请问下面这段对话的意思,"Let me finish with these gentlemen," my barber called out to me."Take your time," I said,and settled down to watch the fun."Good progress since last time,sir," the barber said to the bald man."I can see growth of ma

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 11:14:37

请问下面这段对话的意思,"Let me finish with these gentlemen," my barber called out to me."Take your time," I said,and settled down to watch the fun."Good progress since last time,sir," the barber said to the bald man."I can see growth of ma
"Let me finish with these gentlemen," my barber called out to me."Take your time," I said,and settled down to watch the fun.
"Good progress since last time,sir," the barber said to the bald man."I can see growth of many small but new hairs." Without lifting his head,the bald man responded,"I have been regularly using the hair cream you recommended.You really think there are new hairs?"
"Without a doubt," the barber asserted."With 30 years experience,I can always tell when I see new hair.Besides,I have been handling your hair for the last 20 years.I know the difference.That hair cream has worked for many people,not everybody.Clearly in your case it seems to be working."

请问下面这段对话的意思,"Let me finish with these gentlemen," my barber called out to me."Take your time," I said,and settled down to watch the fun."Good progress since last time,sir," the barber said to the bald man."I can see growth of ma
"让我和这些绅士断交 ," 我的理发师跟我大叫."慢慢来," 我说,然后安定下来看乐趣.
"自从上次以后有了很好的进展 ,先生 ," 理发师对秃头男人说." 我能见到许多小而新的头发在生长." 没有抬起他的头,秃头男人回应了,"我经常地使用你推荐的头发乳酪.你确定有新的头发?"
"毫无疑问 ," ,理发师断言."藉由 30 年经验,当我见到的时候,我总是能分辨新的.此外,最后 20 的年我一直在弄你的头发.我知道不同之处.那头发乳酪已经给很多人用过,但并非对每个人都有效.可它看上去在你的身上起了作用 ."

请问下面这段对话的意思,Let me finish with these gentlemen, my barber called out to me.Take your time, I said,and settled down to watch the fun.Good progress since last time,sir, the barber said to the bald man.I can see growth of ma 请问“let me see的汉语意思? 这5段对话的中文意思 这段对话的中文意思是什么? 请问下面这段英语的意思是什么? let me see的意思 let me get 的意思 请问下面这段英语对话什么意思?下面是一段节选的online chatters的对话,FrogNeedsAKiss:I'm in the US,and you?Coco:ChinaFrogNeedsAKiss:Nice,plenty of frogs to kiss there?Coco:noFrogNeedsAKiss:That's too bad!FrogNeedsAKiss:Checkin don`t you let me cry never let me go这句的中文意思是什么? 男女这段对话什么意思? Let me show you.这句话的中文意思 一道英语补全对话看看下面这段对话怎么做?(最好顺便翻译一下意思)A:Good morning.B:Good morning.what are you __1__ now?A:I'm __2__.B:Running?What's __3__with your bike?A:It's __4__.Could you mend it?B:Yes,I can.But now let Let me keep this secret just you know.请问这句什么意思呢?Let me keep this secret just you know.英文好的请告诉我什么意思 请教下面这段对话的意思.“Fine.” Was that a note of annoyance in Mark's voice?With two young kids it was rare for us to get time to ourselves.But then it was just as rare for me to have uninterrupted time on my own on the computer.I coul let me try 的中文意思是什么 let be me with you的意思? Let me think的汉语意思是身摸 Never let me go 的意思