一个英文作文题目 Do you think people should buy things made in their own country even the price is higher than same thins made in somewhere else?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 15:10:48

一个英文作文题目 Do you think people should buy things made in their own country even the price is higher than same thins made in somewhere else?
Do you think people should buy things made in their own country even the price is higher than same thins made in somewhere else?

一个英文作文题目 Do you think people should buy things made in their own country even the price is higher than same thins made in somewhere else?
People won't have to buy things made in their own country even the price is higher than same thing made in somewhere else.
Because for their own good,it's obvious that cheap stuff save their money.people of some country think,buy their own country things support their country's economy and society.For example,Korea people prefer their own things no matter their commodities are cheaper or not.They think buy their own country's stuff and the money is earned by Korea or Korean people.However,it's not completely true.Foreigning company pay tax to the government,so If people buy the other country's stuff,their own country still get money and also they could save money.that's win-win trade,although country may get a little bit less.And also,many foriening company's factory is builed in their own country,So it wil release employment pressure.To sum up,international trade and free trade is getting more and more important in the world.Buying own country things only is not good for that.But if native stuff is cheaper and good quality,people should buy it without any doubt.

首先阐明观点,是支持国货还是物优价廉的外国产品。接下来说一下理由,如果支持国货的话,理由可以是这样。 第一国产企业刚刚兴起,虽然没有国外牌子那么响,但出于支持民族产业的爱国情结,还是要顶一下撒。第二可以说一下消费观念,人们普遍认为外来的和尚会念经,所以有很强的品牌观念,殊不知其实国产的产品依然很实用,而且从外观和美观度来说也不输于外国产品,我...


首先阐明观点,是支持国货还是物优价廉的外国产品。接下来说一下理由,如果支持国货的话,理由可以是这样。 第一国产企业刚刚兴起,虽然没有国外牌子那么响,但出于支持民族产业的爱国情结,还是要顶一下撒。第二可以说一下消费观念,人们普遍认为外来的和尚会念经,所以有很强的品牌观念,殊不知其实国产的产品依然很实用,而且从外观和美观度来说也不输于外国产品,我们应当从消费观念上有所改变。第三点如果我们都去买国产货的话,国产品牌就有了自己的出路,可以拓宽技术创新的思路,从而在不久的将来买到让老百姓感觉物美价廉的产品。综上所述,我们一定要支持国货。就像韩国人支持三星现代一样,我们也要支持神州和其他国产品牌。


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