
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 07:53:04


The Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Rings is a movie for our times.If we look past the stunning visual effects,lush scenery,and spectacular action sequences,and listen to the wisdom of Gandalf and Galadriel we hear the quiet whisper of the true meaning of the film- heroism.The message of this film is that true heroes are not the great and powerful,but the everyday person placed unexpectedly into trying circumstances.What a message at this time in our country's history.On September 11th we saw normal,everyday peoples lives changed suddenly,unexpectedly.They were forced to be heroes,to work to save not only their own lives,but the lives of others too.As Gandalf says,we do not choose what times we live in,but we choose what we do with the time we have.
Remember this theme and focus on Frodo's trials and perserverance whenever you watch this movie.Remember the loyalty and friendship of Sam.That is what this movie is truly about.
Peter Jackson has created a visually stunning film,filled with action,yet rich with meaning.He has for the most part stayed true to the themes and sequences in the books.While he has changed some characters and scenes,those changes do not significantly alter the plot and in some instances actually improve it.
Though the movie is played out on a grand scale,the film is really about a story of one little hobbit,Frodo,and his unexpected challenge of having to be a hero.
The score by Howard Shore is superb,quite worthy of the Oscar it received.The score is destined to become a classic.
The cinematography is also superb,also definitely worthy of its Oscar.
My one criticism,is that Saruman is given more time on screen than in the books.I felt he should be more so behind the scenes as he was in the books.The more sinister evil is the evil that cannot be seen.Though Christopher Lee,as always,is superb.
The rest of the cast is also superb,especially Ian McKellen as Gandalf and Elijah Wood as Frodo.Kate Blanchett and Liv Tyler are also excellent in their roles,bringing a strong female presence.