
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 00:14:17

1.A person can enlarge his or her public relations circle by making friends in different backgrounds.一个人可以通过交不同背景的朋友来扩大社交圈.
2.It can benefit individuals by expanding their knowledge and horizons.
3.Da Vinci,a famous painter remembered for the masterpieces “Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper”,has made equally significant contributions to many fields such as architecture,engineering,geology and biology.It is because of his profound knowledge of all these disciplines that he can create so many great art works.
4.Beethoven,a famous musician remembered for the masterpiece” Symphony No.5”,has lived a quite hard life.He began to lose his hearing at a middle age and became entirely deaf at last.However,this obstacle never stopped his steps forward.If he chose to give up in that hard time,then we will lose an outstanding composer today.It is because of his strong will that he can create so many great art works.
5.In recent food market,an increasing number of food producers began to put harmful additives into easy-prepared foods in order to reduce their production costs.For instance,industrial plasticizer,sudan one and ripening agents all have triggered a number of controversies.In this case,many people are willing to cook food by themselves instead of eating some fast food.At least,they wash vegetables and cut meat by themselves,therefore the safety of these food materials can be guaranteed to some extent.
6.The love,the friendship and the spirit of perseverance expressed in this movie indeed has a great educational significance to the public.
7.The girl’s spirit of persistence indeed encouraged lots of people to struggle for their goals.
8.An economist needs some mathematical skills to explain economic phenomena; a musician needs some background knowledge about music history to understand the meanings of classic compositions; an archeologist needs some geological methods to date ancient sites.
9.As a high school student,I spend 1 hour practicing tennis after school every afternoon.At the moment the ball hit the racket,I feel as if all the pressure has disappeared.Playing tennis brings me a lot of joy,and at the same time,helps to refresh my mind from brainwork all day long,which stimulates my brain to work more actively and efficiently the next day.

1.A person can enlarge his social circle by making friends with people from different backgrounds.一个人可以通过交不同背景的朋友来扩大社交圈.
2.It can benefit people by broading their knowledge and minds.
3.Da Vinci, a famous painter remembered for his masterpieces “Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper”,also made significant contributions to many other fields such as architecture, engineering, geology and biology.It is because of his profound knowledge of all these disciplines that he can create so many great art works.
4.Beethoven, a famous musician remembered for the masterpiece” Symphony No.5”,has lived quite a hard life. He began to lose his hearing in his middle age and became entirely deaf at last.However, he never stopped his journey . If he chose to give up in that hard time, then we would lose an outstanding composer today. It is because of his strong will that he can create so many great art works.
5.In current food market, an increasing number of food producers began to put harmful additives into easy-prepared foods in order to reduce their production costs. For instance, industrial plasticizer, sudan one and ripening agents all have triggered a number of controversies.In this case, many people are willing to cook food by themselves instead of eating some fast food. At least, they wash vegetables and cut meat by themselves, therefore the safety of these food materials can be guaranteed to some extent.
6.The love, the friendship and the spirit of perseverance expressed in this movie deeply has a great educational influence on the public.
7. the spirit of persistence of the girl indeed has encouraged lots of people to struggle for their goals.
8.An economist needs some mathematical skills to explain economic phenomena; a musician needs some basic knowledge about music history to appreciate the meanings of classic compositions; an archeologist needs some geological methods to date ancient sites.
9.As a high school student, every day i spend one hour practicing tennis after school . the moment the ball hit the racket, I feel as if all the pressure has disappeared.Playing tennis not only brings me a lot of joy but also helps to refresh my mind from brainwork all day long, which stimulates my brain to work more actively and efficiently next day.

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