谁能帮我写篇“job hunting amid economic'的英语演讲稿啊少写了一个单词啊 economic 后还有个个crisis

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谁能帮我写篇“job hunting amid economic'的英语演讲稿啊少写了一个单词啊 economic 后还有个个crisis
谁能帮我写篇“job hunting amid economic'的英语演讲稿啊
少写了一个单词啊 economic 后还有个个crisis

谁能帮我写篇“job hunting amid economic'的英语演讲稿啊少写了一个单词啊 economic 后还有个个crisis
There are many reasons for this condition.First,the global economic crisis brought a depression of many vocations :bank business,estate,manufacture,international trading,logistics ect.The chain-reacting of this decreased the speed of globle economic development.More and more companies and factories went bankrupt,and more and more people were driven out of work.Second,Under the serious pressure for employment,the fresh man gratuated from school had no advantage for employment,they had no experience,no technic.We found that the fresh man during the education in school,they did not learn the actual technic,just study the knowladge in the book.Third,the fresh man can not accept some hard work,and they only want to work in some big cities,like Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,Shenzhen ect.The reason they did not choose the work in north west area of China is environment,the environment condition is not good,even though there are meny chance of employment for them.That’s why the condition of employment is not balance bewtween east earea and north west earea of China.How to settle these problems?First,our government should make some policy issues to revitalize the economic,like decrease the tax and duty,relax policy,encourage carving out ect.Second,the school and university should change the way of education,they should afford more chance for the students to joy some actual job in society,let them study how to use the knowledge in job.Thied,our society should change the thought of different earea,and encourage the economic of north west earea.Anyway,the condition and eviaroment is extrinsic,the most important is the fresh man themselves,study hard and work hard is basic,creative thought is chance,catch the chance and meet challenge,then you will succeed.

谁能帮我写篇“job hunting amid economic'的英语演讲稿啊少写了一个单词啊 economic 后还有个个crisis 谁能帮我翻译下College Students’ Job Hunting In recent years,college students find it increasingly job-hunting什么意思 大家看看我写的上海中考英语作文能得几分?I'm a member of Animal LoversThere is no doubt that a lot of animals will disappear soon if we go on hunting.I'm a member of Animal Lovers.my job is to prevent people from hunting animals and 给我一篇英语演讲稿.2.3分钟就行.题目which is more impoetant for you hunting job?ability or 机遇机遇英语写不到达 hunting for a suitable part-time job...desperate for a better future Many a factor plays an important in the process of job hunting.为什么有个a? 什么时态:Job hunting has always been a headache for college graduates.为什么用been,等. Handsome salary is more important than academic interest when hunting for a job.辩论 反方意见 有关College Students' Job Hunting的作文 求Job Hunting五分钟英语对话! the job -hunting rate of english major hunting for a 明天就考四级了,请帮我改篇作文吧!谢谢!Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic College Students’ Job Hunting. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below After graduation from college,he began to wander from city to city,----a job为什么用hunting for? Having failed to find the proper job,he decided to ______ job-hunting in this city.A:give up B:give in C:take up D:take in __________ to find the proper job,he decided to give up job-hunting in this city.A:Failed B:Being failed C:To fail D:Having failed 急!帮我写篇作文How to succeed in a job interview?字数120,谢谢!