they have______ (自愿)to do a lot of things for the patients in the hospital

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 07:46:34

they have______ (自愿)to do a lot of things for the patients in the hospital
they have______ (自愿)to do a lot of things for the patients in the hospital

they have______ (自愿)to do a lot of things for the patients in the hospital



volunteer to do sth 自愿做某事


they have______ (自愿)to do a lot of things for the patients in the hospital Bill said they would have______ holiday.A.a two-month B.two months'这两个答案是否都正确 They have been ( )自愿 their time for a long time 他们自愿为贫穷孩子筹钱.They ___ ___ ___ money for poor children. 初一英语句型转换.1.I have many friends here.(同义句) I have______ ______ friends here.2.They li初一英语句型转换.1.I have many friends here.(同义句) I have______ ______ friends here.2.They like (baseball).(根据括号里内容 On Manday afternoon we have______(sport). 自愿报名 英语怎么说 自愿地 英语怎么说?自愿选择是否继续学业! i have______ milk,but i______ vegetables(little,few) it's twlve o'clock.let's have______ There are five minutes left.You'll have______(hurry) “自愿的”英语单词怎么写? 水浒传自愿上山的人 舜帝是被逼‘禅让’还是自愿‘禅让’ 征平自愿什么意思 We have red, green, and yellow shoes for you .改为同义句 We have______ ________redWe have______ ________red,green and yellow. 几个英文词组的区别some words、words、the words、a word的区别最好附上力矩,万分感谢……谢……谢……①Mary used to have______ with her husband before they aparted.②Mary is asking for you.Maybe she will have _____ with 关于fall in love的完成时态用法They have______ with each other for 30 yearsA.fallen in love B.fell in love C.been in love D.been fellen in love这题选c,A D为什么不行?fall in love 是不是短暂动词?