
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 21:30:12


Sept.19 - A private company has announced plans to rebuild Beijing's famous Yuanmingyuan Parkin Zhejiang Province.
Hengdian Group,famous for running a huge film and television complex in the East China province,made the announcement Monday.
Yuanmingyuan,the old Summer Palace,is a Qing Dynasty Imperial Park in the northwest of Beijing.
Construction began in 1709 and continued for 150 years under five emperors.But it was burnt to the ground in 1860 by French and British troops.
Hengdian will rebuild Yuanmingyuan near Dongyang in the centre of the province.A spokesman for the group surnamed Shi said it will be built to scale,covering an area of 350 hectares.
Shi said the plan has gained support from the government as it will bring new impetus to the local economy,especially the tourism industry.
The group will invest 20 billion yuan (US$2.47 billion) over five years.
"The park will be located in a remote place in the countryside,with hills,rivers and farmland,which corresponds to the original environment of the real Yuanmingyuan," Shi said.
"It will be a multi-functional theme park," Shi said.
Shi said the park can serve as an educational base of patriotism.
"If visitors compare the magnificent park with the ruins of the Yuanmingyuan in Beijing,they will keep in mind the sufferings of our nation in modern history," Shi said.
The park will also be used as a movie and television set.
The group already has a development containing an imitation of the Forbidden City in Beijing,a Qin Dynasty (221-206BC) palace,and a prosperous Song Dynasty (960-1279) downtown street.
The development attracted 3.2 million visitors last year.
However,the project has aroused controversy.
Ruan Yisan,a history professor with Tongji University in Shanghai,said he could not see any point of rebuilding the Yuanmingyuan,as it has already been destroyed.
"The remaining ruins are a witness of history and serve as a good reminder of what happened," Ruan said.
"Therefore any attempt to rebuild the garden will only be an awkward imitation.Moreover,the real Yuanmingyuan was not built in just five or 10 years."
Ruan suggested the group could use the money to preserve sites that are in urgent need of protection.
According to Xinhua News Agency,China has 2,500 theme parks,with an investment of 150 billion yuan (US18.5 billion).Only 10 per cent of them turn a profit.

Yuanmingyuan name began in 1709, Emperor Kangxi of the pro-that Park said: "Yuanmingyuan", which means "round and Rushen, and also when the gentleman. Ming and sunny wisdom of the people also." Of the...


Yuanmingyuan name began in 1709, Emperor Kangxi of the pro-that Park said: "Yuanmingyuan", which means "round and Rushen, and also when the gentleman. Ming and sunny wisdom of the people also." Of the Qing Dynasty and Five Dynasties Park after the emperor, 100 years of hanging around creating, building and garden because of the outstanding accomplishments, the reputation of the world to "10000 Park Park."
In August 1860, British and French allied forces burned Yuanmingyuan, the Yuanmingyuan This is the first catastrophe. In 1900, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing, Yuanmingyuan was once again destroyed, the only park in the wooden buildings were destroyed again, this is the second catastrophe for the Yuanmingyuan.
After the destruction of the Qing Dynasty, becoming the owner of the Yuanmingyuan Garden, warlords, bureaucrats, local ruffians, and other relics of wanton plundering Yuanmingyuan, park construction disappear, trees were felled, the mythical rainy blur the beauty of existence, a complete waste site Yuanmingyuan, Yuanmingyuan is the third catastrophe. During the "Cultural Revolution" period, Yuanmingyuan increasingly desolate, local villagers deforestation burning, Chenhucaotian, pioneers farming, the Yuanmingyuan Yamagata water, the garden suffered complete destruction of vegetation, which is the fourth Yuanmingyuan catastrophe.
Aggressors atrocities, the Qing government's weakness, the war frequently, heritage conservation awareness indifferent to the Yuanmingyuan has brought unprecedented humiliation and catastrophe, and evolved into the present "Yuanmingyuan Ruins"
She is China's Qing Dynasty working people diligence and a crystallization of the wisdom! She reflects our superb architectural art, is the south pointing carriage! Even foreigners WOW!
Second, she also witnessed the scene of the Chinese nation one of the most profound lessons of history is to take -------- backward! Forget history means betrayal, the betrayal is not Chujiubuxin between the new and old betrayal, but the essence of the whole culture, the betrayal of national soul! The result is the "weak people Merino, the first of its strong, there will be chaos!" The existence of the Yuanmingyuan Ruins to remind people not forget national humiliation. With the development of economy, the present Yuanmingyuan ruins are forever commemorate the national humiliation, it is the patriotic education of generations to come good material, it would repair the educational value of historical relics disappear. Now the value of Yuanmingyuan, not long ago in China 100 years ago the Royal Palace garden building or the brilliant, but the invaders burned after leaving the stigma of the site now have the heritage value of the real.
Third, if the Yuanmingyuan reconstruction will consume more of the financial and material resources. China's western region is also very poor, many students money to buy textbooks, we did not have some schools or a dilapidated buildings, classrooms, Block also is the child, they have to study! Development of the western region is still, if the reconstruction of Yuanmingyuan when China will be consuming more human, material and financial resources. This is clearly not in line with the national conditions of China.
4, Yuanmingyuan to become a key national cultural relics protection, if the reconstruction of the historical relics is completely destroyed. To sum up: Yuanmingyuan should not rebuild.


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