
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:14:19


目前活跃在索马里海域的海盗主要有四大团伙:一伙叫“邦特兰卫队”(PuntlandGroup),他们是索马里海域最早从事有组织海盗活动的团伙; 一伙叫“国家海岸志愿护卫者”(NationalVolunteerCoastGuard),规模较小,主要劫掠沿岸航行的小型船只; 第三伙叫“梅尔卡”(Merkah),他们以火力较强的小型渔船为主要作案工具,特点是作案方式比较灵活; 势力最大的海盗团伙叫“索马里水兵”(SomaliaMarine),其活动范围远至距海岸线200海里处.Somalia is currently active in the waters of pirates there are four main groups:A group of "Puntland Guard" (PuntlandGroup),they are engaged in Somalia waters of the first organized piracy groups; A group called "National Volunteer Coast Guardian" (NationalVolunteerCoastGuard),the smaller,mainly small-scale looting of the vessels sailing along the coast; The third group is called "Mercado" (Merkah),they are more firepower to small fishing boats as the main tool for crime,the crime is characterized by a more flexible manner; Pirates of the most powerful group called the "Somalia sailor" (SomaliaMarine),the scope of their activities as far away as 200 nautical miles from the coastline Department.