英语作文 以礼物为主题,1你送礼物的对象及所送的礼物2该礼物对他产生的影响

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 14:36:34

英语作文 以礼物为主题,1你送礼物的对象及所送的礼物2该礼物对他产生的影响
英语作文 以礼物为主题,1你送礼物的对象及所送的礼物2该礼物对他产生的影响

英语作文 以礼物为主题,1你送礼物的对象及所送的礼物2该礼物对他产生的影响
"Teacher,I go to!" "It does not matter of." The teacher said,my arm out the door.Thoughts in my mind more than somersault.I can only walk slowly.
This is my first look at the teacher.A few days ago,our class teacher Wang sick,to see almost the whole class to see the teacher.I am a bit anxious.I learn in class is not too bad not too good.Good student who is not around all day to discuss a number of teachers,it seems to me is more like day to night Tam problems,and poor students do not have to be chasing please parents.In short,there is class and I am not,not me a lot.Students may have to visit a teacher,I do not,then how special a little bit too.Finally,her mother's urging,I decided to go to teacher's house.
I bought a vase and a bouquet of flowers as a gift to the teacher.I seemed to be an important task for the completion of a meteor-like stride towards teachers went home.Such as teachers walked away from a junction near home,a child riding a bicycle suddenly rushed out of dodge as I knocked on.Arm was scratched,and wound two centimeters long,and I do not care.What hurts is that I took a break,the rate of broken vase.Children watched the scared look silly,I can not bear to blame what he had to let him take the bad luck of identification.Although the teacher is coming home,because I do not have more money,buy a re-gift is impossible.Hesitated for half a day,I still had to ring the door of the teacher's house.
The door opened,I see the teachers know what to do.The teacher looked at me kindly and said:"Do not stare blankly forward to you,come quickly!" So I entered the house.The teacher's home there is no display,but it is clean."How has your arm?" "Never." She lifted my arm to observe carefully."It's still a piece!" I looked doubtful,indeed,as well as I did not find the wound."I came to you packed!" In the refuse me a voice,she has taken up kits,began dressing up for me.I was sitting,she dressing up is not convenient,I would like to stand up,I pressed him again on the sofa.She would kneel on the floor."I studied nursing before it!" I looked at her skilled movements,eye wrinkles,suggestible addition of white hair,a nose acid,tears drop on the arm."Teacher,I would look at you specifically,and can be spent on flowers and broke the road." My voice so small that even I have to hear the."That's nothing,do you think of the teacher in mind,this important gift than anything else." She laughs.In the teacher's house for a will I have to leave,the teacher insisted on me.I said no,but it is not a child,he only shook his head.We walked slowly,bearing in mind I would like this beautiful moment,because I did not give the teacher a gift,he has given me a gift in good faith.

英语作文 以礼物为主题,1你送礼物的对象及所送的礼物2该礼物对他产生的影响 关于“礼物”的英文作文1你送礼物的对象以及所送的礼物.2该礼物对她可能产生的影响及带来的变化 假如你是李华,你的美国笔友David知道你的父亲的生日即将到来,他想知道你将为他买什么礼物,以“礼物”为题给David回复电子邮件.包括一下内容:1.你送礼物的对象以及所送的礼物;2该礼物对 以“春天的礼物”为主题的作文,写景. 以送礼为话题的作文 送礼英语作文简单描述所寄的礼物选择这礼物原因新年祝福 以礼物话题 写一篇600字作文题目里最好不要带有礼物这个词语 600字 符合实际的 最后是送礼物给别人 描写你最喜欢的礼物的英语作文要求1 你收到最好的礼物是什么2 这个礼物是谁给的3 你什么时候得到的这个礼物4 他为什么是你最好的礼物 以经典为主题的英语作文 以记忆力为主题的英语作文 说说你的看法,应该倡导怎样的送礼风 英语作文每当节日或者纪念日,人们都喜欢送礼物给亲朋好友。有些人送普通的,有些人不惜金钱送昂贵的,还有些人喜欢DIY的。你曾收过哪些礼物? 关于三八妇女节送礼物的作文需要500字以上,详细介绍做礼物的过程 礼物作文抒情的开头内容是元旦老师送礼物给全班 英语作文,有人说,过节送礼,越贵越好;也有人说,自己亲手做的礼物才最珍贵.你觉得怎么样的礼物才最有意义呢?谈谈自己的看法,要求60字左右. 不,没有礼物.为什么要送礼物?用英语怎么说? 以礼物为作文题目的作文 《珍贵的礼物》(以伞为主题)500 以“中秋节你做什么了”为主题的英语作文