英语有不懂的地方she keeps a srote of amusing stories in her head.那个of后面amusing stories是不是修饰前面的a srote英语初学者.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 16:51:15

英语有不懂的地方she keeps a srote of amusing stories in her head.那个of后面amusing stories是不是修饰前面的a srote英语初学者.
she keeps a srote of amusing stories in her head.
那个of后面amusing stories是不是修饰前面的a srote

英语有不懂的地方she keeps a srote of amusing stories in her head.那个of后面amusing stories是不是修饰前面的a srote英语初学者.
a store of对应一堆,amusing stories对应好玩的故事

按照结构来说,of后面的amusing stories 应该是前面的定语,这种用法在语法上叫做 后置定语。

英语有不懂的地方she keeps a srote of amusing stories in her head.那个of后面amusing stories是不是修饰前面的a srote英语初学者. She keeps a dog.的keeps是什么意思还有它的词性。 下面的英语句子有什么可以完善或修正的地方,读起来好别扭啊!The passage isabout a grand mom who keeps a secret aboutdonating her ears to her own cripple boywho doesn’t haveears till she dead.尽量还是为一句话! she keeps a diary请问这里的keep如何解释? 英语作业上不懂的地方,根据句子意思,用冠词 a,an填空.1.It's raining heavily outside.You'd better take _________ umbrella with you.2.My mother works as _________ nurse in a hospital.3._________ apple a day keeps the doctor away.4.I h she keeps a d_______ every night She's strong ,because she knows what it's like to be weak .She keeps a guard because she knows what请专业的英语人士帮忙翻译下.不要直接在线翻译复制过来的. she always keeps secrets for me.的句型转换she keeps secrets for me . 有个地方不懂, 英语翻译有谁能够帮忙翻译一下Killer Queen 我很喜欢这首歌,但我的英语只有高中水平,希望大家能帮我翻译一下,She keeps her Moet et Chandon in a pretty cabinet 'Let them eat cake.' she says just like Marie Antoinett She keeps a d( ) in English every day. she keeps straight . She keeps cattering是什么意思 不懂的地方在: 蓝笔圈出的地方不懂, 请教一则英语笑话的意思.Confiding in a co-worker,I told her about a problem in our office and my fear that I would lose my job.She was concerned and said she would pray for me.I know she keeps a list of the ten people she believes need her 英语作业上不懂的地方,1:在必定的地方加上不定冠词a或an.There is young lady wishing to see you.We'll havo to wait for hour to see the movie.Susan ishard-working girl.She gets excellent results in exams.Good aftemoon.I'm Ann.I'm 新概念英语1语法我是初学者 有些地方不懂请指教 be 动词有 am,is,aream 只能跟在第一人称的单数 I 后面is 跟在第三人称单数 he,she 后面be 动词的基本意思:是she is,he is,it is,Tim isare 搭配 you,不管