英语情景对话 在电影院的.公园的.音乐会的.急.在线等.速度.一定要速度啊/.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 08:03:10

英语情景对话 在电影院的.公园的.音乐会的.急.在线等.速度.一定要速度啊/.
英语情景对话 在电影院的.公园的.音乐会的.急.在线等.

英语情景对话 在电影院的.公园的.音乐会的.急.在线等.速度.一定要速度啊/.
Anson:Hi,Ben!Where are you going now?
Ben:I am going to the cinema.
Anson:What is on today?
Ben:Cats and dogs.
Anson:I saw it yesterday.It tells a story about a fight between cats and dogs.
Ben:Sounds interesting.
Anson:Yes.In fact,it is wonderful.All the actous in the film are real dogs and cats,not cartoons or tors.By the way,what time is it?
Ben:It is 3:15.
Anson:I have got to now because I have got to visit my aunt in the hospital.
Ben:See you later.
Anson:See you.
S2:Oh!You look so worry.what's the matter?
S1:I can't find my money.
2:is it stolen?
1:no ,it should be in my bag.I do not think it has been stolen
2:are you sure
1:I think sure
2:and can you remember where your bag is
1:Perhaps I left it at home
2:now what do you think about?
1:I don't want to borrow money I will put the book back on the shelf.I can buy it tomorrow instead.
2:but I think it's so rough.I can send you some money
1:is it possible?
2:of course yes
1:that's very kind of you,and I will borrow the money tomorrow
2; ok
2:it's my pleasure

三个都要吗?看来不用啦 ^_^ 偶翻其他的去啦