英语基础句式的结构e is to get married next month.她下个月结婚.The Queen is to visit Japan in a week's time.女王将于一周后访问日本.在这两个句子中为什么要加个is to ,如果删除会怎么样,我英语比较差,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 06:48:50

英语基础句式的结构e is to get married next month.她下个月结婚.The Queen is to visit Japan in a week's time.女王将于一周后访问日本.在这两个句子中为什么要加个is to ,如果删除会怎么样,我英语比较差,
e is to get married next month.她下个月结婚.
The Queen is to visit Japan in a week's time.女王将于一周后访问日本.在这两个句子中为什么要加个is to ,如果删除会怎么样,我英语比较差,

英语基础句式的结构e is to get married next month.她下个月结婚.The Queen is to visit Japan in a week's time.女王将于一周后访问日本.在这两个句子中为什么要加个is to ,如果删除会怎么样,我英语比较差,
be to do sth 相当于be going to do sth表示将来时 将来要做什么

英语基础句式的结构e is to get married next month.她下个月结婚.The Queen is to visit Japan in a week's time.女王将于一周后访问日本.在这两个句子中为什么要加个is to ,如果删除会怎么样,我英语比较差, Fire is burning的句式结构 英语的知识 句式和结构 分析一句英语的句式结构The light source must therefore be immensely brighter if it is to be used as a headlight to illuminate the path,than if it is to be used as a signal to others.请英语达人帮忙分析下上面句子的句式结构 英语句式结构It is amazing to drive past fields which seem to go on forever or whole hills covered with neat rows of grapevines.这个句子的结构是? Tom is excited to get an e it is hard to imagine how people will get through the winter without electricity 如何翻译? 这是什么句式? 分析一下句子结构! 谢谢!什么是 复合句???it is hard to do sth 什么意思 英语达人请进,帮忙分析一下这个句子的结构 句式 语法,句子不太理解,句子:Dentists say it is important to find soft toothbrushes made especially for babies and to use them very gently. 英语句式结构有哪些 英语中被动语态句式的基本结构是什么 问一英语句子的句式问题Although for diferent reasons,I was afraid to speak.这句的前半句算什么句式,有什么特殊的句式还是 什么结构 是不是因为有although? 英语基础不好怎么办?特别是句式,语法. 帮我分析下面英语句子的组成结构American labor movement helped to form Labor Day,but Labor Day is celebrated in September.在这个句子当中help是什么意思啊?本人英语基础不好,望详解. It is fun to get e-mail from China 英语:句式和语法结构的区别是什么?可以简单说什么叫句式?什么叫语法结构?区别是? 询问句子结构The idea is to create commonly agreed on definitions of Web technologies.(from VOA)agreed 是什么成分.还是该句式是特殊的. 德语有没有英语一样的句式?如:too to等德语有没有英语一样的句式,too to,it is time to do,等等如果有 能否给我一些详细的东西 学英语最基础的语法是什么句式?有什么类型?