don't think it's going to rain, is it?

I think加句子变反义疑问句有什么特点,you呢? think 反义疑问句I think 加宾语从句,他的反义疑问句有哪些情况呢? i am sure that.../ iam afraid that...反义疑问句有什么特别的吗就是和i am think that........ I think和He think 后面所跟的反义疑问句有什么不同 i do not think he is right他的反义疑问句是什么,后面加什么 I think 后原来加宾语 现在把宾语变成 词组反义疑问句是don‘t I还是把词组在变成句子再反义?拒绝恶意灌水 宾语从句的反意疑问句怎么变宾语从句的反义疑问句“,”后的否肯形式是根据主句变,还是从句变?如果有那些否定前移的词,像believe,think这样的“,”的怎么变?给个句子:I don't think you are wrong 把这个句子变反义疑问句,We don't think we can finish it on time,.. 把这个句子变反义疑问句,We don't think we can finish it on time,.. I don't think there will be snow next friday,后的反义疑问句怎样变? i didn't think that he was at school .怎样变反义疑问句 当主语是第一人称的时候宾语从句的反义疑问句的变法?比如这个句子:I think money must be a problem for him.变成反义疑问句怎么变? I dislike.求变反义疑问句. 对于主语+believe/think +从句这类句子怎样加反义疑问句 i don't think he can swim,can he 这个句子是对的吗?还有,那个如果加一个反义疑问句,i don't think he can swim,can he 这个句子是对的吗?还有,那个如果加一个反义疑问句,是不是can't he?应该是i don't think he ca I dont think its right后面加一个反义疑问句,是什么 含有could的句子变反义疑问句怎么变 这个句子怎么改成反义疑问句呢?I don't think there are aliens,( 括号里面应该填什么,请说明理由,