
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:07:16


相传古时,夏河湾湖边住着一对贫穷而又恩爱的夫妻,过着男耕女织的农家生活 因外敌入侵,丈夫应征入伍 妻子每天都爬上家屋后的山上,盼望丈夫能回来 年复一年,结果等到的却是丈夫的死讯 她大哭过后就坐在了山上,长久望着丈夫
Old down from generation to generation,summer lived a bend in the river lake poor and loving husband and wife,a male plow female woven peasant life for foreign invasion,the husband called up every day to the back of the last wife climb the mountain,looking forward to her husband to be back year after year,until the results of the death of her husband is after crying sit in the mountains,long looked at her husband