下面的句子中各有一处错误,请把它圈出来并在横线上改正过来.1.Jenny go to the park yesterday.2.Are you in Beijing yesterday morning?3.Gogo eats a bottle of water this morning.4.My birthday is on August.5.―Listen!A girl is sin

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 21:32:50

下面的句子中各有一处错误,请把它圈出来并在横线上改正过来.1.Jenny go to the park yesterday.2.Are you in Beijing yesterday morning?3.Gogo eats a bottle of water this morning.4.My birthday is on August.5.―Listen!A girl is sin
1.Jenny go to the park yesterday.
2.Are you in Beijing yesterday morning?
3.Gogo eats a bottle of water this morning.
4.My birthday is on August.
5.―Listen!A girl is singing.
―Oh,she is singing yesterday too.
6.My mother write a letter to my Dad yesterday.

下面的句子中各有一处错误,请把它圈出来并在横线上改正过来.1.Jenny go to the park yesterday.2.Are you in Beijing yesterday morning?3.Gogo eats a bottle of water this morning.4.My birthday is on August.5.―Listen!A girl is sin
1.Jenny go to the park yesterday.go-went
2.Are you in Beijing yesterday morning?Are-Were
3.Gogo eats a bottle of water this morning.eats-ate
4.My birthday is on August.on-in
5.―Listen!A girl is singing.
―Oh,she is singing yesterday too.is singing-sang
6.My mother write a letter to my Dad yesterday write-wrote

5、is singing改为was singing

go 改为 went。因为yesterday为过去的时间,应用动词的过去式

1. go--went
2. Are--Were
3. eats--ate
4. on--in
5. is singing--sang
6. write--wrote

1. go改为went
2. Are改为Were
3. eats改为ate
4. on改为in
5. 第二个is改为was
6. write改为wrote

5、is singing改为was singing

下面的句子中各有一处错误,请把它圈出来并在横线上改正过来.1.Jenny go to the park yesterday.2.Are you in Beijing yesterday morning?3.Gogo eats a bottle of water this morning.4.My birthday is on August.5.―Listen!A girl is sin 把下面句子中的错误找出来,并写出正确答案. IV.下列句子都有一处错误,请把它圈出来,并在后面的横线上更正.(10%)1.He is tall than I am.________2.She is a little thiner than she looks.________3.Bob is heavier than any other boys in the class.________4.My brother's trousers 圈出下面句子中的错误,并把改正后正确的句子写出来:Jim want to drink lemonade. 圈出下面句子中的错误,并把改正后正确的句子写出来:What subject do you good at? 圈出下面句子中的错误,并把改正后正确的句子写出来:How many is this dictionary? 李叔叔不听朋友劝告,酒后开车,造成了车毁人亡的严重结果.把下面句子中用错的词语圈出来,并改正 下面语段中画线的句子有三处表达错误,请把它找出来并加以改正.3分) ①孝敬长辈是中华民族的传统美德.②不同时代,人们对“孝”的理解不相同,因为表达孝心的方式不同.古人把守在父母 阅读下面的句子,每句话中有一个错误,请把它划出来并在横线上改错The lady is wearing dress.It's white and pink.()Both of they are from Canda.()Lily does very well in paint.()There aren't any juice in the bottle.()Janet doesn't 阅读下面的句子,每句话中都有一个错误,请把它找出来并改正.1.The lady is wearing dress.2.Both of they are from Canada.3.My mother usually watches TV to 3 hours in the evening.4.Jianmin often late for school.5.Lily does very well 英语:一、阅读下面的句子,每句话中有一个错误,请把它划出来并在横线上改错.1、The lady is wearing dress.It's white and pink.________________________2、Both of they are from Canada.____________________________________3 下面句子中有两处拼音错误,两处关联词语使用不当,请找出来并更正过来. 帮我找错误,句子中的错误.下面语段中有三处表达错误,请把它找出来.1创建文明的城市不仅能提升市民精神生活的品味,而且可以进一步完善城市的基础设施.2在省级文明城市创建活动中,全市 找出下面句子中的错别字,把它圈出来并改正在括号里(1)我们完成了任务,把一个坚强的意志灌输到整个纵队每个人心中,饥饿、疲劳甚至受伤的痛苦都被这个意志刻服了.(2)万籁俱寂的草 圈出下面句子中的错误,并把改正后正确的句子写出来:How do your sister help at home? 圈出下面句子中的错误,并把改正后正确的句子写出来:Mary is watch TYin the living room. 下列句子中每句有一处错误,把它找出来并改正The math book is on the my bed. 句子中有一处错误 把它找出来改正