英语翻译实现在宇宙中飞行的梦想用了一个多世纪的时间.(realize)他还太小,不能明辨是非.(distinguish)我要多烧些菜,因为他们可能会决定留下来吃饭.(in case)土豆是从南美洲引入欧洲的.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 22:00:20

英语翻译实现在宇宙中飞行的梦想用了一个多世纪的时间.(realize)他还太小,不能明辨是非.(distinguish)我要多烧些菜,因为他们可能会决定留下来吃饭.(in case)土豆是从南美洲引入欧洲的.
我要多烧些菜,因为他们可能会决定留下来吃饭.(in case)
土豆是从南美洲引入欧洲的.(be introduced into)

英语翻译实现在宇宙中飞行的梦想用了一个多世纪的时间.(realize)他还太小,不能明辨是非.(distinguish)我要多烧些菜,因为他们可能会决定留下来吃饭.(in case)土豆是从南美洲引入欧洲的.
It took more than a century to realize the dream of flying in the outer space.
He is still too young to be able to distinguish between right and wrong.
我要多烧些菜,因为他们可能会决定留下来吃饭.(in case)
I need to cook more dishes in case they should decide to stay for meal.
土豆是从南美洲引入欧洲的.(be introduced into)
Potato was introduced into Europe from South America.
That novelist likely have spent ten years to complete this masterpiece.

1 It has spent us one century to realize the dream of flying the universe.
2 You're too young to distinguish the truth.
3 I would like to cook more in case that they will leave for a dinner .<...


1 It has spent us one century to realize the dream of flying the universe.
2 You're too young to distinguish the truth.
3 I would like to cook more in case that they will leave for a dinner .
4 The potato was introduced into Europe from South America.
5 It's likely that it took the novelist ten years to finish the masterpiece.


1.it took more than a century for us to realize our dream of flying in space.
2.he is too young to distinguish between right and wrong.
3.I'll cook more dishes in case they should decide to st...


1.it took more than a century for us to realize our dream of flying in space.
2.he is too young to distinguish between right and wrong.
3.I'll cook more dishes in case they should decide to stay and have dinner.
4.potatoes are introduced into Europe from South America.
5.it's likely that the novelist have spent ten years working on this master piece.


To achieve the dream of flying in the universe with more than a century's time.
He also is too small and can not tell right from wrong.
I would like to burn some more vegetables, because the...


To achieve the dream of flying in the universe with more than a century's time.
He also is too small and can not tell right from wrong.
I would like to burn some more vegetables, because they may decide to stay for dinner.
Potatoes from South America into Europe.
That novelist may take a decade to complete a film masterpiece.


中译英:科学家花了一个多世纪的时间才实现了在宇宙中飞行的梦想(realize) 英语翻译实现在宇宙中飞行的梦想用了一个多世纪的时间.(realize)他还太小,不能明辨是非.(distinguish)我要多烧些菜,因为他们可能会决定留下来吃饭.(in case)土豆是从南美洲引入欧洲的. 最后他的梦想实现了.(英语翻译) 英语翻译“在经历了好几个工作之后,他的梦想终于实现了” 如果能在宇宙中超光速飞行需要解决什么问题如题,先不说可不可以实现 ;-)是不是一定需要巨大的能量来推动这种飞行? 我们想要在祖国举办世博会的梦想终于实现了.英语翻译. 英语翻译 你们的梦想最后都实现了吗? 名人小时候的梦想?最后实现了吗?在实现过程中付出了什么样的代价? 关于在宇宙中超光速飞行的问题恩,最近突然想到这个问题.超光速我相信总有一天人类可以实现的.但是,我想问,如果用超光速在宇宙中飞行的话,那还来不来的及躲避宇宙中分布没有规律的行 看补充 看仔细了2008年10月24日我国“嫦娥一号”发射成功,中国人实现千年的飞天梦想,卫星在绕地球飞行过程中进行了三次变轨,如图.已知第一次变轨后的飞行周期比第二次变轨后飞行周期 在实现梦想的过程中,又发生了些什么 第一个实现了中国人太空梦想的是谁 只有努力学习,你才能实现自己的梦想用英语翻译 我的梦想一定会实现.用英语翻译出来! 神州六号航天飞机上天实现了我们国人几千年的梦想.神州六号航天飞机在300千米的高空绕地球飞行它绕地球飞行了多少千米?(赤道半径约是6378千米) 它们给了人们一个让他们实现梦想的方法,用英语怎么说 英语翻译每个人都拥有梦想.但是,不是所有人都能实现自己的梦想.不是因为梦想有多实现,而是因为他们不够坚持.他们总是以梦想太难实现为借口,而放弃了去实现自己的梦想.但是我想说,这 宇宙是完全真空吗?一个飞行器在宇宙中飞行到底有没有受到阻力?