
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 00:18:53


我的QQ 423345373 你给我一天时间我能翻译的更准确些 分不给分都无所谓我不是英语专业的 俺也是人脑 累死我了 然后又找了专八的给修了下
In today's economic globalization,The liquidity of Capital has been further strengthens international and globalization.in the international trading system China and japan always hold the world's attention what in Economic and trade relations In the first nine months in 2008 the bilateral trade was 2018.6 billion US dollars.In recent years japan has been one of the largest trading partner of china.At the same time,Japan was one of the largest investors to China as well.
.The bilateral trade has developed greatly in resent years .Meanwhile there are a few of restric factors influence it,bring the bilateral trade ups and downs.however in general,Sino-japanese trade relationship held a steady and healthy development.But Under the globalization crisis,what is the next step in Sino-japanese trade relation?
This thesis will be analyzed that Japan invests China and Sino-Japanese trade develop.From the relationship of Sino-Japanese trade development and changes,and development direction,manners ,character and infection etc.which Japan invests China .
explore the interest field in Sino-japanese ,enhance economical Communication and cooperation,carry on others strategic movement actively,it's also a major kind of invite investment from overseas.Both sides cooperation and communication due to the economic of Asian and Pacific regions so much as the globalizations' poverty and steady

In the economic globalization, capital flows further internationalization and globalization. The international trading system, the Sino-Japanese economic and trade relations has been the world. 1-9 mi...


In the economic globalization, capital flows further internationalization and globalization. The international trading system, the Sino-Japanese economic and trade relations has been the world. 1-9 mid-day in 2008 bilateral trade amounted to 201.86 billion U.S. dollars, Japan has for several years to become China's largest trading partner, while Japan is China's absorption of foreign capital, one of the most important countries of origin, from the trend point of view, Sino-Japanese bilateral trade relations have a considerable development. At the same time has also been a number of constraining factors, with the result that Japan's investment in China after several ups and downs. But on the whole, the Sino-Japanese trade relations remained stable economic growth and healthy development. While in the United States caused by the impact of the global financial crisis, Japanese investment in China and Sino-Japanese trade and how development and evolution?
This article on Japanese investments in China and Sino-Japanese trade in the development of analysis and study, through the development of Sino-Japanese trade relations changes, as well as Japan's investment in the development of the direction, methods, characteristics and impact, and explore the Chinese and Japanese economic interests , China and Japan to strengthen economic exchanges and cooperation, and actively undertake the transfer of their property, but also China's opening up and the focus of investment. Sino-Japanese trade will also affect the development of the Asia-Pacific region and the world's economic prosperity and stability.


英语翻译在经济全球化的今天,资本的流动进一步国际化和全球化.国际贸易体系中,中日经贸关系一直为世人瞩目.2008年1-9月中日双边贸易额为2018.6亿美元,日本已经连续几年成为中国最大的贸 “在经济全球化的今天”怎么翻译 英语翻译随着我们向21世纪的迈进,当今世界经济发展的重要特征已经表现为经济的全球化以及资本的跨国流动.国际资本市场的进一步扩大以及全球经济一体化化进程的进一步推进,各国都在 英语翻译经济全球化 是指世界经济活动超越国界,通过对外贸易、资本流动、技术转移、提供服务、相互依存、相互联系而形成的全球范围的有机经济整体.是商品、技术、信息、服务、货币 病句:随着经济全球化的进程不断加快,国际人口流动更加频繁.推动全球人力.资本.信息等生产要素的加速流动 求问如何正确理解“经济全球化的实质是资本在全球范围内的扩张”? 在经济全球化的今天为什么要弘扬爱国主义精神 为什么在经济全球化的今天还坚持爱国主义 经济全球化的今天为什么要发杨爱国主义 英语翻译摘 要利率市场化是指金融机构在货币市场经营融资的利率水平.它是由市场供求来决定,包括利率决定、利率传导、利率结构和利率管理的市场化.随着经济的全球化和国际资本流动规 在经济全球化的今天,中国应如何推动自身经济的发展? 在经济全球化的今天如何维护国家经济安全和利益 高考改病句哪错了?随着经济全球化进程的不断加快,国际人口流动更加频繁,推动了全球人力、资本、信息等生产要素的加速流动、优化. 经济全球化是指世界经济活动超越国界,通过对外贸易、资本流动、技术转移、提供服务、相互依存、相互联系而形成的全球范围的有机经济整体.(简单的说也就是世界经济日益成为紧密联 英语翻译1.2对发展中国家的有利影响1.2.1经济全球化为发展中国家提供了更多吸引外资的条件和机会.随着经济全球化的发展和 全球统一市场的形成,资本可以不受国界的限制自由流动,加之资 经济全球化的影响 经济全球化的好处 经济全球化的利弊