"B/L" 是bill of loading 还是bill of loding 两者有区别吗

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 02:01:18

"B/L" 是bill of loading 还是bill of loding 两者有区别吗
"B/L" 是bill of loading 还是bill of loding 两者有区别吗

"B/L" 是bill of loading 还是bill of loding 两者有区别吗
Bill of Loding是不正确的用法,可以说bill of lading.Bill of lading bill or loading用法上是一样,只是个人的习惯问题.下面有一些关于B/L的解释和例句,供参考
1.full set shipping (company's) clean on board bill(s) of lading marked "Freight Prepaid" to order of shipper endorsed to … Bank,notifying buyers 全套装船(公司的)洁净已装船提单应注明“运费付讫”,作为以装船人指示为抬头、背书给……银行,通知买方
2.bills of lading made out in negotiable form 作成可议付形式的提单
3.clean shipped on board ocean bills of lading to order and endorsed in blank marked "Freight Prepaid" notify:importer(openers,accountee) 洁净已装船的提单空白抬头并空白背书,注明“运费付讫”,通知进口人(开证人)
4.full set of clean "on board" bills of lading/cargo receipt made out to our order/to order and endorsed in blank notify buyers M/S … Co.calling for shipment from China to Hamburg marked "Freight prepaid" / "Freight Payable at Destination" 全套洁净“已装船”提单/货运收据作成以我(行)为抬头/空白抬头,空白背书,通知买方……公司,要求货物字中国运往汉堡,注明“运费付讫”/“运费在目的港付”
5.bills of lading issued in the name of…提单以……为抬头
6.bills of lading must be dated not before the date of this credit and not later than Aug.15,1977 提单日期不得早于本证的日期,也不得迟于1977年8月15日
7.bill of lading marked notify:buyer,“Freight Prepaid”“Liner terms”“received for shipment” B/L not acceptable提单注明通知买方,“运费预付”按“班轮条件”,“备运提单”不接受
8.non-negotiable copy of bills of lading 不可议付的提单副本

提单(Bill of Lading,B/L)是由船长或承运人或承运人的代理人签发,证明收到特定货物,允许将货物运至特定目的地并交付于收货人的凭证。


B/L: 是bill of lading 不是Bill of Loading也不是Bill of Loding!
n. (缩)提单


b/l的全称有人写bill of landing ,bill of loading,bill of lading,哪个是对的? B/L到底是bill of lading 还是 bill of loading?我怎么都看到过? B/L 是bill of loading 还是bill of loding 两者有区别吗 master bill of lading等于的是B/L海单 house bill of lading等于的是FCR对吗 提单是B/L bill of lading,为什么有的人说是bill of loading 呢,也有这种说法,还是拼写错误 BILL OF 英语翻译COMMERCIAL INVOICE INVOICE 特殊发票 PACKING LIST CERTIFICATE OF WEIGHTDRAFT BILL OF EXCHANGE SHIPPING ADVICE信用证种类(常见)B/L BILL OF LADING 特殊提单INSURANCE POLICYCERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN FORM ABENEFICIARY'S CERTIFICATESHI This-------is a great success.It has sold wellA.Bill ' s book B.book of Bill C.Bill ' s book D.book of Bill ' s 理由是什么 surrender of bill of 具体是如何操作的呢? 1/3 bill of lading 和full set bill of lading分别指的是几份正本和几份副本,在L/C上经常看到1/3 bill of lading,full set bill of lading,3/3 bill of lading,2/3 bill of lading,分别指的是几份正本提单,几份副本提单呢?这 --Jim is playing football.--_____.A.So does Bill B.So is Bill C.So Bill does D.So Bill is正确答案是B,我不知道为什么. bill of loading 是什么? bill of exchange是什么意思 bill of lading . bill of lading是什么意思 Air Bill of 英语翻译B/L MUST INDICATE ISSUER’S NAME,ADDRESS,FAX AND TELEPHONE NO.AND THE CLAUSE “ GOODS SHOULD NOT BE DELIVERED WITHOUT THE PRODUCTION OF FULL SET OF BILL OF LADING.”APPLICATION FOR IRREVOCABLE COCUMENTARY CREDIT是什么意思呢 bill of lading(B/L)和 delivery order(D/O)的区别1)有人说B/L是船代给卖方2)由卖方扫描给买房3)然后卖方付款4)卖方再把B/L原件邮寄给买方5)最后买方拿着B/L去码头提货.又有人说D/O的前几步和B/L