单项选择8道题1.you will pass the exam _____ you study hard A.if B.when C.after D.unless2._____ trees are cut down every year A.thousand B.thousands of C.thousands D.thousand of3.would you like to go with me --------- ________,but i'm too busyA.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 13:57:27

单项选择8道题1.you will pass the exam _____ you study hard A.if B.when C.after D.unless2._____ trees are cut down every year A.thousand B.thousands of C.thousands D.thousand of3.would you like to go with me --------- ________,but i'm too busyA.
1.you will pass the exam _____ you study hard
A.if B.when C.after D.unless
2._____ trees are cut down every year
A.thousand B.thousands of C.thousands D.thousand of
3.would you like to go with me
--------- ________,but i'm too busy
A.no'i can't B.yes,i'm glad C.i'd love to D.i'd like
5.my father enjoy _____ to light music
A.listens B.to listen C.listening D.listened
6.______ the teacher came into the classroom many students were talking to each other
A.whille B.if C.since D.when
7.could you tell me ____ in my your hometown in winter
A.if it often snowed B.whether does it often snow C.if it often snows D.whether it often snow
8.i _____ 380 yuan for the bike in the supermarket
A.paid B.cost C.bought D.spent
9.you 'd better _____ the school uniform
A.wear B.to wear C.not to wear D.wearing

单项选择8道题1.you will pass the exam _____ you study hard A.if B.when C.after D.unless2._____ trees are cut down every year A.thousand B.thousands of C.thousands D.thousand of3.would you like to go with me --------- ________,but i'm too busyA.
1A if表示条件状语 2B thousands of 表示成千上万 3C 肯定的固定回答 5C enjoy后面接动名词
6D 固定搭配 7C 首先肯定是陈述句,排除B 再根据时态排除A if表示是否 whether后面一般接or not 8A 固定搭配 9A 固定搭配接动词原形

1.A 2.B 3.C 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.A9.A

1A 2B 3A 5C 6A 7B 8A 9C



1.A 2.B 3.C 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.A9.A

1A 2B 3C 5C 6D 7C 8A 9A



1.Will you please _____ me the book.A.do B.make C.pass D.fly单项选择 单项选择8道题1.you will pass the exam _____ you study hard A.if B.when C.after D.unless2._____ trees are cut down every year A.thousand B.thousands of C.thousands D.thousand of3.would you like to go with me --------- ________,but i'm too busyA. you will be much[ ]if you drink more water单项选择 A.WELL B.GOOD C.BETTER D.BEST 单项选择 When I()her in the hall ,she was playing the piano A.see B.saw C.will单项选择1.When I()her in the hall ,she was playing the pianoA.see B.saw C.will see D.Am seeing2.I’ll go with you as soon as I () my workA.will finsh B.fin 两道英语单项选择.Nobody here will believe what you said just now.--_____it's true.A.Though B.But两道英语单项选择.1.--Nobody here will believe what you said just now.--_____it's true.A.Though B.But C.So D.And 2.--Why don't we take a li 单项选择:Don't arrive late for class,_____?A.do youB.are't youC.will youD.don't you 英语单项选择 You will never __________a person like him.A.change B.make C.turn D.get 单项选择8-16题 5道英语单项选择!急26,---I hope you have a good trip.---______________ .A,Good B,That sounds interesting.C,You’re welcome D,Thank you27,My pen pal will _______ Chongqing next Sunday.A,go B,come C,arrive in D,get28,Take a walk ________ the pa 单项选择.I want to know when Mr.Brown will arrive.When he ____ ,I will tell you.A.will arrive B.arrived C.arrives D.is arriving 单项选择, 单项选择. 单项选择, 单项 选择 单项选择, 单项选择 单项选择 单项选择